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That MP4 came directly from the NASA website. It shows the hole and a timelapse of an aurora interacting with it. Pire Reese map that was made in the 1500s... before Colombus showing Antarctica in its correct location... no ice and navigable passages through the center area of the continent. The Carl Unger letter which is from a Nazi who went through on the U-Boats. Hell, there is even a hole in Saturn shown here! There are ZERO polar orbit satellites that go directly over the poles! They all go slightly to the side. The reason is that if they go directly over the poles they can actually enter the planet as opposed to orbiting around it. The center where the star is is a vacuum. There is even some directions to get there by submarine if you happen to come across one.

Other than that there really is no proof of it at all and we definitely should go all-in with the hollow earth jews.

https://files.catbox.moe/9l53k7.gif https://files.catbox.moe/lf8fr8.png https://files.catbox.moe/ydy2lg.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/38aosv.PNG https://files.catbox.moe/7al1mq.png https://files.catbox.moe/hi2hzs.png https://files.catbox.moe/1tqosd.jpeg https://files.catbox.moe/n8h3ia.jpeg https://files.catbox.moe/1owbeo.jpg That MP4 came directly from the NASA website. It shows the hole and a timelapse of an aurora interacting with it. Pire Reese map that was made in the 1500s... before Colombus showing Antarctica in its correct location... no ice and navigable passages through the center area of the continent. The Carl Unger letter which is from a Nazi who went through on the U-Boats. Hell, there is even a hole in Saturn shown here! There are ZERO polar orbit satellites that go directly over the poles! They all go slightly to the side. The reason is that if they go directly over the poles they can actually enter the planet as opposed to orbiting around it. The center where the star is is a vacuum. There is even some directions to get there by submarine if you happen to come across one. Other than that there really is no proof of it at all and we definitely should go all-in with the hollow earth jews.

(post is archived)

[–] -1 pt (edited )

Good links here man. There is definitely something fishy about Antarctica. Hollow earth, or ice wall, or something. That satellite picture you posted is very interesting.

I know flat earthers get a bad rap but there are some really weird things in their evidence pile that I have to wonder about. Flight patterns always avoiding going across the southern hemisphere for one thing. They say that Antarctica is really an ice ring around the whole thing....

If you took that picture and superimposed it on a 3d model of a globe, there would probably be a little hole on the bottom where the edges of the picture came together. I have no fuckin clue, just thinking aloud here.

One thing I've wondered about... I was up in the Arctic circle a couple years ago. I went in the summer and it was hot, like 85 degrees. Of course in the winter it gets way below freezing, but in the summer it actually gets up in the 80s and 90s. We were way way up in the Arctic circle and we were sunburned and sweating.

They say it's because in the summer, the north pole is really close to the sun so it gets warm and never gets dark (I can confirm that too, stayed daylight the whole time I was there). My question is... Why doesn't Antarctica thaw out in the summer the same way?? It stays frozen all year. Shouldn't it also have warm summers?

[–] 0 pt

Wind patters force cold air to stay collected down there. It wasn’t always a frozen sheet of ice. Iirc, sometime in 170(9?) there was an earth quake and a tsunami created a gap between South America and Antarctica.

The Artic circle is land, with open water in the middle, Antarctic circle is the opposite.