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I remember when you could find some really cool websites full of interesting information, ideas, and possibilities. Now it's nothing but depressing politics, news, and bloggers plagiarizing each other with a bunch of ads on the side. You can't even find any new websites anymore as all the search engines pull up the same top websites.

I remember when you could find some really cool websites full of interesting information, ideas, and possibilities. Now it's nothing but depressing politics, news, and bloggers plagiarizing each other with a bunch of ads on the side. You can't even find any new websites anymore as all the search engines pull up the same top websites.

(post is archived)

[–] 31 pts

There is none, all connection and content is compromised. The golden era of the internet died when the advent of web 2.0 became standardized. Content was worldly different, there was no communism, there was mostly chatter about hobbies and interests. No one ever uttered anything related to social justice. A true paradise. That era is gone now especially when you consider thanks to obama phones and the advent of 20 dollar tablets and free wifi that every degenerate is capable of going online. Pre web 2.0, only whites and prospective people used the internet because they had a reason to which was often business or academic. In either case, such people were cut from the same cloth and were great to speak with, now every filthy degenerate nigger can enter and the enter internet has to accommodate them for some goddamn reason.

[–] 9 pts

Yeah, we lost the Internet. We still have sailing and snow skiing though.

[–] 9 pts


A small boat, a dog, some snacks and beer, and a fishing pole = paradise.

[–] 5 pts

And swimming

[–] 9 pts

And darts. And bowling. And golf tennis NASCAR fuck.

I just watched this old made-for-tv movie from the 80s about some chick in the 1800s who wanted to teach negros to read and write and the whole town was like naaw bitch! I totally get now why they did that. I really didn’t ever understand it before.

But after watching black college students on spring break in Miami Beach last month, I just have had to rethink the whole thing.

[–] 4 pts

And disproportionately low rates of STDs.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

There use to be a time when Google did not do any filtering and you'd find tons of niche websites. Unlimited # of search query results all on one scrollable page. Those sites are all stagnating now because corrupt Google is super censoring and putting upfront their pay-for-service bull shit partner sites, and all together omitting other query results(not showing it in the query result field).

There are TONS of niche sites they're still there but Google is a massive piece of shit.

edit: the deepfags are trying really hard to corrall everybody into the few censorship cesspool sites they control. The deepfags think they can achieve the monoculture they used to have before the internet came along, you know, the stupid mindless lemmings they controlled with their fake News MSM. Well we're here to tell them FUCK YOU

[–] 0 pt

This is 100% what is happening.

[–] 3 pts

Never seen a nigger snowmobiling.

[–] 1 pt
[–] 0 pt

...liberal universities with their "textile" degrees...

[–] 4 pts

Well said. The vast majority of tech was by White Europeans and Japanese. Then a lot of black people suddenly flooded the Internet with all kinds of nignognonsense.

[+] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] 2 pts

Stfu deepfag. there's tons of sites out there but they're all filtered out of the search queries

[–] 2 pts

Most people still spend their time on the legacy clearnet when so many alternatives exist.

Amateurs don't belong on the alternatives. They wouldn't make it through the gauntlet.

[–] 1 pt

There is none, all connection and content is compromised.

It goes even deeper. Nowadays all hardware is compromised as well. If one wants any reasonable expectation of privacy, one has to cut the power.

Organize in real-life with like-minded people, I'm sure there are more out there than on the internet.

[–] 10 pts

You’re looking in the wrong places. Ignore the drivel and use the internet to seek out specific information instead of mindless scrolling. The internet is a tool and you have to use it. If you don’t use it it will use you.

[–] 7 pts

decentralized tech: bring back the wild-west of the internet.

[–] 2 pts

With blackjack and hookers!

[–] 6 pts (edited )

The internet is actually one of the worse things to ever happen. But yeah at first it was better.

[–] 7 pts

No, it was pretty cool before everyone started using it.

[–] 8 pts

This is the big thing. It's not the jews that ruined the internet, it's the normies.

Online dating from 2000-2005 was pretty much all high IQ women. At least half were in the medical or legal field. Now it's all niggers and vapid whores. Around the same time sites like youtube and reddit were full of the kinds of people who question the holohoax and want to learn what really started WW1. Now it's nothing but the kind of mindless NPC who uses reddit today.

[–] 9 pts

The iPhone, and by extension the reimagined smartphone market, ruined it.

[–] 0 pt

The Jews used the normies to ruin the internet.

[–] 4 pts

Everything is cool until all the retarded normies hijack it for their short-lived entertainment.

[–] 4 pts

Thats pretty much what I said.

[–] 3 pts

It was great until jews really figured out how to exploit it. We need an all white network.

[–] 5 pts

The websites are still out there, the challenge is finding them among the noise. As you mentioned, it's the search engines fucking us. As well as link aggregation sites. I'll just explore my bookmarks and grab a few I find interesting.






https://www.therighttoolcompany.com/ Did you ever want a 30 round stripper clip for you magazines?





[–] [deleted] 4 pts (edited )

yeah, sometimes i just have to take a break

you just looking its all the same shit, or then you are argunig with someone that dont know wtf they talking about...oh boy but they sure believe they do

[+] [deleted] 3 pts
[–] 4 pts

RIP Internet 2004-2010

It's only a matter of time, maybe a decade or two, before we're all required to identify ourselves legally.

I once had a dude in the Air Force quote me my facebook message history, our privacy has been gone since the Patriot Act.

[–] 3 pts



[–] 6 pts

Golden age of internet was '90 to '98.

I've only known the internet since 1996 roughly. The downside is we don't know the amount of hours we exposed ourselves to this content for each year, kinda leaves us without the answer for when the internet was actually 'cool'.

[–] 0 pt

unconstitutional, you are legally obligated to kill all the traitors

[–] 0 pt

Al gore invented the internet way before 2004

[–] 2 pts

The atheistic Jews control almost the entire media spectrum, and they use it ruthlessly to degrade, intimidate, demoralize and brainwash whites. Their purpose is to divide us from each other and to make us ashamed of our magnificent history and heritage, both the greatest the world has ever known. The corporate media is the enemy. The Democratic Party is the enemy. The Deep State is the enemy. The justice system is the enemy. All of the major sites and services on the Internet are the enemy. The Jews have taken over almost the entire Internet, and they are using fascist tactics to prevent us from using the last, few remaining free sites. But when I talk about the Jews, don't assume that they are the source of the problem. Jews are merely the agents who are being used to demoralize and control us. The ultimate source of this hatred and violence is a Satanic source. We are in a battle of good against evil; God against the Devil.

[–] 1 pt

I would subscribe to your newsletter.

How can I gather like-minded people on this site and collaborate? Or any site?

[–] 0 pt

Create content. Gather fans, collaborate.

[–] 0 pt

That is a way...what else?

I'm not good at gathering. Or hunting. More of a follower.

[–] 1 pt

>The atheistic Jews

The religious ones are just as bad. Many say we're put on earth to be their slaves.

>Jews are merely the agents who are being used to demoralize and control us. The ultimate source of this hatred and violence is a Satanic source.

Yeah, the Jewish religion. Seriously, read the Talmud sometime. They're not good people.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

You just have to go literally anywhere that involves hard work or productivity and the liberals disappear almost entirely or are greatly outnumbered. Anything related to finance, homesteading, farming, building, for example.

[–] 1 pt

Hard work or competence. And the more difficult the whiter and maler the workers become.

Weird as soon as manual labor and contribution to society appears jews disappear. Odd

[–] 1 pt

https://poa.st is great, it's a twitter clone run by /ourguys/.

[–] 1 pt

Eternal September

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