That's about what I figured how it would go.
But don't worry if its on a warning lable it will be ignored by such idiots eventually, this is when you do as you are told but you don't know how and why you are told so.
So our German supervisor
German of from Germany? That little detail can be important.
Also. How great that in this day and age you just could send an e-mail with the violations.
But then again I suppose they would have just blocked your account by that time.
R & M something or other at Akar Shipyard. The company and management were out of Germany. Some of the Germans working there were ok. One guy from Scandinavia I think who was a really decent guy but both the supervisor and his fat side kick were Germans and stupid. It's impossible they got the job based on merit.
Here's a horrible dirty secret. Our government paid them to build a liquid cargo ship with no customer. Just to keep them afloat. So they did a shitty job. One bulkhead in that ship has a seam running top to bottom that was welded with a subarc process they never got right. After it was welded the entire seam split. Huge crack all the way down the seam. They ordered a friend of mine to weld over it. Not arc it out to reweld, just weld over it to hide the crack.
Some day that seam will split. It will be catastrophic. It will happen while the ship is being loaded. My only hope is that the ship forever remains out of service with no buyers. As it stood when I left , it was a multimillion pile of defective steel with no takers except us tax payers.
(post is archived)