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That MP4 came directly from the NASA website. It shows the hole and a timelapse of an aurora interacting with it. Pire Reese map that was made in the 1500s... before Colombus showing Antarctica in its correct location... no ice and navigable passages through the center area of the continent. The Carl Unger letter which is from a Nazi who went through on the U-Boats. Hell, there is even a hole in Saturn shown here! There are ZERO polar orbit satellites that go directly over the poles! They all go slightly to the side. The reason is that if they go directly over the poles they can actually enter the planet as opposed to orbiting around it. The center where the star is is a vacuum. There is even some directions to get there by submarine if you happen to come across one.

Other than that there really is no proof of it at all and we definitely should go all-in with the hollow earth jews.

https://files.catbox.moe/9l53k7.gif https://files.catbox.moe/lf8fr8.png https://files.catbox.moe/ydy2lg.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/38aosv.PNG https://files.catbox.moe/7al1mq.png https://files.catbox.moe/hi2hzs.png https://files.catbox.moe/1tqosd.jpeg https://files.catbox.moe/n8h3ia.jpeg https://files.catbox.moe/1owbeo.jpg That MP4 came directly from the NASA website. It shows the hole and a timelapse of an aurora interacting with it. Pire Reese map that was made in the 1500s... before Colombus showing Antarctica in its correct location... no ice and navigable passages through the center area of the continent. The Carl Unger letter which is from a Nazi who went through on the U-Boats. Hell, there is even a hole in Saturn shown here! There are ZERO polar orbit satellites that go directly over the poles! They all go slightly to the side. The reason is that if they go directly over the poles they can actually enter the planet as opposed to orbiting around it. The center where the star is is a vacuum. There is even some directions to get there by submarine if you happen to come across one. Other than that there really is no proof of it at all and we definitely should go all-in with the hollow earth jews.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt (edited )

You might be interested in looking into Birkeland currents due to how they interact with the poles of stellar objects (e.g. the Earth):




You might also consider checking out at least a couple of the recent videos on the Thunderbolts Project jewtube channel as they've done many (but several recently) on Birkeland currents:




And more information here as well as at the above thunderbolts.info site:


(To preempt any potential comments regarding Wal Thornhill's site name in relation to other 'holo-' names like the holohoax and the holocough, that is essentially why it is that name - they're very red-pilled. Holoscience is essentially in reference to 'modern', 'mainstream' and 'settled' science that is pushed as reality while it is all about as true to reality as the holocaust lie. The Electric Universe and plasma physics is grounded in verifiable and testable theories and models based in actual evidence and real science following the scientific method. Their predictions for discoveries are practically 100% (if not 100%) accurate time and time again and the new discoveries are not at all a surprise. Meanwhile the 'holoscientists' are always 'dumbfounded' and 'shocked' when 'impossible' things that 'should not exist' are discovered that don't fit with their holoscience narrative.) ___

I believe the Earth (and all stellar bodies) being hollow is quite compatible with the Electric Universe theory (that electricity is the dominant force in the universe and not gravity) and several of their videos discuss that and I recall it being stated that potentially all stellar bodies could be hollow. I do not know if the Earth is or if all objects of particular mass might be, or whether Expanding Earth could also be in play as well due to the issues with plate tectonics seeming to be utter bullshit, but they're worth looking into and considering the validity of the evidences for them.

Might also be interested in this channel that offers additional thoughts on EU/Expanding Earth-related topics:




Their latest video is also in relation to Birkeland currents (and they have many others on them), and they also discuss and outline theories relating to the hollow Earth and experiments in relation to verifying that theory.