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I never really viewed myself as discriminated against until the last 5 yes or so

Seems like a lotta time this stuff has the opposite of the intended purpose

I never really viewed myself as discriminated against until the last 5 yes or so Seems like a lotta time this stuff has the opposite of the intended purpose

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts

I've had a lot of experiences but school was a big one. I went to a mostly white school but the black kids that were bussed in were aboslutely crazy. I never had classes with them, because I was in all advanced courses, but when I'd be changing classes, they'd be lounging on the benches cackling, screaming, tossing each other into trash cans- basically acting like monkeys. I would just kepe my head down and not make eye contact because I didn't want to deal with any of them.

In college, I was the token white person in some black student groups and that was a huge eye opener. They needed me to act as a liason between some local businesses as they had destoryed their reputation with them from previous events and these student groups were doing some events that were really relevant to some ends I was pursing. However, it was extremely frustrating- I was the only person to show up to meetings on time and was constantly being undermined all the time, obviously because I was white. Then as a teacher in title 1 schools, I always had to stand up for the lone white kid or two in class who was constantly harassed for being white. It was impossible to teach the black kids anything deep and interesting about history. Waste of fucking time and some precious years of fertility.

[+] [deleted] 4 pts
[–] 1 pt

I never had classes with them, because I was in all advanced courses


Then as a teacher in title 1 schools, I always had to stand up for the lone white kid or two in class who was constantly harassed for being white. It was impossible to teach the black kids anything deep and interesting about history. Waste of fucking time and some precious years of fertility.

I'm sure the white kids appreciated it. Plus it probably gave you a heck of a redpill. These days that's gold, most women seem to have no idea.

[–] 1 pt

I was with almost all White kids in my classes because we were in the advanced courses, but in between classes it was a total zoo. Niggers ooking and eeking and bouncing off the walls, without a care as to who or what they hit during their chimpouts. I'd get shoved every single day after lunch walking back to class from the cafeteria. One time I purposely held my arm akimbo as I walked and, sure enough, one of the sheboons ran into me, except this time she hurt herself pretty bad on my elbow. They started to ook at me but I just kept walking like I didn't hear them. I still chuckle about that 20 years later.

tl;dr - niggers ruin schools