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[–] [deleted] 23 pts (edited )

One killed a 70yr doctor, his wife, and 2 of their grandchildren in their own home a couple of weeks ago. It barely made the local news.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't lose a couple hours sleep over this one. In Cali I couldn't care less, but this was local and one of those watershed moments that change a person.

[–] 3 pts

You seem to forget how poor and underprivileged the nog was though. He only made about $5 Million for 8ish years of "work"? How's a brother supposed to survive on that?

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Yeah, mentioning he was an NFL nigger seemed asinine. The whole league is niggers now and that fact changes nothing in this situation.

[–] 2 pts

Yeah, the only use I get from the nfl (& nba) is 'virtue signalling' to shitlibs around me by telling them I've stopped watching, because they are so lacking in diversity.

[–] 1 pt

Notice how some tried to blame CTE? No, he’s just a violent nigger that didn’t get his prescription filled for his addictive pills. So he killed them.

[–] 1 pt

Or the one that threw a white guy over a bridge cuz he was trying to stop the nigger from robbing a woman. He lived but it's terrifying

Someone needs to make a tasteful website that serves as a chronological shrine to nigger crime. Interactive, but easily let you see them all lined up

[–] 13 pts

it didnt fit the narrative. Make no mistake, the jews who own the media dont give a fuck about blacks, they hate them more than us, they just want us to hate blacks more than we hate jews.

[–] 6 pts

Too bad im good at correctly assessing causes vs symptoms and will never hate anything more than the (((cause)))

[–] 6 pts

Agreed. As difficult as blacks are i know for a fact they arent the masterminds behind their stupidity. They are being taken advantage of. They are a force of nature and the jews have harnessed them against us.

Essentially you dont hate the bullet you hate the asshole behind the trigger trying to shoot you.

[–] 2 pts

Although still, i would also like to send the bullets elsewhere.

[–] 0 pt

I honestly think a great many blacks would just fall in line and live quiet lives if we took care of the problem.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I get the whole 'jew thing' often repeated on this site, but at the the end of the day. A life long doctor that dedicated his life to saving lives has died. A nigger took his life, his wives, and a chuck of his offspring. The meta meme shit needs to stop! We have reached a crossroads and I'm just waiting for that 'first shot' just like many others.

[–] 0 pt

What are you talking about? the article was about the little boy the nigger threw off a balcony.

jews have along history of abusing their positions as doctors, and i wouldnt mourn the death of one. they push poisoned vaccines, poorly tested psychotic medication, promote gender dysphoria as normal and encourage children to undergo genital mutilation, both in the form of circumcision and sex change operations.

if your waiting for the first shot and you arent awake on the jews involvement in all of this then you are just as bad as those bloodthirsty niggers burning cities to the ground. They all felt the same as you and misdirected their hatred onto the whites

[–] 7 pts

About 30 years ago a gang of nigger bois attacked and murdered a white boy at the annual fair. Lots of people saw it. Nobody came forward to help the police. This murder is still unsolved.

About the same time, two young white boys were sitting in their father's van outside a TV station when a crazy nigger burst into it and stabbed them both. One boy was killed. Case unsolved.

Ten years ago, a nigger shot and killed a white man and a white woman. Nobody helped the police. Case unsolved.

Just for some contrast, in 1911 a nigger came in to town and bought a shotgun and some shells. He immediately went out into the street and started shooting every white target available. The white people got their guns, cornered the nigger and ventilated him good. They then burned his body in public.

We had outbreaks of feral nigger behavior prior to the 1960's but we handled them quickly and decisively. In jewish thinking, this is called lynching. White people know that it is just keeping a dangerous and savage element within our communities in restraint.

[–] 6 pts

Black people commit heinous crimes all day every day. Usually it's buried deep by the media. Some dumb normie whites (mostly women) actually fall for this and believe that black people almost never commit crimes and the fact that they are locked up all the time is due to "over-policing" and "systemic racism." It's true, and helps explain how a normal white girl can actually be convinced to take a knee for black criminals who would rape and murder her without a second thought.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

I save all the nigger violence videos I can and I'm going to need to buy a new hard drive before the year is up. It's a full time job too almost.

[–] 0 pt

We need to create or at least backup all these data points to dump on unsuspecting asshole white liberals who hate themselves and all things white.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Yeah we do. I don’t see how anyone can watch these for 30 min and not hate them. I’ve gotten the “Whites do it too” argument before. Oh yeah? Link me 2 videos of that. I’ve got 1000 nigger violence vids.

[–] 0 pt

We need modern digital libraries to sort this shit. Distributed storage, tagging, easy retrieval, and vetted custodians to help find/present information.

[–] 0 pt

Sounds like a blockchain issue. Wait, I think there is a block chain video site out there already isnt there? But that blockchain system is questionably controlled, and has pure curation. an external DB would need to be created

Maybe a mass upload from a few different sources would get them out there.

In the interim. An archive format dump should be made so the rest of us could collect it.

Use rar or similar, split into volumes, do a few at a time and take old ones down. no one can decipher the fill data set as they never have it all unless they know the upload loc for each set.

[–] 0 pt

Turns out the curse of Ham was to have an entire genealogy of criminals.

[–] 4 pts

More is the point: Where are all the European communities calling out for justice for a European boy?

Everyone expecting the jewish news to report it and expecting the black communities to recognize it.

[–] 2 pts

Dogs biting people and all that...

[–] 2 pts


[–] 2 pts

The mainstream media will never report a story of a black on a chimp out.

That would be extremely racist to report because truth is not reality in a liberal world.

[–] 1 pt


Oh, you mean he was on the balcony and through the kid off 3 stories.

[–] 0 pt

That would be one big balcony.

[–] 1 pt

please add to LyingNewsMedia sub.

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