Consider Jim and Judy Thompson age 68 and 67 whom I had Thanksgiving with last year. They've never lived in a large city. Never had significant dealings with kikes or niggers. To the extent they meet beaners they're the kind of high agency beaners who learn english and can live in a 90% white town. Sure they're aware that you don't want to send your kid to a school that's full of niggers, but they are totally incapable of understanding evil. They've never really encountered it. Everyone they know tells them the truth. No one steals or beats their family. They don't know any pedos or faggots. The faggots they've met are friends of friends and well behaved.
They are entirely incapable of comprehending the jew. They think the TV is twisting things and exaggerating a bit, but not completely making things up. They don't know everything they've ever been told is a lie. And what's more important is that they don't want to know. They want to see the good in everyone. They want to believe that beaners can be Americans just like everyone else. They want to think kikes are just normal people who worship the same god in a slightly different way.
They don't watch much TV. They're aware of the riots, but have no idea what they're about. They had never heard of antifa or SJWs before 2015. They don't know who James Fields is, but they've heard of the Hitler worshipping KKK member who ran down a black woman at Charlottesville for the glory of Satan. They don't talk about politics much because it's "rude" and "both sides are the same." They don't like Trump because he "twitters mean things" and think Biden is just another crooked politician.
This is the normie. They are at least 10 years behind you in understanding what's going on. At least half the people here were just as naive in 2010. But things were almost as fuck as they are today 10 years ago. Hatred of whites has been the law of the land for decades. ZOG was just as ZOGed back in 2010.
You need to understand that you're far, far ahead of the curve of understanding how bad shit is. They'll come around, but things will get worse first. Your job is to speed them along and be there with answers when they can no longer deny reality.
'And what's more important is that they don't want to know.'
this part is so common amongst boomers, it's enraging. they are so selfish. it doesn't affect them directly so they flat out do not want to have to concern themselves with it. social responsibility would be the first obstacle they have ever had to face in life. they don't even want to bother when it comes to their very own children.
Not just boomers white normies tend to think this way. Particularly those who aren't politically engaged.
(post is archived)