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I seem to be just constantly raging fucking mad ! I hold it together , look calm on the outside , but feel ready to just erupt in furious rage. Can't be good for my health. I work out regularly with weights , and that helps a bit for an hour or two , but that rage and anger comes roaring back

I seem to be just constantly raging fucking mad ! I hold it together , look calm on the outside , but feel ready to just erupt in furious rage. Can't be good for my health. I work out regularly with weights , and that helps a bit for an hour or two , but that rage and anger comes roaring back

(post is archived)

[–] 115 pts

What, are you mad just because your country is run by a small tribe of people who literally rape your daughters to blackmail your leaders into sending your sons to die on the other side of the world in pointless endless wars that accomplish nothing as they use your banking system to enslave you and fleece you of an ever increasing amount of your stagnant pay?

Not me, I'm perfectly calm.

[–] 17 pts

Saved your reply might be one of the best short explanations of why we should all be mad.

[–] 7 pts

And that every single little fucking "national security" measure taken since 1776 has been to protect them from the citizenry rising up and doing something about it.

[–] 1 pt

What scares me is what comes after the lockdown is lifted.

We will see a lot of scores settled. A lot of grudges have been allowed to build up and simmer during the lockdown. Once that lockdown is lifted we will see the murder rate explode. All those selfish pricks you saw during lockdown acting like goons? Rifle magazines will be emptied into them.

[–] [deleted] 9 pts

What scares me is what comes after the lockdown is lifted

Hahahahaha, this guy.

[–] 5 pts (edited )

Like, seriously, the fact that the north won the civil war shows that we were fucked even that far back. People like to say that the US was taken over by jews in the 1900s, but the fact that America had a fucking civil war that was big federal government vs. small federal government and big federal government won should tell you everything you need to know.

But nothing will happen if the lockdown is lifted. Anyone emptying rifle magazines into anyone, at least if they're white, will be labeled domestic terrorists, Trump supporters, and their lives will be ended, be it figuratively or literally.

[–] 1 pt

after the lockdown is lifted.

Bahahahah, blind optimism is no way to go through life, son

[–] 1 pt

The Purge.

[–] 5 pts

Yes this on a T Shirt please.

[–] 0 pt

we'll have to remember this for the 1st poal fundraiser.

[–] 5 pts

Weather's nice today, innit? Just lovely. Almost beach weather. Man, I can't wait to get back to grillin' and going to the gym, once these lockdowns end... eventually... someday... *sad chuckle*

[–] 5 pts

Nice weather????? LOL Thanks for the laugh. Of course, maybe you have nice weather. Below freezing many places rigjht now.

Warm up with Chef Dong's Chicken!!

[–] 1 pt

Yeah, it's freezing over here, too. I was channeling my inner completely-out-of-touch-with-reality-as-a-coping-mechanism boomer.

[–] -1 pt

The entire other side of the planet is fucking great at the moment remember...

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Fuck the gym and the beach and being around faggots

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Today it was -2 when I woke up lol ...and Im in the middle of the country. Those poor bastards up north, I dont know how they do it.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

First-hand experience: -9 when I awoke. Had to go get wood with every thing shrouded in snow.

Life's good.

[–] 1 pt

It's 56 with clear skies here in Arizona. It's cold man.

[–] 2 pts

-5, blue skies, snow finally stopped.

[–] 2 pts

C or F?

[–] 2 pts

Right. Sounds like a "fragile white" to me. This is all very normal.

[–] 2 pts

Can I get that on a t-shirt.

[–] 13 pts

Anger over what? State of the world? The general feeling that most people want to be told what to do? The most blantant evidence to date that our votes dont matter? Our siccophant leaders selling off our country and blood?

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

just so you know, it's "sychophant." i wouldn't want the enemy to be able to ridicule you. and leaders that sell our country piece by piece and suck the very blood from our veins are called kleptocrats.

[–] 1 pt

Thank you. It's not a word I use often.

see correction: sycophant not sychophant. this word and psychopathic always give me trouble. also mediterranean.

[–] 1 pt

double spellcheck fail 'sycophant'

oops. but i do think i was in the same frame of mind as Saint of Kenosha.

psychopants is even better.

[–] 3 pts

this is me, I need help haha

[–] 11 pts

I feel it too.. Maybe not a rage but more of an unpeacefullness. I feel an internal buzz of some kind like a continuous hypertension. I've also wondered if this may be effecting my health.

[–] 9 pts

You're not the only one. The sleeping giant is tossing-and-turning; that's for sure. It's only a matter of time. Things are going to get so fuckin hellish, I honestly don't think most people will know what hit them, or how to handle it.

[–] 5 pts

All across America a quiet rage is simmering. The mask mandates, business closures, constant governmental harassment in our personal affairs where we didn't ask them to interject their dictates, the brainwashing of our children to turn them against their hard working decent parents. The corrupt rulings of judges and release of criminals on our streets, the riots and business burning, the constant in your face lies coming out of DC.

A once very peaceful country of hard working, calm people is becoming enraged but as yet, most hold their peace as the destroyers go about rabble rousing and stirring up mobs of the ignorant to turn them against us.

Not much longer and the Tree of Liberty will get watered.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt

Nah, try to organize something and you get accused of being a fed.

[–] 3 pts

I'm waking up at 3am to irritating dreams, trying to return to sleep, to or three times, and when I wake up, the bad dream is still there, watching my country swirling around the bowl.... It makes it difficult to deal with the crap I have to take on a daiy basiss even harder. Pre-pissed off!

[–] 10 pts

I saw a guy last night driving with 2 masks around his chin smoking a cigarette. I am thoroughly convinced that the general public is under some kind of spell or something.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

I am thoroughly convinced that the general public is under some kind of spell or something.

These are called Hylics. What you are seeing is the actual large swath of humanity that is mentally/spiritually barely above that of a animal. Normally, it would be sad to see these people, or at least shame them back to normality. Now, it is very very dangerous. If the Hylics will believe and follow such absurdities without question, what do you think they will do next? Protip: It isn't pretty.

[–] 0 pt

You got me going down a rabbit hole on this. Thank you.

[–] 2 pts

For one thing, the general public has hypochondria.

2 of the people I know freaking out the most about it are both chain smokers and fat and out of shape. Yeah, they really care about their health ......

[–] [deleted] 10 pts

Read the Bible. Seriously. Read it and live it. Accept Christ into your heart.

Start in Matthew, then read Mark, John and Luke, then Revelation. Then go back to the Old Testament and read Exodus, Hosea, Ezekiel. Finally, read the rest. Pay special attention to Exodus 20. Go look at Matthew 24 and compare it with Revelation 6. Read Ezekiel 8 very closely.

Then look up the birthday of Tammuz and his death and the period of mourning following it.

Go into the Bible without prejudice. Go into it knowing that much of what our culture teaches about faith and worship is not rooted in the Bible.

[–] 14 pts

I will say I recently finished reading the Bible and it really is not the same as how I was taught for a lifetime.

There are definitely inconsistencies with what society tells you it says, and what it actually says.

[–] 13 pts

Exactly. I instantly know when someone's actually read the bible or not, when talking spirituality. No person who's actually read the bible from start-to-finish could ever support the current anal pope. Hell, if Jesus were here in the flesh, right now, you just know he'd grab the nearest switch and whip the fuck out of that heretical faggot: he'd probably be the first one to get belly-flopped on to a lake of fire.

At this point I think he'd just ash the bastard.

[–] 0 pt

If you didnt know this ideological corruption of the churches is something intentional and has deep pockets funding the corruption.

[–] 0 pt

And that is exactly what the people want. People respect power

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

There are definitely inconsistencies with what society tells you it says, and what it actually says.

Change society for "Churches" and you're spot on.

[–] 1 pt

Totally. Going to any church and blindly believing what a preacher teaches from the pulpit is just as useful as getting your news off the TV.

The blind leading the blind all the way back to the Catholic church.

Like the idea that God loves everyone, even rabid sinners. Nope. That's not what the bible teaches at all.

Thou shalt not kill? Nope. Go to the Hebrew and it's more like 'thou shalt not murder'.

Lot's wife turned to a pillar of salt? Nope. Christ quoted that verse and he quoted it as she was 'taken' which culturally was used as a euphemism meaning to be killed. The 'Rapture' doctrine is a fairly new false doctrine.

I'm not much into the bible but I always saw Lot's wife as a metaphor for not being weighed down by your past lest you become stagnant and unable to grow. She turned around (lived her life by ruminating on the past) and became a pillar of salt (spiritually rigid and stagnant).

[–] 0 pt

From what I can tell, I would guess you know about the Kenites?

[–] 0 pt

Excuse me Sir. What do you think Christ's view on killing someone is? Sure, you can use the old testament to justify doing evil things but Jesus is very clear on this matter.

[–] 1 pt

Been there done that.

Do it again.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Been there done that went to seminary got the degree. Still madder than ever at what I see and hear from "Christians" though I have peace in knowing the end of the story. We're beyond the point of a reformation, even Luther would be sad at the current state of the "believers."

[–] 1 pt

Yeah , that won't help. I can't get past the , love your enemies , bless those that persecute you.

Hebrews 11 is my favorite. Que the , I'm a kike shill replies

[–] 0 pt

You realize the OT was written by Levite jews (precursor to Pharisees ) and the NT was written majority by a jew.. also the christians of Russia got slaughtered so don’t see how it could help

[–] 0 pt

Didn't Jesus speak of the jews who were not jews. Serpents of The synagogue of satin? So there are jews and talmudic Zionists?

I wonder if the torah is as wacked as the talmud?

[–] 0 pt

Is the KJ version that you can buy almost anywhere the way to go? I prefer to read hard copy.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

The KJV is the way to go. You can get the 1611 version or one of the others. The important thing to know is that the KJV is a received text Bible, meaning it was translated from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. This is an important distinction considering some of the other versions are not received text translations.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Using the Strong's Concordance along with it. Most Christians would be surprised at what fake teachings they've been taught. If they would only open their eyes and ears.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt

Christmas, Easter, Lent, Indulgences, purgatory, Sunday worship, papal intercession......

[–] 8 pts

I seem ok on the outside until anyone around me brings up anything related to COVID, the elections, jews or the loss of Europe. Then I rant, thank god coherently, about it until the urge to kill passes. So yeah, I'm doin fine.

[–] 4 pts

Hah, same. Through God's will, at least I'm able to express exactly what's on my mind: to the quizzical surprise of everyone around me. I've ended plenty of IRL conversations in awkward silence, lately.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[+] [deleted] 7 pts
[–] 6 pts

Yeah it feels like they are actively killing us. Very unsettling.

Channel your energy into something productive. I suggest you pray to connect to the higher will.

Channel your energy into something productive. I suggest you pray to connect to the higher will.

Sage advice.

[–] 5 pts

Don't overcaffinate, it will make the anger even harder to control.
**As I make a 2nd pot of coffee, but I'm not super angry today so I'll be fine.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Im 37 and had to start cutting my coffee and booze back for the first time because it was causing like "anxiety" or something. The rage of the news would have me in constant state of night sweats or general feelings of panic for no reason. Horrible feeling but it's better now. Limiting exposure to the current events and staying busy helps a little bit .

[–] 3 pts

Train kickboxing and go bash shitskins.

[–] 4 pts

I did martial arts for many years , not for about 5 years now , but been working out hard. I'm looking for a muaythai /bjj school now. Full contact fighting will probably be the only thing that helps

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

i'd train but getting your head punched and internal organs smashed isn't the answer. save your health for when it counts.

[–] 2 pts

Find someplace to train in a healthy manner. Of nothing else, work out by yourself.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

The first rule of Fight Club is...?

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Don't let in niggers or women. In fact don't even have a club. Lone wolf it. Never share anything with anyone about real plans.

[–] -2 pt

LOL. I've seen plenty of vids where kickboxers loose to blacks, but none where they win.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

I've heard people say that kind of shit a lot...so what I have been doing is paying attention to UFC results to see how often a white guy beats a black guy and Visa versa. I don't have any official data, but it looks like the majority of the time, the white guy wins.

Last night's UFC wasnt the best example, because they seemed to pair whites with whites and minorities with minorities. But look at the week before...white guys were whooping up on minorities

we can't help it if the central nervous system of the majority of blacks and browns have not evolved. this is why they are called "gourd heads."

[–] 0 pt

that is because you hide behind computer screen, pussy.

[–] -1 pt

It is pointless to brag or call someone out online. We will never meet.

God bless you.

[–] 3 pts

It's our instincts, I feel that way too, Our testosterone is increasing because we are supposed to rise up and kill these tyrants.

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