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Basically everyone here realizes we're under attack by an enemy too cowardly to actually fight us. They'd rather hide in the shadows and behind others. Some here say it's the kikes, some here say it's the commies, most here say it's the commie kikes; one thing's for sure: it's a very real threat.

What I'm wondering is, at what point does a normie — someone that only gets their news from TV and only uses the internet for facebook and twatter — come to this realization?

Basically everyone here realizes we're under attack by an enemy too cowardly to actually fight us. They'd rather hide in the shadows and behind others. Some here say it's the kikes, some here say it's the commies, most here say it's the commie kikes; one thing's for sure: it's a very real threat. What I'm wondering is, at what point does a normie — someone that only gets their news from TV and only uses the internet for facebook and twatter — come to this realization?

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 20 pts

My vote is "never". A normie just believes whatever they're told in the mass media and consumes that information with no critical thought or independent research.

In spiritual terms, normies are asleep. Now some people are slumbering - sometimes awake but often asleep. When these people actually have periods of lucidity, you can show them alternative data, and they may actually consider it. But don't be upset if they go back to sleep after a short stint of wakefulness.

[–] [deleted] 10 pts (edited )

But don't be upset if they go back to sleep after a short stint of wakefulness.

Man that's so true. Happened with my mom and my brother. I spent years showing them what's what and red-pilling them on jews and niggers and WW2 and yada yada yada, showing them dozens of video compilations of nigger chimpouts and articles on black on white crimes, Balfour declaration, USS liberty, you name it.

They get it and even start making their own observations based on their experience, but the next show on jewflix featuring the same old virtuous niggers or ebil white supremacists and it's right back to square one, like a switch. Some people are simply lemmings.

[–] 2 pts

I was watching that video on lemmings that disney made. You know the one where they pushed them Off cliffs. Wow that was hilarious. I’d always heard they did that but never watched it. https://youtu.be/xMZlr5Gf9yY Idk why that’s so funny.

[–] 0 pt

Immature mind.

[–] 6 pts

Can't even remember when I was a normie, then. I remember being mocked for saying "I don't trust the news" back in high school by some edgy faggot.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

critical thought

Exactly what's been indoctrinated out of them for the past 30 years. They see the truth but the lie is the easiest path with less resistance .

[–] 3 pts

First and best thing they could do is turn off the tv. I asked my grandpa what invention changed things the most in his life time and he said well once television was in every home you saw how everybody changed. Everybody started repeating what it said. Everybody took all of it as fact. Then you got what 50 years of programming. Old people their kids their kids and now their kids too. That’s generational brainwashing

1st thing I've read from you that didn't ask me to send a dick pic.

[–] 0 pt

Even before TV there was radio.

[–] 0 pt

I'm trying to compile a USB to repill people but I don't know exactly what content to offline and add or how I should structure the data.

[–] 5 pts (edited )

Consider Jim and Judy Thompson age 68 and 67 whom I had Thanksgiving with last year. They've never lived in a large city. Never had significant dealings with kikes or niggers. To the extent they meet beaners they're the kind of high agency beaners who learn english and can live in a 90% white town. Sure they're aware that you don't want to send your kid to a school that's full of niggers, but they are totally incapable of understanding evil. They've never really encountered it. Everyone they know tells them the truth. No one steals or beats their family. They don't know any pedos or faggots. The faggots they've met are friends of friends and well behaved.

They are entirely incapable of comprehending the jew. They think the TV is twisting things and exaggerating a bit, but not completely making things up. They don't know everything they've ever been told is a lie. And what's more important is that they don't want to know. They want to see the good in everyone. They want to believe that beaners can be Americans just like everyone else. They want to think kikes are just normal people who worship the same god in a slightly different way.

They don't watch much TV. They're aware of the riots, but have no idea what they're about. They had never heard of antifa or SJWs before 2015. They don't know who James Fields is, but they've heard of the Hitler worshipping KKK member who ran down a black woman at Charlottesville for the glory of Satan. They don't talk about politics much because it's "rude" and "both sides are the same." They don't like Trump because he "twitters mean things" and think Biden is just another crooked politician.

This is the normie. They are at least 10 years behind you in understanding what's going on. At least half the people here were just as naive in 2010. But things were almost as fuck as they are today 10 years ago. Hatred of whites has been the law of the land for decades. ZOG was just as ZOGed back in 2010.

You need to understand that you're far, far ahead of the curve of understanding how bad shit is. They'll come around, but things will get worse first. Your job is to speed them along and be there with answers when they can no longer deny reality.

[–] 1 pt

'And what's more important is that they don't want to know.'

this part is so common amongst boomers, it's enraging. they are so selfish. it doesn't affect them directly so they flat out do not want to have to concern themselves with it. social responsibility would be the first obstacle they have ever had to face in life. they don't even want to bother when it comes to their very own children.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Not just boomers white normies tend to think this way. Particularly those who aren't politically engaged.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

They don't. The shock of realizing that everything they've ever learned is entirely a lie breaks most people. Most people aren't going to willingly go through that.

[–] 3 pts

“So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern...Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.”

Until they become conscious they will never rebel and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious

[–] 6 pts

Orwell knew what was coming

[–] 4 pts

Orwell knew what had already arrived he just added a sci fi layer to the way the British carry on. Same as Huxley, they were writing about what they knew. Huxley saw California in the 1930s and added a sci fi layer to write Brave New World TPTSB started the frog on a low heat a long time ago, its starting to really boil now

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I thought I remembered reading that Huxley had a connection to Tavistock, but this is the only thing I could find after a short search. https://archive.org/details/AldousHuxley--TheUltimateRevolution--ABlueprintToEnslaveTheMasses

I remember James Corbett talking about him too. Huxley did more than just visit California. He was an insider who knew a lot of the people that were planning to do what he wrote about. H.G. Wells and Carrol Quigley fit the same mold.

[–] 1 pt

Imo it seemed like Orwell envisioned it being forced on us, whereas Huxley thought we would basically want it.

[–] 2 pts

Orwell saw it arrive in Spain. He went to fight like a good little leftie and instead got turned on and almost assassinated by the Jewish communists. 1984 and The Gulag Archipelago read pretty similarly because they're describing the same behavior from the same regime.

[–] 1 pt

“So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance.

What you're describing sounds like paradise compared to reality, in reality many if not most have had their jobs taken by the state, whites are decentivized from breeding, women have rights to kill the child, and it's damn near impossible to find a woman to bear your children in the first place.

Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds

Instead we have unemployment, no children to take care of, many whites without homes, it's illegal to talk to your neighbors, the movies are all shit and overly politicized, same with sports, few have the spending money to spend on alcohol, and gambling means the jew or prairie nigger always wins in the end because of anti-gambling laws designed to crush independent and off the books competition.

[–] 0 pt

I agree. Orwell was writing what he knew. We have censored fakebook feeds filled with illiterate drivel, passive sedentary jobs and lifestyles. The list is endless. 1984 might explain the motives of the oligarchs but it is poor in predicting social life, it is more about the UK/London in the 1940s. Brave New World is closer in the way it depicts scientific social engineering but its predicted class system is not a 1:1 map of clown world. In Brave New World all the classes are socially "useful"

Demolition Man is looking scarily prescient.

[–] 2 pts

Canada didn't record a single case of the flu from March 15 2020 to March 15 2021. That's is waking up a lot of people.

[–] 0 pt

What do you say when their reply is: "it's almost like social distancing, and masks helped stop the spread of the flu?" Then when you say, "well, then how are people still getting " covid"? And they reply that covid is different and more "contagious"?

[–] 2 pts

They never will because they fully believe in multiculturalism.

[–] 2 pts

What I'm wondering is, at what point does a normie — someone that only gets their news from TV and only uses the internet for facebook and twatter — come to this realization?

They don't.

[–] 0 pt

Reddit seemed like a good place for ideas to be shared and challenged. Now look at it.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 2 pts

Any normies who followed the jan 6 capital protest in detail should realize we are being removed.

[–] 2 pts

Normies don't because they wouldn't have access to the information.

[–] 2 pts

Not only that but i think people intentionally want to remain ignorant. They dont want it to happen but think someone else will take care of the problem.

[–] 2 pts

This. It is willful denial. They refuse to take responsibility for their own thoughts, their lack of action, lack of self determination. It is far easier to be a drone and told when to work, eat, go to toilet, what to watch, what to think.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

you mean the "capitol riot?"

Normies didn't see a protest, they saw what CNN told them to see.

[–] 1 pt

I think I have the answer to this. Here is how it works:

1) We are type of animal called a mammal. We are a type of mammal closely related to a chimp, so much so that both the chimps and humans practice non stop genocide.

We are a genocide species.

Here is a video about our primitive cousins showing us the true nature of our species in a beautifully abstract way (and told as only Count Dankula can tell it): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shJ1l9lz9IA

2) If learn about humans and chimp societies at the correct resolution (not too high, not too close) you start to notice interesting patterns.

One of which is that the survival of a single chimp in the wild vs the chimp group in the wild is dependent on the following transactions:

a) A chimp group survival is dependent on gaining new members. They will trade their group resources for the addition of the labour of a new member.

b) An individual chimps survival is dependent on striking alliances with the most successful group. The individual chimp trades his labour for access to the resources of the group.

But, the actual mechanics of this are quite devious. In order for the group to on board a new tribe member, the new member has to onboard the belief system of the group. The reason for this is that in order for the group to share it's resources with a new member, they MUST HAVE A GUARANTEE that this new tribe member is not just a moocher, but a true member that is willing to go to war and die for the tribe. The individual chimps gets access to the resources of the group, the group gets the labour of a new member + uploads their value systems to the new member to fit them into the hierarchy and guarantee the new member will fight for them.

This is the same for us, the only difference is we make long term and temporary alliances with A LOT of groups or individuals, chimps make only a few. A difference in degrees but essentially the same mechanism.

In other words, humans don't rationaly consider their value system. This takes too much time, too much effort and frankly is too hard because the group is always much smarter than 50 lifetimes of a single individual. Instead, like a chimp that has to join a new group, we onboard the value systems of the groups around us that help us survive.

I used to be a leftists. I did not have those beliefs because I thought about them. I thought about the belief systems of the left because I had them because members of my tribe had them. When members of my tribe went nuts when Trump won in 2016, I got pushed out and ended up in a new tribe. I'm not sure that I chose my new beliefs, but I am sure that these new beliefs are a superset of the beliefs of the left and therefore give me huge new advantage in all sorts of ways, while presenting only minimal issues because I can always pretend to share the values of those on the left when I am within their territories.

3) THE ANSWER: The answer to the question is basically in a national geographic special. In 2016 we had ZERO alt and alt alt infrastructure. Most of us did not even know we existed as an entity, we were embedded in those social group.

In 2021, we have a pretty fucking huge ecosystem of alt and alt alt tech. This shit is growing. People are getting together, talking and sharing information.

And what I am finding is that, when you go down the rabbit hole, it may be deep but there is a bottom. Once you understand the human animal and how the world works WE ALL AGREE ON A SINGLE NARRATIVE AND SINGLE VALUE SYSTEM. I keep on running into private conversations on all kinds of online places where people I have never met before share the exact same narrative and value system as most of us here. It is kind of scary how closely alligned all of us are in that regard around the world.

In summary, we need to keep on gaining territory and building out our parallel economy. As we grow it more and more people will switch. Then, one day, when our group is the dominant one in the western world, all the so called normies will switch. They won't give us any loyalty like those that built this thing because they only ally them selves with the strongest group and will switch at any time there is a power change.

But, that is how our species works in my opinion.

We are on a good trajectory. Not fast enough, possibly just in the nick of time, but we are on a good trajectory.

Our toughest challenges are basically banking and financial transactions. That is the only area where you can't really think your way through that as that is fully controlled by jews and other secretive groups that find us a threat. Thankfully crypto is here, but, that threatens fiat so who knows how that will shake out.

It can happen if you know how the human animal works. We just have to make it.

And here is the kicker: We can become millionaires and billionaires building this new parallel economy.

I'm not so sure we are a "genocide" species, as we socially evolve we become more and more tolerant and ambivalent toward lesser tribes (for the want of a better word). Ethnic purity is a fine thing but to me, racial purity trumps ethnicity; viz. asian and caucasian developments of nearly everything the modern world deems valuable - and even not valuable (you choose).

Parallel economy? Indeed. But as so many have said before: "keep your friends close and your enemies closer". La Costa Nostra.

Crypto: absolutely.

[–] 1 pt

Most normies won't ever. They don't have the IQ or the where-with-all to wake up. A certain (large) percentage of people are meant to be led. They're meant to be told what to do and do it unquestioningly, that includes people on the right. ATM the leftist (jew) media is leading them. They are winning the culture war and the brainwashing war. In order to win we must play that game, and we must be better at it. For most of history conservatives have been in control. It's only recent that progressives/marxists have turned the tide and they've done so with many years of planting seeds and gaining control of influential institutions.

Whatever tools of influence we have, we must use to change the direction of the flock. The other side is not using morals, they are using every dirty psychological trick every created to influence and direct normie behavior. We should do the same. Study psychology and influence, it's needed now more than ever.

A book I recommend is *Influence: Science and Practice *(1988 version). I read it and it lays out how humans and normies are influenced easily everyday. It's written in very academic prose so you won't raise any red-flags buying or lending it from the library. Ready it, study the science, and then start re-directing the conversation.

[–] 1 pt

Pdf of Influence (researchgate.net)

Edited link title

If they haven't figured that out yet. I guess without almost dying or getting beat down or robbed at gun point of watching someone die of "fake covid" after getting vacinne or your kid dying, or for them watching a million black people die that got the vaccine. It's gonna take a mental/emotions kick in the balls to wake these stubborn fucks up.

They are like a follower of Islam, they don't even dare to think of their prophet in other than perfect and is so far above him he cannot think he has the ability to even guess what his reason for doing anything is and to be faithful cannot bear to even ask since that would in his eyes be a thing you go for hell for.

I used this because people here believe that and that is what a liberal will have to have happen as in questioning their political god and not get retribution as in forced out and maybe a lot of violence on top of it and that could be right.

A lot of them like even the older conservative women do not even want to hear what is happening since they are so stressed over everything since Trump was cheated. They often "I have one" sit and watch FOX all day every day.

I gave up tv and FOX over a year ago since I realize it was causing anxiety because of all the stuff they were not covering that was out there I read here and other places. I also realize it was bullshit when the hired the 2016 DNC head that covered up for Hillary to manage the network.

I was then, nope, black lady that was the head of the DNC when Seth Rich died and then did not let the FBI or any government person looks at Riches computer records. Instead they hired a private firm that will tell them whatever they pay them to say.

I knew FOX was the fox in the hen-house also.

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