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Look to the past , see what our Founding Father's went through and accomplished. They fought the greatest military in the world. The Brits had the largest navy in the world. The Americans had no navy. Gen. Washington at Valley Forge. The men , not paid wages for the better part of a year. The men starving , diseased , fucking shoeless lots of them. Marching in frozen snow , leaving bloody footprints , crossing the Delaware , surprising Hessian mercs. winning a great victory.

What do you and I do ? Circle jerk on Poal. Sometimes I can't look at myself in the mirror

Look to the past , see what our Founding Father's went through and accomplished. They fought the greatest military in the world. The Brits had the largest navy in the world. The Americans had no navy. Gen. Washington at Valley Forge. The men , not paid wages for the better part of a year. The men starving , diseased , fucking shoeless lots of them. Marching in frozen snow , leaving bloody footprints , crossing the Delaware , surprising Hessian mercs. winning a great victory. What do you and I do ? Circle jerk on Poal. Sometimes I can't look at myself in the mirror

(post is archived)

[–] 23 pts

The winners write their own tales. What do you think you could be doing better? Perhaps, be fruitful and multiply.

[–] 19 pts

Exactly. One of the wars is a war of demographics, so best to do your part and have lots of children OP. Don't feel ashamed to take advantage of the system too (i.e. child benefits, tax cuts, etc). Remember, it's YOUR country so the system is supposed to help YOU, not the non whites. The gibs are yours to take, so by all means take them!

This is all assuming you have a woman for the long run. If you don't, then you may want to get on that. Unfortunately I can't offer much advice outside of telling you to get into shape if you're not already, but maybe someone else here can tell you where to find based women and what to do to court them.

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

This is all assuming you have a woman for the long run. If you don't, then you may want to get on that. Unfortunately I can't offer much advice outside of telling you to get into shape if you're not already, but maybe someone else here can tell you where to find based women and what to do to court them.

21 here, the only way you're getting out of this is violence. The women are traitors through and through.

[–] 17 pts

No, they are not. A lot are brainwashed just like the White men who are still brainwashed, but there ARE good White women out that want what you want, will be happy to stay home and have children. I'm older, just don't go looking for a woman in bars and clubs. You'll find her when you least expect it.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Nah, you'll see when you are older. If you're a masculine man and nice to her, she'll follow your lead.

[–] 3 pts

Women are not all bad. Women in their 20s tend me liberal idiots, but you can find good ones. It can be an exhausting search, but you only need to be successful once.

[–] 2 pts

You are far too young to be that pessimistic about women. You're not entirely wrong about your solution to the main problem. It really is just a matter of time before all hell breaks loose, and with the way things are going it might just start sooner than we think.

[–] 1 pt

Rubbish. Women follow power, they're evolved to. Right now they can see that left wing 'liberal' ideology is in the ascendancy but these same women would have been throwing root vegatables at Hester Prynne if they'd been born at a different time. Either find yourself a woman intelligent enough to see past the bullshit, or find one who has had a good upbringing that has trained her to see through the bullshit. Be a proud man, work out and don't be afraid to defend and explain your positions. I am 32 years old and I'm expecting my fourth white child with a wonderful wife who sees the world the way I do. She follows my tastes in politics and worldviews because I present her with a strong figure to follow. Calling white women traitors and giving up on a happy family life is idiotic and defeatist. You have to be better than that.

[–] 0 pt

Sadly the 80/20 rule is still in play.

[–] 5 pts

THIS. Many of us were brainwashed to not "live off the system like the niggers and the illegals do." However, has this helped us? We are fighting with one arm tied behind our backs, trying to be responsible, work, slave, and save away all the while financing these non Whites to outbreed us with our own tax money! How insane. I would say to young Whites don't be ashamed of living off the system, have as many children as you can. Don't make the mistakes that we did and listen to our family's old and dated information. Times have changed and therefore people need to adapt.

[–] 0 pt

The information to not live off the system isn't to keep you from getting ahead, but to keep you from being beholden to the system. Right now they're pushing for this vaccine that none of us want, but how long before they force the issue on anyone who is on any kind of assistance? If you have 8 kids and depend on the system for X and without it they can't eat, what do you do?

Best to do it on your own. No matter what.

[–] 0 pt

I would say to young Whites don't be ashamed of living off the system

The shame is hard-wired into our DNA though. niggers, spics, and asians all feel elated by gaming the system, Whites just feel deep-seated shame.

Though I agree with your idea. Since the government has weaponized marriage, it is advantageous for the father and mother to not get a marriage certificate from the state and, somewhat ironically, going for gibs helps discourage dudes from getting the government involved in their relationship.

If folks could do the church wedding, the religious component, while still remaining single so far as the state goes, that could be ideal.

That's a big risk, though. There are billions of niggers, sand niggers, chinks, etc in total. What if you have like six kids only for your daughters to be raped by muzzies and your sons robbed and murdered by niggers?

We're better off disengaging from the current system, allowing it to drown itself, and then rebuilding a better one. Don't produce more innocent white lives to feed into the meat grinder, unless you're really sure you can protect them from being obliterated by the current kike system.

[–] 0 pt

Jew detected.

[–] 0 pt

Don't produce more innocent white lives

When exactly is the current system going to drown itself?

White men remain virile for decades, Trump made that clear, but White women only have a few years of peak fertility before they're birthing kids who have discouraging odds of ending up like Immortan Joe's sons. So we'd need a timeline if we're cutting off the supply of them.

[–] 0 pt

I generally subscribe to quality over quantity, but should I travel the nation anonymously impregnating as many white women as possible?

[–] 0 pt

This. New father here. Wife and i are planning for number 2 real soon!

[–] 0 pt

Maybe someone else here can tell you where to find based women and what to do to quart them.

[–] 6 pts

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.

[–] 4 pts

Hmm no that's not going to happen. White people are being bred out of existence. There will only be weak men and hard time in the future.

[–] 1 pt

White people are being bred out of existence.

...by people who can't survive without us.

jews, muslims, niggers, spics, they all rely on white people only the gooks can live in a modern, prosperous society that isn't built on the backs of whites. We can rebuild. History has ebbs and flows.

[–] 0 pt

The quote originates from Those Who Remain by G. Michael Hopf

[–] 0 pt

Ya look at the jews.. all there men are either hay or betas. Sadly the system these pathetic loser create works perfect for beta or gamma loser men. Aka be a pussy do what your told scam to get money use the money to get better looking women<<< these white women are the true traitors it is insane. He is my theory on jew beta culture

So my theory goes like this. I will try to keep it as simple as possible.

Jews had women in control very early.  Why? Who knows but with women in power they did what women do and talk shit and push liberal feminest agenda.  This liberal femenist agenda combined with their evil religion telling them they are superior choosen people led to them being kicked out of multiple countries.  Well when the jews fought back the alpha strong males with courage and balls stood up and fought and were killed.  This left the cowards and beta men at home with the women to produce more beta cowards.  The jews never won a fucking war ever so repeat this process 109+ times and you get weaker and weaker men reproducing with stronger and stronger women.  So weak ugly beta men who dont want to fight or work but can talk their way out of dying in a war reproduce over and over.  Then you get to the 1500s and these parasites get hyper boosted by the banking industry and creation of corporations? What makes a good banker and business man? An insecure coward who can talk a bunch and will do anything for money and power to make up for their weskness terrible looks and obvious beta status? And welcome to our modern jew.

Doesn't work when dysgenics is complete. There will never be good times in Haiti. Or in whole continent like Africa.

[–] 4 pts

I'm very disappointed with people allowing kleptocrats to control us. They blatantly ignore inconvenient facts.

[–] 4 pts

Nobody's going to do anything for you

[–] 3 pts

I don't expect that. What is disappointing is all the people who are just fine living with tyranny and then apologists for it on top of that. Hey, I'm a victim! Rape me again!

[–] 1 pt (edited )

You complain about how people are apathetic and do nothing, like too many here btw, and I get what you mean and I agree to some extent, and I'm also a tad tired to hear that old tired rant over and over again. Especially coming from people who contribute nothing but shit here, who aren't even willing to make a donation to this site for example.

And to be clear, I'm not saying that for you in particular, you at least posted a couple of interesting stuffs

It's about fucking time to go past the point of ranting about how nobody is coming to our rescue, nothing's going to change by complaining that "others" aren't doing enough if anything at all. It's up to us, there's only us, we're the "rescue team"

[–] 1 pt

I admit I am waiting for Tallest_Shill to do something

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Tallest was right about everything.

[–] 2 pts

We've become very, very comfortable, and we've not yet been pushed completely against the wall. We still have several inches until are backs are against it.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Knowing that my fam kicked off the revolution in 1773 and destroyed King GeorgeIII faggot troops that he sent here to genocide my fam makes me feel like an utter nothing as I troll Euro cucks, niggers and jews on reddit.

[–] 1 pt

I have family that goes back to fighting the Pequots in Ct, RI .

We got an injun over here!!!!

[–] 0 pt

No , we just about exterminated them.

[–] 0 pt

You should also feel like an utter nigger for unironically saying "fam."

[–] 1 pt

It's famalamadingdong ofcourse.

ewww I didn't use it in the same context as those reddit fags do. I swear. But I get your point.


The absolute state of "Americans". Why must I count myself among you nigger worshipping fools? You even speak their bastard language.

[–] 0 pt

Fam is our contraction, niggers use it to try and fill the void that they feel by not knowing who dey fambly is.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 2 pts

SUDDENLY ALL of them are stupid shits, AND niggers and shit skins and foreigners are the NEW heros of ALL TIME!

I'm ashamed this occurred. LIES triumphant over TRUTH (also lies at least partly). The "true" side lies is what they are USING to DESCREDIT us ALL. NEVER unite with EVIL.

DEATH TO EVIL. Wherever you FIND it.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

You're right, but there is still too much comfort... it has to get much worse before it can get better.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

an example of how pussified society is today... MOST people have never butchered a single animal for meat... they're insulated from the hard realities.

[–] 0 pt

>an example of how pussified society is today... MOST people have never butchered a single animal for meat... they're insulated from the hard realities.

this is true

[–] 0 pt

MOST people have never butchered a single animal for meat

Is that different from butchering a married animal?

[–] 2 pts

Bash us or examine our conditions. Our food supply is killing our T levels. Constant surveillance prevents us from organizing outside of the control system. Any organization we do manage is infiltrated and subverted. If any of us do break and actual resistance, the media is stacked in such a way to label the resistance as domestic terrorism and then pass new Patriot Act type laws. On top of all that, public "schooling" controls and generates a new set of mental zombies that think they know how the world works.

It's all expertly and secretly controlled and manipulated. As an individual the cage is near impossible to break from, and organizing is near impossible. Unless there's already an organization working to undo the systems of control, the best we can do is continue our fight via our keyboards in hopes that our words free enough minds.

[–] 0 pt

I think concern trolling on major platforms is a strategy. Make up clueless leftest talking points to divide the left.

"There should be public housing in Bel-Aire and Fort Lauderdale." "Why aren't there more blacks employed in the leadership of hedgefunds and banks, where the real money is being made." "Why are there no black presidents of media corporations."

[–] 0 pt

I think these systems need to be studied and analyze to find weaknesses within their own design that can be exploited. I believe no system exists that is invulnerable

[–] 2 pts

Careful, anon, or you might get investigated for being an extremist. At least that's what the paranoid folks on here would have me believe.

[–] [deleted] -1 pt


I'd see you killed for speaking against me like that.

Not ashamed. Action without a plan will do more harm than good.

They started somewhere, too. They had not been brainwashed as masses to think killing is always wrong. They also didn't have spies trying to fuck them at every turn.

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