I don’t know if it’s possible for me to get smarter...hahah. My wife and I have had relationships with alcohol for 30 years. Though more drinking to excess had taken place since the fake pandemic. I went back on a Keto diet to loose my covid weight, and it won’t work if your consuming alcohol. So that was my motivation. I certainly feel better overall. We rarely leave our little farm, other than absolutely necessary. We carry no guilt, there are spiritual components that were not mentioned in your comment, so I’ll lay low on that too. Getting drunk was just a part of my routine. It’s so destructive. Good analogy about sailing. Also so true about changing course. We’ve lived on sailboats, and sailed many trips. Every boat has its favorite point of sail, and sea. Thanks for the encouraging words. Now if I could only stop the crystal...ha ha ha. (Joking).
My weight hasn't changed (that I've noticed). Get smarter? COULD just be a question of UNCHAINING your intellect. Getting some KEY info, then BLAMO! Your horse is running like the wind where before it was hobbling in pain. Of could be something completely different and drinking PROTECTED you from becoming something horrible (unlikely, but possible you have to admit) happening.
LOVE sailing. Planned to retire to sea (40ft Ketch) started that dream in grad school (autistic) solo sailor. dreams got shattered. Should NEVER have mentioned it to aNYONE. Seems like SOME people do NOT like your dreams, if it makes them jealous because of their POOR choices in life.
(post is archived)