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I never really viewed myself as discriminated against until the last 5 yes or so

Seems like a lotta time this stuff has the opposite of the intended purpose

I never really viewed myself as discriminated against until the last 5 yes or so Seems like a lotta time this stuff has the opposite of the intended purpose

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 32 pts

Never thought about it until the Mexican girls started being bitches in high school (early 2000s). Never saw it as mattering until I lived overseas for a while and foreign men started saying crazy disgusting shit to me (ginger females apparently are gigantic sluts or something). Never had an issue until my Hispanic boss started openly discriminating against whites in the office, mid 2010s.

Now I’m trying to figute out how many white babies I can have before I hit menopause. Fuck these people.

[–] 15 pts

ginger females apparently are gigantic sluts or something

They are jealous of the White women's appeal, and gingers are about as White as it gets.

[–] 1 pt

it's true.. at night the moonlight shines off our skin. We're helpful when there's no electricity : )

[–] 0 pt

If you've ever seen a real native Scandinavian, they are so white their skin and hair is yellow and they got dark nipples. Its so weird. Its the complete opposite of a black is so black they look purple.

[–] 3 pts

The whitest of white skin in the world is found on Irish and English girls who haven't burnt themselves to a crisp in the sun. That's the "peaches and cream" complexion you've heard about. It exists, and it's beautiful.

[–] 0 pt

and they got dark nipples

Huh? Never saw that before. Always looked kinda pinkish to me.

[–] 4 pts

Same thing happened to me around the same time. Worked at checkers, Mexican boss asked Mexican kid to mop, I was on drive through, he was standing around, and says in Spanish make the gringo do it. She looked at me and told me she needs me to mop. I would have done it if she asked me to do it initially, but not like that, I said nhaa and walked out. Got a better high school job bussing like two days later with pretty much all white people it was the first time I noticed I preferred to work with and around other white people.

[–] 1 pt

Now I’m trying to figure out how many white babies I can have before I hit menopause.

See new research by Dr. Sinclair: If you take Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide (NMN/NAD+/NAD booster) and resveratrol you can delay or even reverse menopause.

Also please let me know where I can find based women or sell me one of your daughters ;)

or sell me one of your daughters

Jesus, 7. We aren't hajji's!!!

[–] 0 pt

We aren't hajji's!!!

We must allow ourselves to be culturally enriched with anti-feminism. Don't be a bigot.

ginger females are gigantic sluts or something

fuck these people


[–] 1 pt

Well, if you'd like some hearty genetic material to work with, I'm mostly northern european, 6'1", Green eyes, and a fair bit more intelligent than most.

[–] 4 pts

Lebensborn would be proud.

Also you’re fucking creepy.

[–] 0 pt

Now I’m trying to figute out how many white babies I can have before I hit menopause.

You should be getting pregnant every year until your ovaries stop working.

Have twenty fucking children if you can manage it.

[–] 14 pts

Absolutely. I’ve always been pro-white but nowadays, I’m Seig Heiling the kids, the wife, and the dog.

[–] 2 pts

It's actually kind of fun to do the Roman salute.

Less fun, more satisfying. A gesture of "forward unto victory" and all that.

[–] 2 pts

this must be your house? (youtu.be)

[–] 0 pt

Ha. I wish. We do have a new puppy so I suppose I should get to work on the training.

[–] 9 pts

yea before I started being told I wasn't being hired because they were going in "a more diverse direction" when i was younger that did it for me

I'm irish, wasn't even considered white until recently in history, and yea, when they scream about white people, it turns people into white nationalists pretty quickly

now shhhh...bite your tongue and rough it out a bit longer, and most white people will be on board...then the fun begins :)

[–] 2 pts

Yeah the workplace was where I started to get pissed. All of the sudden I was surrounded by shitskins and spics who would not speak English, lazy niggers that would call out sick all the time. Corporate America really spurs on the hate.

[–] 0 pt

Work in corporate America, these places have so much red tape and legal disclaimers, it could take years to fire someone, especially a black person.

[–] 0 pt

I know. But they can make the job such hell that the good people leave on their own.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

I'm irish, wasn't even considered white until recently in history

Which is still one of the most fucking idiotic and asinine things to me to this very day, up there with the story of Troy. A whole city falls because of a fucking woman.

Edit: Yes, I understand one is historical and the other is just a story with some historical elements. The point remains.... Both are stupid.

[–] 0 pt

It's a tragedy of history that the Irish ever fought against the English, or that the English ever fought against the Germans. It's a tragedy that communism won out in Russia -- look at all the harm that came from that. Whites are one people, with one religion -- Christianity. We need to unite against the blacks, yellows and browns, who will -- if they ever get the power -- annihilate the white race.

For a long time we whites have been the only race with the power to completely destroy other races. We haven't done so. Maybe that will prove to have been a mistake.

[–] 0 pt

Pale East Asians are genetically related to Europeans, we split off within the last 50,000 years.

Japs love European culture, and are descended from whites. You can spit on Japan from Russia.

Whites could potentially coexist with non-nigger Asians. Upscale chinks hate jungle gooks the same as whites hate spics.

[–] 8 pts

We are doing just fine. Every day I and many others point out our whiteness to others. Even asked a nigger this morning what he thought about its history month ending soon. Nigger didn't understand a word. I said its history started when white men started recording this for them. You know, sorta like a police blotter.

[–] 3 pts

I said its history started when white men started recording this for them.

Funny as niggers didn't have written languages until they met the White man.

[–] 1 pt

And they still don't have one of there own

[–] 0 pt

Ethiopians. But then I'm cheating since their written language was given by white invaders who ended up ruling over them. But, other than that, examine the written language of every African language and you'll see something interesting when you source the origins of their written language. They are a uniquely incurious, uncreative and unimaginative people.

When I worked at a shipyard in Louisiana I noted how fucked up in so many ways. All the dysfunction that made no sense and poor worker relations. A black guy had the only explanation his mind could come up with. "You don't know where're you're at." Like saying, "It is what it is" which explains nothing.

[–] 0 pt

A black guy had the only explanation his mind could come up with. "You don't know where're you're at." Like saying, "It is what it is" which explains nothing.

My favorite so far is "Niggas is just gon' be niggas, bruh."

I stood there in awe, like yea... that's what white people have been saying forever.

[–] 0 pt

I have serious doubts that the nigger races of Africa even learned to use fire on their own. They picked up everything they learned in ancient times from the Mediterranean white races, such as the Egyptians.

[–] 0 pt

They picked up everything they learned in ancient times from the Mediterranean white races, such as the Egyptians.

AshaLogos goes into this in his "Subverted History" podcasts on jew-tube and bitch-chute. IIRC his way of looking at history is to look at the people instead of a fixed area. Turns out, Aryans have a distinct tendency to sail around the world when their current area gets a bit full(which is very open by our modern standards), only to conquer it and set up caste systems to rule over the lesser races encountered.

In this way they have spread civilization, technology, and religion. It's the reason the friendship windmill is found all over the world.

[–] 6 pts

I've had a lot of experiences but school was a big one. I went to a mostly white school but the black kids that were bussed in were aboslutely crazy. I never had classes with them, because I was in all advanced courses, but when I'd be changing classes, they'd be lounging on the benches cackling, screaming, tossing each other into trash cans- basically acting like monkeys. I would just kepe my head down and not make eye contact because I didn't want to deal with any of them.

In college, I was the token white person in some black student groups and that was a huge eye opener. They needed me to act as a liason between some local businesses as they had destoryed their reputation with them from previous events and these student groups were doing some events that were really relevant to some ends I was pursing. However, it was extremely frustrating- I was the only person to show up to meetings on time and was constantly being undermined all the time, obviously because I was white. Then as a teacher in title 1 schools, I always had to stand up for the lone white kid or two in class who was constantly harassed for being white. It was impossible to teach the black kids anything deep and interesting about history. Waste of fucking time and some precious years of fertility.

[+] [deleted] 4 pts
[–] 1 pt

I never had classes with them, because I was in all advanced courses


Then as a teacher in title 1 schools, I always had to stand up for the lone white kid or two in class who was constantly harassed for being white. It was impossible to teach the black kids anything deep and interesting about history. Waste of fucking time and some precious years of fertility.

I'm sure the white kids appreciated it. Plus it probably gave you a heck of a redpill. These days that's gold, most women seem to have no idea.

[–] 1 pt

I was with almost all White kids in my classes because we were in the advanced courses, but in between classes it was a total zoo. Niggers ooking and eeking and bouncing off the walls, without a care as to who or what they hit during their chimpouts. I'd get shoved every single day after lunch walking back to class from the cafeteria. One time I purposely held my arm akimbo as I walked and, sure enough, one of the sheboons ran into me, except this time she hurt herself pretty bad on my elbow. They started to ook at me but I just kept walking like I didn't hear them. I still chuckle about that 20 years later.

tl;dr - niggers ruin schools

[–] 6 pts

I’ve been aware, advocating and pissed about it since high school. Literally answered a question about “Affirmative Action” on a national standardized test by referring to it as “reverse discrimination.” Didn’t care that I got it “wrong.”

[–] 2 pts

Literally answered a question about “Affirmative Action” on a national standardized test by referring to it as “reverse discrimination.” Didn’t care that I got it “wrong.”

The only part you got wrong was calling it "reverse."

It's just discrimination. Saying "reverse" implies that whites are the only people who discriminate, like preferring your own kind is some unacceptable, uniquely white behavioral trait.

There's no reverse racism, there's no reverse discrimination. When you use those terms you reinforce their rhetoric about whites being perpetrators of unfairness and strengthen the idea that anything white people suffer is justified because "turnabout is fair play."

Language manipulation is their primary tool.

[–] 0 pt

I was seventeen. I didn’t know better then, but I was ahead of the game compared to my contemporaries.

[–] 1 pt

I remember this liberal faggot teacher made us write a little essay about affirmative action. I wrote about how it is really not right to treat people differently because of the color of their skin. He failed that paper, I guess because I didn't apologize for being White, etc. I was only like 15 or so, not anywhere NEAR the redpilled racist I am now, but even then I knew something was really fucked up with the idea of affirmative action and diversity quotas.

This same teacher one time called me a racist in class because when given the choice of who I wanted to be partners with on a project, I just shrugged and picked the guy I knew as opposed to the one I had limited interactions with. Of course, the guy I picked was White and the other guy was black, so therefore he accused me of being a racist in front of the whole class. I just looked at him in a funny way, I didn't even know what to say.

I wish I could go back and take that class now... I'd do the "I'M A RACIST" Mr. Miyagi at him. I would also call him a liberal faggot. He died a few years ago. Any time anyone brings him up in conversation I'm always sure to shit-talk him, though.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

The 4chan post that pops up from time to time really does summarize what so many white kids went through. We grew up for the last few generations doing our damnedest to embrace all people in a “brotherhood of man” sort of way.

We were taught to be sensitive to injustices as we were given false histories, propaganda, and Stalinesque doctored or miscontextualized images to show us the perils of “racism” as a form of injustice. Lacking any frame of reference or counter argument that wasn’t “hate speech,” we believed the lies and opened our arms, thinking everybody just wanted and needed a chance, an “equal opportunity” to be unencumbered and to achieve.

The result was disastrous because much the way boys and girls were often given different sex ed classes, white and black kids were given different lessons on “racism.” While white kids were taught to be sensitive and to “treat everyone equally,” giving everybody a “chance,” black kids were taught that all of their problems were caused by whites.

Over time, the propagandists revised their materials to outright tell white kids that they’re evil just for being white in hopes that the children won’t question it later, because those first few generations who were taught to look for “injustice” while retaining some independence of thought and basic critical thinking skills eventually grew to reject the propaganda of “racism” that had been injected into their bodies, and have now rebounded deep into the territory of white supremacy. I’m hopeful that the next generation might swing even harder into full blown purges of nonwhites, because the harder they try to push the kids down, the more powerfully they will spring back up when reality breaks down the lies.

[–] 1 pt

Beautifully stated. I hope you are right.

[–] 5 pts

I never really cared, but always knew there were differences between different cultures and races from an early age. I grew up exposed to multiple religions and races with mostly good experiences. I then served in the military and had friends (or friendly aquaintences) among the different social groups that developed along racial lines.

First cracks started showing when a black senior enlisted guy gave me and my hispanic buddy poor review scores but gave great ones to other black junior enlisted. I kept working hard anyway but my hispanic friend got pissed and started slacking. This senior black enlisted got kicked out after drunken sexual harrassment of a junior hispanic enlisted and guess what: all the black enlisted guys and girls started crying while everyone of another race started quietly celebrating.

Now that was my first real encounter with a racist guy who used his position of power to his advantage (that I know of). Still, he was more of the "keep to our own" type of guy and didn't cause trouble most of the time. I could almost respect him for that, if he was able to be fair in the workplace and not sexually harrass those women he was supposed to mentor.

Fast forward many years and we have all this racial division being promoted. I understand that we, as animals, like to keep to our own. I've seen it happen organically. I've seen that we can work together if placed in a small cage in the middle of the ocean for a few months, but after the doors of that cage are opened each group prefers to go its own way. I don't fault anyone for feeling thia way because that is just how we are built. When an individual starts being a bad actor for any reason, including racial differences, that is when I have a problem.

In current society we have a lot of bad actors exploiting our racial differences. I think this is because most of us don't have a way to leave the cage and spend time with the kinds of people who make each of us feel comfortable. These unhappy people now have the huge bullhorns of media and internet and so no one can ignore them anymore.

Thanks for reading this rant, if you got this far.

[–] 2 pts

Had a work order at a public inner city school today. All I saw everywhere was niglets and spiclets hanging around outside... until I noticed one very small group of white kids. They had their heads held high and were completely separated from the rest. There was a Chad and Stacy, then a couple dorks, a fat kid and a goth. Kids who would NEVER hang out together normally but you could tell they were pushed together out of necessity and all seemed happy.

[–] 1 pt

I understand that we, as animals, like to keep to our own. I've seen it happen organically.

I tried to explain this to a leftist and he thought I was the most awful, backwoods, racist hillbilly he had ever encounted. I was quoting Muhammad Ali to him and he didn't even know it. Oh well.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

No. I grew up surrounded by niggers in Birmingham, and remained steadfast in my whiteness, even when all the other white kids were getting into rap and drugs and gang bullshit. It has always been a source of pride for me that I didn't just go with the flow to become just another moron amongst a lost generation.

[–] 1 pt

Good for you. There's nothing sadder than a sixteen-year-old white girl with dreadlocks in her hair, talking like a nigger.

Moreso infuriating. If she doesn't correct the behavior by 18...

Rope and sign, just like Berlin.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

For the longest time I found it annoying but not a threat. I felt bad for people who were anti-White as it so clearly demonstrates that they feel inferior in most cases.

Then I learned (((who))) was behind it and why. Things are now different.

[–] 3 pts

I never really cared about being "white" as there are many "white" ethnic groups and being of mixed heritage I don't identify with any particular "white" ethnic group that strongly. I'm just plain mongrel "white".

On a personal level, I've often been treated like shit by Mexicans and American blacks just for being white. Actually, when individuals of either of these distinct groups have taken to pestering me, calling names, sabotaging my work, etc. I usually let the first instance go unremarked but eventually I've asked "Why are you calling me this?" or "Why did you do this". The answer is the same, "Because you're white". Literally, it's exactly what they've said to me in both cases. Just simple blatant outright in your face hostile racism.

So, yes, if not for that and all the attacks on white people I wouldn't care but we have to be aware we are a persecuted minority.

[–] 0 pt

On a personal level, I've often been treated like shit by Mexicans and American blacks just for being white.

Yep, so has every other White in America, even the leftests, they just think they deserve it.

[–] 2 pts

I never cared about being white until I heard all the attributes of Whiteness, like being hard working, believing in objectivity, being on time, giving a shit about people in need, and blaming my own decisions for where my life is.

After I learned I was descended from people so absolutely virtuous that their virtue became encoded in my white DNA, I've been all about it. Thank you insane woke mob, for awakening my white pride.

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