You'd have to balance out how much the coins are worth in their original form vs how much their weight in gold is worth. If the difference wasn't significant I'd keep my mouth shut. If it was, I'd get a lawyer and tell him about my friend who found some coins and is looking for legal advice.
with ancient coins the numismatic value will always be worth more than the gold value. the UK has very strict treasure hunting laws. you need a liosence to look in the mud on the Thames and a 2d licences to dig in the mud. if it were me I'd try to find a private buyer.
Well in that case melt them down. Still a decent sum and nobody will know where the gold came from.
this is where I wouldn't know what to do. melting them seems wrong, but keeping them is pointless if you cant sell your treasure! But, I collect coins so just having them would scratch an itch for me personally
(post is archived)