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Undercover Journo Infiltrates British Far-Right, Gets Violently Attacked by Far-Left After Just 10 Minutes of Leafleting

"Listen! I'm an undercover journalist! I'm an undercover journalist!"

May. 09, 2022

An undercover journalist with Channel 4 taking part in a documentary infiltrating the "far-right" in Britain ended up getting attacked by masked far-left extremists after just 10 minutes of leafleting while undercover in Rotherham.

The scene was hilariously included in the show "The Enemy Within: The Far Right: Dispatches," which focuses on the Patriotic Alternative party in Britain.

Patriotic Alternative describes themselves as "a community building and activism group" which aims to "raise awareness of issues such as the demographic decline of native Britons in the United Kingdom, the environmental impact of mass immigration and the indoctrination and political bias taking place in British schools."



It’s interesting he chose to say he’s an "undercover journalist", as if he and Antifa terrorists all understand they're on the same side.

**Undercover Journo Infiltrates British Far-Right, Gets Violently Attacked by Far-Left After Just 10 Minutes of Leafleting** "Listen! I'm an undercover journalist! I'm an undercover journalist!" May. 09, 2022 An undercover journalist with Channel 4 taking part in a documentary infiltrating the "far-right" in Britain ended up getting attacked by masked far-left extremists after just 10 minutes of leafleting while undercover in Rotherham. The scene was hilariously included in the show "The Enemy Within: The Far Right: Dispatches," which focuses on the Patriotic Alternative party in Britain. Patriotic Alternative describes themselves as "a community building and activism group" which aims to "raise awareness of issues such as the demographic decline of native Britons in the United Kingdom, the environmental impact of mass immigration and the indoctrination and political bias taking place in British schools." https://files.catbox.moe/6tem9u.m4v https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=63076 It’s interesting he chose to say he’s an "undercover journalist", as if he and Antifa terrorists all understand they're on the same side.

(post is archived)

[–] 13 pts

Any normie that ever tells you the far-right and groups like the proud boys are the problem is a blind faggot.

Conservatives are reactive and act in self-defense, Leftists are proactive and act as aggressors.

The ones burning down your cities, desecrating your churches, gunning down your children and harassing your elderly aren't masculine conservatives.

[–] 3 pts

The proud boys are not far right.

They're literally named after a faggot little kid in a play.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

That would be secondary to the fact that the group is run by a known federal informant black guy, or at least used to be. Any right wing advocacy group should be run more like a mafia than a traditional organization. Even if they dont do anything illegal.

[–] 1 pt

conservatives don't react, they just complain and attack any of their own who does react.

[–] 1 pt

proud boys

The group that affirmative-actioned an afro-hispanic to the top position?

[–] 10 pts

Leftards hate right wingers without a legit reason to begin with, listen to their grievances about right wingers it's all made up shit about "we use violence because we know the fascists will use violence against us once they'll be in power"

They create the very evil they claim to be afraid of with their "pre-crime" bulshit excuses

They'll inevitably end up with a valid reason to hate right wingers, deep down they sense it and that's why they are mad at right wingers in the first place

[–] 4 pts

It's simple. The right wing is just the default position.

If you say everything is fine the way it is, with your own families and communities, then you can be happy, which they can't stand.

If you're happy you're much harder to control.

The left are all faggots crying about how bad the world is in order to break down mental health like some brain aids.

Now they've fucked everything up and are just pointing at normal people shouting "See! I told you there were problems! ReEeEeEeee".

[–] 1 pt

>Now they've fucked everything up and are just pointing at normal people shouting "See! I told you there were problems! ReEeEeEeee".


[–] 3 pts

I wish they had killed that 'journalist', lol.

What a fucking tard.

Lie about the bad guys, get fucked up by the bad guys.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

[–] 2 pts

If he got killed out there, the journalists and cops would do everything they can to get antifa off the hook. The only people who would care about him at all were the people he was trying to backstab.

[–] 1 pt

To bad the piece of shit didn't get much worse. Rat bastard and I never cheer for antifa but shit like that enrages me.

[–] 1 pt

All political violence is initiated by ((( leftists ))). When a people group or nation defends themselves against leftist violence , they are tagged as " far right extremists " , neo- Nazis , or White Nationalists , thereby justifying leftist violence against said groups .

[–] 1 pt

What a sissy boy. The desperation in his voice is pathetic. If he was really committed to the undercover part, he'd have fought back or at least take a few shots like a man to keep his cover.

[–] 0 pt

muh 'Antifa is just an idea'