Flat earth was promoted by jews/CIA to be the poster boy for all conspiracy theories. This way they can ban it, talk shit about how regarded it is, and then lump every other conspiracy in with it to make them look just as dumb.
I have seen some flat earth videos and they mostly use optical illusions and cherry picked science.
DING DING DING. my take exactly
Exactly. If someone were to complain about videos being taken down that discussed fluoride in water or international elites fucking kids, they could point out that all conspiracies are taken down including flat earth/contrails/hollow earth/etc. If they don’t take those down, it calls too much attention to what they do take down.
Why take anything down? Let it stand or fall on its merits we don't need a big brother telling us what is true and false.
Under your logic all porn should be banned and taken down it obviously causes more harm then flat earth videos
I believe in some government oversight over degeneracy. My solution would be a 500% tax rate for all pornography as well as zero intellectual property rights. Which means for every dollar earned they must pay $5 in taxes. Also their degenerate filth can be freely distributed and shared in bittorrent so that there is no reason to ever actually pay for porn with crypto currency. Pormographer's would never be able to sue for copywrite infringement. If they ever got caught avoiding their 500% tax rate the penalties would be financial desolation.
Basically use all the weapons available to undermine, delegitimize and financially disincentivize the whole degeneracy market.
Right now pornography is a multi billion dollar per year industry exploiting people to sell poison to the people all so lecherous parasites can get rich off the exploitation of others.
Pornography is how they are normalizing prostitution which is already legal in Nevada. Onlyfans and pornhub is normalizing the whole sex work industry. They start it off by selling it to the youth as a quick buck.
Normalizing prostitution leads to human trafficking and eventually enslavement of our people.
didn't Churchill say the truth needs to ne protected by a bodyguard of lies
Or how about the hard-hitting truth is censored and FE falls into that category?
Because you aren’t giving any evidence for FE being a psy-op or refuting it by asserting that.
You are correct. Notice all of the proponents never have anything to substantiate their position. Never. Though they pretend linking any random video terminates discussion.
Ask how many have personally made an effort to confirm one way or the other. Their answer is always never. Always.
Want to confirm sats exist and are orbiting?
Simple: https://youtu.be/PWWGDL5tC_I
Ask them why techniques thousands of years old which proves them wrong are ignored? Oh, that's right, basic math is fake too.
Not one shred of evidence supports their position. Not one.
Ask them why airplanes prove the earth is round.
LOL. Even Black Science Man says you can’t see curvature from 120,000 feet. If you’re trying to tell me you can see the curve from an airplane then you clearly aren’t qualified to have this debate.
NoisySilence is a fat boomer that doesn't engage in good faith debate
So you're the confirmed shill with multiple accounts. Oy vey rabbi. Oy vey.
Your strawman is just that.
And you trust nigger science man?
You can perceive the curvature on the ground i think it takes just 17 meters distance on a frozen lake 3 sticks of equal height with eye holes at the same height in two and a light to shine on the third at the same height dead of night. Drawing all apart in a strait line the light will become blocked by the lower portion of the second stick. Were the earth flat you couldn't explain curvature on a flat body of water which was frozen. This test was done by a known flat earther and the result occured as i said, he couldn't explain it. It's just like lining up iron sights on a gun, if the lake were a flat plane and all your sticks the same height you'd see the light but with even a couple of inches of curvature your sight picture breaks.
The enemy uses shame to goad you into continuing to espouse a false belief, do not let him manipulate you.
In this video you can see a continuous shot for 2.5 hours of garlic bread going up to the edge of space, you can see the curvature of the earth getting more pronounced though subtle from 32km and up: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YKAblynZYhI
Don't take it from me try to debunk anything on this guys youtube channel: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=su-fmoZUkF8
The argument in the above video made about stars is absolute proof flat earth is a joke and the guy has hours of content of this caliber.
Don't argue with these people they are trolls getting paid to waste your energy. Most if not every one is a troll. They don't believe what they are saying they're just doing it to waste your time and energy. It's a common tactic.
I completely agree. But as I've repeatedly offered here, it's not about the shills and useful idiots. It's about the potential lurkers they hope to prey upon. Unfortunately, not everyone is as savvy as you.
Just the same, I do appreciate your good will. It remains good advice.
Images of earth from high altitudes does not prove satellites, again this is logical fallacy. High altitude balloons are a perfectly reasonable explanation.
Please inform me how airplanes prove earth is round
From my days learning ATC, the distance that a plane travels is greater than the distance on the ground, because it has to cover the "arc".
Your position on sat is already invalidated. Show me the miles of teathers. Since you can't, you don't have an argument. Your position is disproved. Next.
Please inform me how airplanes prove earth is round
The contrary is actually you guy's common talking point. You state your premise and I'll destroy it. Go.
You're really taking this flat earth thing seriously
It's fun destroying stupidity. Also helps protect the potential victims these people prey upon.
"Oh, you're into right wing conspiracies? You think the jews did what? I bet you think the world is flat, too"
Flat-earthers point to the supposed "fact" that ships do not drop below the horizon when they sail out into the ocean (which is false). Then they completely ignore videos taken from orbit showing the round Earth rotating below. It's a retarded viewpoint. Intelligent men have known the Earth was round centuries before the birth of Jesus.
Gather around niggers and faggots for it is that special time of the year where i once again endeavor to educate a certain type who sees it all except that which is clear before him. For those of you who are familiar with how straight lines work you will appreciate this expansion.
Resolution power:
Lets talk about resolution. Resolution is the quality of the image, how many points are distinguishable from each other enabling greater detail/clarity. For instance if you were to place two dots as close to each other on a piece of paper as you possibly could while still being able to easy see them as two dots. Then place that paper across the room on the wall from you would be able to back away from the paper until a distance between you and it is reached so that the two dots no longer are distinguishable from each other, but now appear to be one single dot.
It looks like a single dot but we know its not, while staring at the single dot one could use a phone camera to zoom in and clearly see its still two dots. This would be the resolution power difference between the human eye and the device. The human eye has a 0.0003 radian resolution, it can detect objects 30cm apart at a distance of 1km assuming 20/20 vision. This is why we use telescopes to view things that are far, and microscopes to view things that are small.
Vanishing point:
The vanishing point is the optical illusion created when circumstances are met so that two objects appear to have converged into one. This is a direct result of the Angle of view and Resolution power of the observer in respect to the observed.
With our understanding now of Resolution and Perspective we can move forward to explaining why objects disappear "bottom up". You could for instance lay down on your stomach in a field and have your friend walk away from you and you'll notice that as he moves further away from you his legs will start to merge/ disappear into the grass before his torso. This is because if you were to draw a straight line from the lens of your eye to where you are looking at your friends legs as he moves away the grass will start to intersect the line of observation thus creating two points that no longer become distinguishable from each other. If you were to stand up the tangent point of the grass and your friends legs now becomes two objects that are easy to distinguish from each other.
Ship sinking effect/ bottom up/ false horizon/
Now lets go to a beach on a clear day with a pair of binoculars and a super zoom camera. If you were to lay down on the beach and watch a ship sail away until it starts to disappear bottom up, this effect being caused by the waves between the observer and observed becoming converged by limits of angle AND resolution. Now stand up and notice how the same boat came back into view, this is because the two points now become observably further away from each other allowing them to be distinguished.
In the same standing position let the ship move further away so that it appears as it did when laying down, only this time use a pair of binoculars to observe. Instead of modifying angle, we modified resolution. The points between the ship and the lens over the binoculars now being easier to distinguish as individual points.
Waiting for the ship to completely vanish now bring out the super zoom camera and focus on the ship. All done without adjusting height of observation (angle of view) or position of observation.
When a ship or object disappears bottom up it has nothing to do with the curvature of the Earth. This phenomena is how your eyes work and would be observed on BOTH a globe model or a flat model of the Earth. The height required to actually observe the curvature effect of the earth is between 35,000 FT and 40,000 FT provided accesses to 60 degree FOV.
All arguments saying X object disappearing proves Y are null and void, their promoters low IQ niggers that had to have someone hold their hand on how your own eyes work.
Atmospheric lensing.
“ Then they completely ignore videos taken from orbit showing the round Earth rotating below.”
And you believe in the Apollo moon landings also I’m sure.
I came in to say exactly this. It should be common knowledge on this site at least where the term "conspiracy theory" got it's meaning today. It was a CIA created term meant to smear people who looked too closely into the Kennedy assassination. Anyone who thought it was suspicious that the Israeli mafia henchman Jacob Rubenstein murdered the only suspect was lumped together with UFOs, lizard people, and mind control rays that can be blocked by tin foil.
Many real world conspiracies exist that don't require magic voodoo. The Manhattan project, pre-Normandy landings disinfo campaign, Lend Lease technology transfers, operation paperclip, MK Ultra, Tavistock institute, Project Mockingbird, Gulf of Tonkin, assassination programs, 9/11, etc. If the normies think they'll get lumped in with the flat earthers and paranoid schizophrenics for looking into anything, they'll politely ignore all the stuff that's been openly revealed and is otherwise public knowledge.
And real mind control rays are blocked by turning off the fucking TV.
Space is fake
Earth is flat
Moon is fake
Nukes are fake
Viruses are fake
The "idiot's platform" is broadening all the time.
The only one I question is nukes as a fake fear tactic.
Nukes are definitely a fear tactic. But they are also real.
The more you dig, the more you find which confirms nukes.
You're an agent of israel aren't you?
Lol. Honestly can't tell if serious or sarcastic.
Oh, I see. More projection immediately after the other jew left crying. Sheesh. Nothing obvious about you yuys.
(post is archived)