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[–] 9 pts

An objective look at the history of the first half of the 20th century shows us that Nazism was in effect the answer to Bolshevism. It was cause and affect that the Nazi's and Hitler rose to power. The Bolshevik jews were pissed about some 6 million jews that the Czars in russia had allegedly buggered (unverified claims of jews being oppressed) They revolted and murdered 60 million Russian and Eastern European Christians over the course of 70 years. The Nazis were the antithesis of the bolsheviks, they rose up against the Bolshevik threat, but were driven to their deaths by the Americans which were dragged into the fray by western bolshevik jews that were able to bend the ear of Washington politicians. The U.S. waged war against what would have been Americas greatest allies of all time. The fine German people of rich European heritage. Man did we fuck up!!!

[–] 7 pts

We fucked up so bad that we have pretty much lost our country because of it. Not including doing irreparable damage to Germany and one of the greatest races of people and ousting one of the greatest leaders to have ever lived.

[–] 7 pts

Imagine if the "greatest generation" knew they were fighting for the right of kikes to enslave their grandchildren, cut off their dicks, force their granddaughters to marry niggers and destroy their country.

[–] 2 pts

Then they got to come home and be ‘heroes’ until they died. While we get to see our country filled with niggers and everything important to us destroyed.

[–] -1 pt

Nothing is completely lost. Only within the domain of a materialistic, mechanical world everything seems dire. We as a virtuous people are outside of that domain, but need to operate within it, because weakling collaborators of our own have betrayed us. We just need to stop extending virtues to those who seek to subvert and destroy us. Identify the collaborators and perpetrators, and extend to those the sword only.

[–] 1 pt

Bolshevism is a creation of Wallstreet kikes. It didn't empower the proletariat, it didn't fix anything, because, the end the rotten cult pursues is to make civilization worse, so they appear elevated and in power.

Wokeism is the exact same playbook, with added emphasis on racism. It, too, won't empower any disparaged race, to the contrary, it will make their position in civilization worse.


[–] [deleted] 4 pts

I think a more constructive approach to this would be to consider that the Germans were also victims to jewish atrocity. Both Russia and Germany have been subject to their wickedness. As have many, many other poor nations and peoples throughout history.

[–] 2 pts

We firebombed German civilian targets during Oktoberfest.

Patton was right.

[–] 2 pts

Does it come down to one side made some movies and the other didnt?

[–] 2 pts

Pretty much. But don't forget about encyclopedia company purchases.

[–] 0 pt

No. It’s all about foreskins. One side has foreskins.

[–] 2 pts

no one knows about what jews did to Russians in the US at least. It isn't covered in school curriculum at all.

[–] 1 pt

Don't forget the Armenians, that was done by The Young Turks, who were Donmeh (fake converts from the Sabbatai Zevi cult).

Also the Boer war, which saw the invention of the concentration camp so the Rothschilds could get their diamond mines.

Also Hungary, which would've been worse if they hadn't won (in 1918).

Also Spain, same story.

Also postwar France, which saw heavy (((communist))) "retaliation" for "collaborators" that could've easily topped 200k.

Also China. Mao was heavily supported by the (((comintern))) and covertly by the (((US State Department))). He was surrounded by Jewish advisors when he started his Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution.

Also Iraq, which (((Madeline Albright))) thought was worth it.

So they've got full or partial credit for 3 of the top 4 genocides of the 20th Century even if you include the fake Holocaust, and dishonorable mention for dozens of lesser affairs spanning more than the entire century. Seen in this light, the Holocaust was fully justified even if everything they said about it was true.

[–] 0 pt

you guys are like the disciples of Christ after he rose again, hiding up in a room worried the Jews are gonna get ya, but guess what the Holy Spirit came down and lit them up and they went out boldly, some to their deaths, that same Spirit hasn’t stopped so it’s probably time to get things into gear rather than sitting around worrying about getting killed by some Jews, don’t neglect your opportunity cost, go out and do something good to the bad world rather than waiting for the bad world to do something to you

[–] 0 pt

You should worry more about the joos pets,the niggers-now those beasts will harm you.Stay alert.

Who do you speak with that has an actual opinion on this, that has led you to declare yours?

[–] 0 pt (edited )

The Soviets won the war and noone cared about the dozens of ethnic cleaning Soviets did including millions of Turks. China is doing the same now and noone cares History is written by the victors

[–] 0 pt

shouldnt. i would participate on a redo

[–] 0 pt

The jews did to Russians what they then accused the Germans of doing to them. That's pretty much SOP for jews though, accuse your enemy of your own atrocities.

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