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Look to the past , see what our Founding Father's went through and accomplished. They fought the greatest military in the world. The Brits had the largest navy in the world. The Americans had no navy. Gen. Washington at Valley Forge. The men , not paid wages for the better part of a year. The men starving , diseased , fucking shoeless lots of them. Marching in frozen snow , leaving bloody footprints , crossing the Delaware , surprising Hessian mercs. winning a great victory.

What do you and I do ? Circle jerk on Poal. Sometimes I can't look at myself in the mirror

Look to the past , see what our Founding Father's went through and accomplished. They fought the greatest military in the world. The Brits had the largest navy in the world. The Americans had no navy. Gen. Washington at Valley Forge. The men , not paid wages for the better part of a year. The men starving , diseased , fucking shoeless lots of them. Marching in frozen snow , leaving bloody footprints , crossing the Delaware , surprising Hessian mercs. winning a great victory. What do you and I do ? Circle jerk on Poal. Sometimes I can't look at myself in the mirror

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

That's the truth, right there. Women want daddy to take care of them. Be that daddy, and you may get some chin music, but in the end, she will follow your lead. it's her nature. But, and it's a big but... you have to be firm and sure of your self.

[–] 0 pt

Women want daddy to take care of them. Be that daddy

Unfortunately, 45% of voting White women reportedly want Joe Biden to be their daddy.