Saint Patrick driving the snakes out of Ireland was not about removing Jews.
He was an Englishman born in Roman Britain, a foreigner to Ireland, and he went there to eradicate native Irish religion as "paganism" and force them to embrace Roman Catholicism.
He helped erase the ancient culture of the Irish in favor of a foreign kike's cult which was elevated by a weak Roman emperor who betrayed his own people's ancestral heritage.
Fuck "saint" Patrick and fuck the Christ cult.
Whoa, whoa!
Saint Patrick was a Romanized Briton which is not a fucking Englishman, he was a Welshman. Britain was entirely ethnically celtic at that point and the native language was Common Brythonic, basically early Welsh. He obviously spoke vulgar latin which at that time was replacing the native Brythonic as the main language in southeast Britain. I assume he was also fluent in Brythonic, which at that point may have been somewhat mutually intelligible with early gaelic.
He was kidnapped and enslaved by the Gaels from western Britain to Ireland. The word Gael is derived from the Brythonic word for pirate. Apparently they made a habit of that shit. He eventually made his way back to Britain and later returned to evangelize the Gaels. There were already plenty of christians in Ireland then but he’s well known for converting the King of Leinster ( I think its Leinster?)
He helped erase the ancient culture of the Irish in favor of a foreign kike's cult which was elevated by a weak Roman emperor who betrayed his own people's ancestral heritage.
More or less. But Im not that hot on human sacrifice either. The fanatacism of the early christian saints does remind me a bit of the SJWs. Jews really do get in to the heads of the goy.
Romanized Briton which is not a fucking Englishman ... spoke vulgar latin
Fair and valid points.
My calling him an Englishman is simply in reference to him being from the landmass currently known as England, you are correct in calling this a technically inaccurate description.
The fanatacism of the early christian saints does remind me a bit of the SJWs.
I have ALWAYS compared SJWs to Christians, they operate with the same mentality of self-righteousness and desire to force people outside of their belief system to obey and pay lip service to their beliefs, to the point of destroying- by any means necessary- everything which does not conform, and patting themselves on the back as good little boys and girls for said destruction and totalitarianism.
Fuck them both, they're based on the same pathological and self-assured desire to control others.
All 3 Abrahamic religions are violent. Places like China that are communist are just an extension of Judaism since it is their creation. Jainism sounds nice. Hinduism not so bad. Just gotta watch those Asians, they go Empire on each other on the regular. They all feel righteous.
But Im not that hot on human sacrifice either.
In Minecraft, I hypothesize things would be better if the gods were appeased by sacrificing certain people.
so i got it backwards?
Basically yes, Saint Patty brought kike-worship to Ireland, he didn't cast them out.
As a short follow-up to this, there's a tale that Saint Patrick met Oisin, last living member of the Fianna, on his deathbed. If you're not familiar with the Fianna, it's the band of warriors led by Fionn mac Cumhail (Finn McCool).
There are variations to the story, but the one I first read was that Patrick tries to convert Oisin to Christianity, saying that if he doesn't, he'll be condemned to the flames of hell.
Oisin asks him if that means the rest of the Fianna are in hell. Patrick replies that naturally, being heathens they are in hell, and again persuades Oisin to convert to save him from this fate.
Oisin then basically tells Patrick to fuck off, saying that he'd rather be in hell with his brothers than in heaven with some fuck who would cast the souls of the Fianna into the pits.
Wasn't he a slave at one point?
Yea, he was the son of a Christian minister and didn't initially care about religion, then was captured by pirates as a teenager and sold as a slave in Ireland, and like so many weak fucking people throughout history, became a devout clinger-to of religious copium because his life sucked, eventually gained freedom, then went back to Ireland to destroy their beliefs and spread the Christ cult.
He's the Patron Saint of Ireland famous for casting out snakes, but he wasn't Irish, he didn't do shit about snakes, and he wasn't even named Patrick, he took the name Patricius later in life, it wasn't his real name.
So yea, he's a fucker who nuked Irish culture and replaced it with foreign kikery because he clung to Jesus mythology to get through a shitty period.
Yep. According to some stories he converted his former owner to christianity, according to others his owner burned himself in his own hall rather than submit to a foreign religion and a former slave.
Also, I find it funny that slavery is usually presented as evidence of the barbarous nature of pagan Ireland, when roman-britain (and the rest of the roman empire) were reaching their peak of slavery around that time. Irish slavery was mild by comparison, no one was selling themselves into slavery to avoid taxes, or being technically "free" but bound to a failing business by law for them and all their descendants.
I wonder, how many druids turned scribes would record any traditions. Granted, they had a written language before, but used oral transmission as a safeguard.
I've only found a few videos of possible surviving druids preserving the culture, who look modern and not larping
so what the fuck is the deal with the snakes?
Bloodline of the serpent is old school aryan blood. He removed aryan influence from Britain like a fag. Robert Sepehr for the win!
ok then
"Snake" is a Christian catch-all term for undesirables, synonymous with evil, because of the story about the snake convincing a dumb bitch to eat an apple.
It's best interpreted as "He removed Evil from Ireland!"
Two possibilities:
It's a generic christian tale about a saint driving out evil
It's one of many examples of tales about gods (particularly Lugh) being retconned with Patrick as the protagonist. There's quite a lot of stories about Lugh/Lughos/Lleu or a christian stand-in killing snakes (probably cirrostratus clouds) to release the rains. He's also supposed to have done other things like summoned demons to murder unbelievers and many other very obviously non-christian acts.
oh so it might be a recycled story like so many been
I'm so confused about what Christianity is even supposed to be. Whatever religion we're using now is some bastard amalgamation of Babylonian bullshit.
Ishtar: Babylonian goddess Easter is named after (symbolized by bloody eggs and rabbits for fertility)
God: the word itself is a Babylonian deity of prosperity
Church: this word is derived from the word "circus"
Jesus: meaning "he whose name shall be blotted out"
Also, most of the stories told about him are preexisting pagan stories which were retconned to be about Patrick. Most into european religions have a story about a great hero who defeats the serpent of chaos and releases the rain. I suspect the "driving the snakes out of Ireland" was along those lines.
(post is archived)