Knowing that my fam kicked off the revolution in 1773 and destroyed King GeorgeIII faggot troops that he sent here to genocide my fam makes me feel like an utter nothing as I troll Euro cucks, niggers and jews on reddit.
I have family that goes back to fighting the Pequots in Ct, RI .
We got an injun over here!!!!
No , we just about exterminated them.
You should also feel like an utter nigger for unironically saying "fam."
It's famalamadingdong ofcourse.
ewww I didn't use it in the same context as those reddit fags do. I swear. But I get your point.
The absolute state of "Americans". Why must I count myself among you nigger worshipping fools? You even speak their bastard language.
Fam is our contraction, niggers use it to try and fill the void that they feel by not knowing who dey fambly is.
(post is archived)