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[–] 17 pts

Finally LOST any desire for alcohol (pretty much EVERY weekend since teens). 4 times (experiment) in last year (SAME effect each time as the first). Last one was over 15 weeks ago. I count weeks. Thought makes me "nauseous". Suddenly I SEE the NEGATIVE impacts (pop culture doesn't mention really) on my life. Cleaning the cage.

[–] 9 pts

That’s great bro. I stopped drinking 4 years ago and haven’t looked back. It’s an important step in cleansing the temple.

[–] 7 pts

Same here. The thought of getting drunk or high has lost all its appeal.

[–] 6 pts

Yup, we have work to do.

[–] 3 pts

I cut back big time indont give into jew lies about it being a disease.. I went to Germany in early 2000s and they drank a ton and was one of the cleanest most productive group of people I have seen you neednto set the terms with your drinking and do it on your own terms. 100% no drinking seems as weird to me as drinking every day.. anyways my two cents

[–] 0 pt

I call it cleaning the cage. Early stages I guess. Looking around, surely doesn't LOOK like a temple at this point. Cage.

[–] 6 pts

Good stuff, I'm sure nobody ever talks about how being reliant on drugs like alcohol to have fun stunts personal development in a way, because over time you forget how to be fun without drugs doing the hard work for you.

Same thing for me, crazy shroom trip made me realize how possible quitting smoking is, and how I actually feared getting drunk all this time, just never realized it consciously

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Crap I don't do drugs and I forgot how to have fun.

[–] 2 pts

drugs just makes it worse

[–] 1 pt

There's different KINDS of fun (VERY diverse). Destruction fun isn't fun, it's an illusion. Something Satan likes to pull on peopls then LAUGH at the misery it causes some if not most. JUST like fornication. JUST like lying. JUST like stealing.

[–] 6 pts

Good stuff. I quit alcohol Nov 3rd. Still not easy, but I do get a lot more things done around our little farm.

[–] 3 pts

About the same here, it's a better life.

Congrats brother.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

It happened over time. Sounds like you're not THERE yet. I just wanted to say, It was a sort of long time coming. cut back first...then suddenly one week between drinks stretched to 2, to 3 to 4 to 8, now just drinking experimentally (NOT desire or urge) to see if what was happening was still happening. then 15...or more (lost count). Worried a little about christmas and new years, then just forgot about it.

[–] 0 pt

an there's something else I can't accurately define yet. Not as simple as smarter, or energetic...but a combination of a LOT of things. One thing, you have no reason to feel regretful or guilty of things you might have said or done to those around you. I think that alone frees up some energy in your brain, energy you can use elsewhere in life BUT YOU WEREN'T. Also the people you have disdain for (your fellow drinkers and their attitude towards YOU afterwards) and the people you formerly had disdain for, but now admire. Amazing THEIR (both groups) reaction to the new YOU. That is encouraging. Like a sea change or course correction that IMPROVES the handling of your yacht in rough seas (given almost always).

[–] 0 pt

I don’t know if it’s possible for me to get smarter...hahah. My wife and I have had relationships with alcohol for 30 years. Though more drinking to excess had taken place since the fake pandemic. I went back on a Keto diet to loose my covid weight, and it won’t work if your consuming alcohol. So that was my motivation. I certainly feel better overall. We rarely leave our little farm, other than absolutely necessary. We carry no guilt, there are spiritual components that were not mentioned in your comment, so I’ll lay low on that too. Getting drunk was just a part of my routine. It’s so destructive. Good analogy about sailing. Also so true about changing course. We’ve lived on sailboats, and sailed many trips. Every boat has its favorite point of sail, and sea. Thanks for the encouraging words. Now if I could only stop the crystal...ha ha ha. (Joking).

[–] 4 pts

Awesome to hear bro!! I've had couple good stints (9 months completely sober, 5 months only drinking weekends and no work nights) but have regressed lately due to pandemic lockdown and not being able to work.

I keep telling myself to stop thinking big picture (world, country, state) and focus on myself first, then family, then community etc. It's always easier to tell yourself something than to take action. Have done 2x5 day binges of non-stop drinking. The dryouts are never fun but here I am.

To answer OPs question my good news is I purchased my first house 3 months ago and once lockdowns lift I can work from home.

[–] 2 pts

If you have difficult cravings, I have two ideas that might help you.

1) Recognize that your desire to drink compulsively is not your desire. It is your addiction, or a hole you are seeking to fill speaking as you. It isn't something you want, that's why you regret it after, because you think you want it, but the truth is your body wants it.

2) Temperature Shocking. I have no idea if this works, or is an established technique, but I find it to work wonders for nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Start by wearing coats so hot you can barely handle it. When it's too much to bear, take your coats off and go into the coldest environment you can as fast as possible. It feels really good and seems to make the tingles and cravings lessen.

[–] 0 pt

You can do the latter by hopping in a sauna and then jumping in an ice-cold lake (or if you don't have an ice cold lake, a cold shower).

[–] 0 pt

Yeah get rid of the urge. My urge disappeared because of how DEPRESSED I suddenly started getting the day after. NOT just the usual hangover, DEPRESSION..stay in bed all day.

OOH. I'd look at what I posted the previous night (never did that before really) on voat. DEFINATE difference in demeanor (not in a good way). SHAME. REGRET.

[–] 1 pt

Do it for you (my suggestion in MY case)...not guilted into it like (for the family, town, world, etc). ALL of that comes along for the ride when you quit. Do it because it makes YOU feel BAD instead of GOOD (like you wanted). Depressed, regretful, etc. Get rid of the URGE, desire. It started making me DEPRESSED (next day) so BAD, that I didn't want to do it again because of that feeling. That gives way eventually to just not thinking about it. If you do, doesn't appear as an option of any value.

[–] 0 pt

Stop porn and mistreating. It will be boring at first then you will start to look forward to working out doing work making your life and others lives around you better. Get bored need something to do? Ask a friend or neighbor if they need help with something and go do it expecting nothing in return.. u will feel good about it

[–] 0 pt

Learn to fly WW2 fighters and build one from scratch in your basement. Then make crank calls to Japan.

How long did it take to lose desire? I quit for 6 months a while back and never felt better. I gotta buckle down and just do it. I’m so much more productive, feel a lot better, and think a lot better when I’m not drinking, even a week after.

[–] 0 pt

over time. DEPRESSION...the thought of that happening suddenly made me think twice before drinking (NEVER had that before). 2 weeks (betwen drinks) stretched into 4, then 8 (experimental (NOT desire, but traditional times) happened 4 times. Same DEPRESSION (day after)...stay in bed all day, etc.

happened over time is what I'm saying. desire just faded away. to nonexistent. If I do think about it, it doesn't appear to be a valid option, based, I guess, in part, on how I've BENEFITED (intangibly) I think, but STILL the "fear" of that DEPRESSION the day after (if thoughts GET that far). I STILL have alcohol in the house.

Congrats dude, glad you are doing a lot better. Dump that poison in the house down the drain. You aren't going to use it. I never spent the day in bed but I have definitely wasted plenty of days.

[–] 13 pts

Quitting voat. i went cold turkey on Christmas day and haven't been back since. im not going to lie, its been hard but i think i can stay away from it in future.

[–] 4 pts

Too soon 😔

[–] 1 pt

It's gonna be hard to not relapse with how active Voat is post-biden

[–] 0 pt

You have no choice. Voat quit us since you left apparently. There is no more opportunity for that vice.

[–] 6 pts

Fixing my sleep schedule (tho still in progress)

Anyway, go start a family, faggot

[–] 2 pts

I can't really start a family making minimum wage in an area where a one story, dilapidated house goes for almost half a million dollars. Planning on getting some sort of certification that can get me out of Cuomo's dumping ground for all his stupid ideas.

[–] 2 pts

Wait until Cuomo's stupid ideas start mixing in with Newsom's stupid ides...

[–] 1 pt

Oh it's gonna be great. Current goal is some medical trade to see if I really want to do medicine as a career. If not, I'll find something later on.

[–] 2 pts

Yeah, it’s the fucking same in my area. I’m planning to move to the mountains. It’s looking very hard rn but I’m going to keep working towards this goal and move in a couple years

[–] 5 pts

I'm still working (fully remote). sucked up my dislike of doctors and getting my body fixed. got money in savings, made 33% in my stocks in 2 months. getting house cleared from holiday messes. left the expensive housing and moved to BFE and bought my first house. getting out of debt. 6 years in and still love my wife. all good things. counting blessings.

[–] 1 pt

That is a lot of blessings to count, congratulations.

[–] 5 pts

Good luck! I quit ten years ago and don't regret it at all.

[–] 4 pts

Deleted Facebook, working on exiting twitter.

[–] 4 pts

I've thought about this and read what others are doing. Then it hit me...I've radically changed my diet (the noun definition). I'm not carbless or anything like that, because just about everything has some amount of carbs in it. But I'm not making bad food decisions in the amounts that I used too. I bake my own white bread, I'm down to going to fast food 1 or 2 times a week, ordering out for pizza once every few months and going to restaurants only once a week before the lockdowns started. That's far different than what I was doing just a few years ago.

Currently, I'm trying to minimize fluoride, soy and HFCS. Soy and HFCS are my biggest causes of weight gain. For instance, I've found baking the cake from scratch at home doesn't affect my weight like eating a cake from a grocery store's bakery or cake mixes.

Like modern medicine, modern food is horrible.

[–] 2 pts

The modern world in and of itself is a poison. Did you know even grocery store apples are filled with wax and other preservatives too? Disheartening, but true. Support your local farmer!

[–] 0 pt

Yup, and why? So they sell better.

You forgot that most apples are close to a year old by the time they get to the grocery store.

[–] 1 pt

Eggs are as much as 6 mos.

[–] 1 pt

Go full carnivore, you'll never look back

[–] 3 pts

Cold turkey is the only way. Anything else you are just keeping the addiction going.

[–] 0 pt

EXACTLY. Once I figured this out, it suddenly seemed a lot easier to deal with and do. 48 hours in, withdrawals are easing up, I can feel the chains fading from my soul and my emotions feel more free and genuine.

Honestly most of the side effects of nicotine withdrawal are positives ime.

How've you been doing with this? Hope you have been able to stay on track.

[–] 0 pt

Two weeks in, withdrawals are gone, cravings come and go but are generally not very severe. Generally feel empty and more depressed than I did when I smoked. It feels normal at this point, and I eat a lot more

[–] 3 pts

Built my vegetable garden and found the next plot of land I wish to purchase

[–] 3 pts

Having a kid.

[–] 0 pt

Hell yeah. Now have three more!!

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