Most normies won't ever. They don't have the IQ or the where-with-all to wake up. A certain (large) percentage of people are meant to be led. They're meant to be told what to do and do it unquestioningly, that includes people on the right. ATM the leftist (jew) media is leading them. They are winning the culture war and the brainwashing war. In order to win we must play that game, and we must be better at it. For most of history conservatives have been in control. It's only recent that progressives/marxists have turned the tide and they've done so with many years of planting seeds and gaining control of influential institutions.
Whatever tools of influence we have, we must use to change the direction of the flock. The other side is not using morals, they are using every dirty psychological trick every created to influence and direct normie behavior. We should do the same. Study psychology and influence, it's needed now more than ever.
A book I recommend is *Influence: Science and Practice *(1988 version). I read it and it lays out how humans and normies are influenced easily everyday. It's written in very academic prose so you won't raise any red-flags buying or lending it from the library. Ready it, study the science, and then start re-directing the conversation.
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