Back when a woman actually covered up.
I know of no time in history anywhere in the (civilized) world (Europe) where people walked around in public (practically) buck naked.
Much less with just a string (as they do in swimming areas).
Much less that the naked offenders could be captured by moving pictures and then made public to all with the push of a button on something you could carry in your pocket and transport to the most private of rooms to be viewed alone.
This destroys or damages the souls of multitudes of young men (who are only supposed to see the nakedness of their own wives) immeasurably and instills habits that only with the greatest of force (and 'luck' - meaning actually the grace of God) can be eradicated (but never fully).
Not even talking about porn which of course is, again, immeasurably worse.
All I can think of is the puritans griping about 'bared breasts' in clothing.
Apologies for getting off the subject and for the rant (I know from experience these things, I had over four sons I had to guide through the minefields of this degenerate culture), thank God they're all just fine (about as fine as they can be, and protected as they were, no one escapes without some permanent harm).
(post is archived)