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[–] 1 pt

"Huff puff...this stuffs heavy oh my soyboy glasses are fogging up ugh"

[–] 0 pt

How far do you think this fag could carry that rifle, just the rifle (assuming it's real and not airsoft) before fucking keeling over and needing a rest? I'm talking at a walking pace. A mile, maybe two?

These freaks don't have the physical stamina to fight a long war, but they're probably not going to be the ones doing much fighting- it's going to be brown ZOGbots, mossad agents posing as US troops getting killed just to polarize the other serving troops into siding against the civilian populace, etc..

You really think anyone on earth would care if all of these freaks died off in a war? Really they are more likely to commit suicide amid their first shelling, or cave to the pressure of a shootout and surrender rather quickly. A lot of modern combat is "sitting in covered positions, waiting... waiting.... CRACK-POW! Oh shit, our 'friend' just took another shot at us, anybody see him? No? Alright heads down, eyes open. Waiting... waiting..." This is tremendously stressful, you have so much time to think and wonder "Is the next one heading for me? Is this fucker looking down a sight directly at me, right now?"

You think faggot freaks who are already insecure, suicidal, diagnosed with 4+ mental illnesses will function well under those circumstances? Fuck no.

It's not easy carrying a loaded plate carrier and rifle around for hours. No way in hell that fag is doing it. I shoot all the time and rifle work still wears me out.

[–] 0 pt

These are also people who bitch and moan about everything.

If they had a "squad" of these freaks, and like 2 of them were trained CIA glowniggers, I'm not sure how long the actual fighters would be able to tolerate them. These freaks are nothing but a liability on the battlefield, unless used as fodder or for distractions.

It is a mistake to underestimate these freaks though- a faggot "pansexual" can shoot you dead just as well as the most highly trained soldier. Can they sustain a high combat performance for more than one engagement? Probably not. Can they withstand any degree of return fire? Sometimes, the tremendous noise of a gunfight is enough to make undisciplined or poorly motivated conscripts surrender when they start hearing the sonic booms of projectiles winging passed them- these are things that people think they're ready for, they've seen it in movies a million times!

But then the real thing comes, and it might hit you that "Holy shit, someone is trying to kill my buddies and myself, and I need to kill them before they succeed." It's this moment where a man's true character is revealed. Sometimes, guys who were otherwise shitbags, useless in daily military life, are the ones who rise to these occasions, and display that they are actually not entirely useless, thus earning the respect and acceptance of their peers. I don't think you'd see a whole lot of this among the ranks of these guys...