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Why is everybody freaking out about this disease when the death rates are so low? Why are people so obsessed with the idea of telling others to wear masks?

I'm pretty sure I'm completely right. Covid-19 is a bad flu. I just feel like the last sane person in the world. Let me put it to you this way the odds that I'm in a simulation have never been higher.

I really just share no reality with the vast majority of these fucking people. That is because I live in reality and they do not. Yet they're so rudely convinced that they're right it's just an astonishing display of ego beyond anything I would have ever expected to see in my worst nightmare.

Why is everybody freaking out about this disease when the death rates are so low? Why are people so obsessed with the idea of telling others to wear masks? I'm pretty sure I'm completely right. Covid-19 is a bad flu. I just feel like the last sane person in the world. Let me put it to you this way the odds that I'm in a simulation have never been higher. I really just share no reality with the vast majority of these fucking people. That is because I live in reality and they do not. Yet they're so rudely convinced that they're right it's just an astonishing display of ego beyond anything I would have ever expected to see in my worst nightmare.

(post is archived)

[–] -1 pt

i really wish some nigger kills you today

[–] 0 pt

and i hope the kike whose cock your sucking douses both of you with gasoline and sparks a match you stupid retarded faggot.

it's a hoax you dumb cock sucker. and even if it's a real disease, it is so non-threatening we would all be better off carrying on our lives as if it wasn't in existence. unless you are already dying, unhealthy and obese.

are you a 650 pound obese fat piece of shit afraid of the covaids?

dorito eating cunt.

seriously go die in flames, nigger lover.

[–] -1 pt

if you are a white you are a disgrace of our race. A dumbfuck who doesn't care about old and sick

[–] 0 pt

you are seriously a bottom barrel smooth-brained dipshit motherfucker if you still haven't figured out that this is all bullshit.

i don't know what to tell you.

other than go die you stupid fucking cunt.

seriously, go die. hope you got the vaxx already, dumb kike worshipping cunt.