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That MP4 came directly from the NASA website. It shows the hole and a timelapse of an aurora interacting with it. Pire Reese map that was made in the 1500s... before Colombus showing Antarctica in its correct location... no ice and navigable passages through the center area of the continent. The Carl Unger letter which is from a Nazi who went through on the U-Boats. Hell, there is even a hole in Saturn shown here! There are ZERO polar orbit satellites that go directly over the poles! They all go slightly to the side. The reason is that if they go directly over the poles they can actually enter the planet as opposed to orbiting around it. The center where the star is is a vacuum. There is even some directions to get there by submarine if you happen to come across one.

Other than that there really is no proof of it at all and we definitely should go all-in with the hollow earth jews.

https://files.catbox.moe/9l53k7.gif https://files.catbox.moe/lf8fr8.png https://files.catbox.moe/ydy2lg.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/38aosv.PNG https://files.catbox.moe/7al1mq.png https://files.catbox.moe/hi2hzs.png https://files.catbox.moe/1tqosd.jpeg https://files.catbox.moe/n8h3ia.jpeg https://files.catbox.moe/1owbeo.jpg That MP4 came directly from the NASA website. It shows the hole and a timelapse of an aurora interacting with it. Pire Reese map that was made in the 1500s... before Colombus showing Antarctica in its correct location... no ice and navigable passages through the center area of the continent. The Carl Unger letter which is from a Nazi who went through on the U-Boats. Hell, there is even a hole in Saturn shown here! There are ZERO polar orbit satellites that go directly over the poles! They all go slightly to the side. The reason is that if they go directly over the poles they can actually enter the planet as opposed to orbiting around it. The center where the star is is a vacuum. There is even some directions to get there by submarine if you happen to come across one. Other than that there really is no proof of it at all and we definitely should go all-in with the hollow earth jews.

(post is archived)

That's where the aliens dock their ships. You don't want to fuck with that

[–] 1 pt

How can there be that much shit orbiting the planet and not have collision or near collision issues?

[–] 3 pts

There is more room up there than you think... At orbit the surface area available is larger than the whole planet. IT is a TON of work to get something to actually hit up there. Easy to miss. Also, its in 3D. You can be above and below as well.

[–] 1 pt

Never seen so much evidence on this, but never really researched it. Didn't the Nazis build a base there for this reason? Didn't Ancient aliens cover something like this as well?

[–] 2 pts

Dude there is all sorts of shit up with Antarctica. Hard to tease out what is real and what is bullshit. The NASA vid I posted here is damming indeed as is the Piri Reese map IMO. Could it all be bullshit? Yeah, it could but I think there is a strong chance of it being real.

A huge negative to all this is that it is possible to determine the mass of a planet like earth by looking at its orbit. At a given orbit a given mass will be stable at a given speed. That is a hard law of physics. With the orbit and speed you can determine the mass in a given body. If the earth were hollow then its orbit would be different.... UNLESS there is a shitload of mass within the planet packed into that small "star" thing rumoured to be there. If it was then the appearance of a solid body could be maintained. That seems like Epi-cycles to me though.

Cheers and happy digging!

Post shit you have here in this sub and if there is some activity then I will dump more. I have a fuck-ton of stuff.

[–] 0 pt

I will! I think I've seen your user before on voat or maybe I just saw it on here. I definitely remember watching an episode of Ancient Aliens where they discussed the Earth being hollow and the entrance being in Antarctica. They also had suspicions of the Nazis reasons for being there was to investigate it. I don't mean to get aliens involved, but it is just what I watched. I'll definitely dig. Thanks a lot for peaking my interest on this.

[–] 2 pts

Yeah I was on voat with this name years ago. Check out REMA Antarctica viewer. Its like google earth. Its pretty wild. There are hand edits EVERYWHERE. They are covering shit up.

[–] 1 pt

There's a hospital there that can cure anyone of anything. That's why people like John Kerry and Buzz Aldrin and other elites that are too rich to be on the radar of the goys.

It might be possible that earth's magnetic field has something to do with orbital paths. It's not cool to fuck with powerful magnetic fields, especially when the sun is spitting energetic particles at our planet all the time.

[–] 0 pt

Yeah, I dont know. It just seems like there are just way too many coincidences with the poles. Constantly there is some fuckery going on on this rock and it always seems to end up at the poles. Weird shit with world leaders going there. No settlements or mining or drilling allowed. Essentially it is a world military base. Lots of weird stories about caves in the ice. Lost civilizations. Advanced tech. Too much for it to just be ice and penguins humping. This place is larger than all of North America. Yeah, fuckery is afoot in Antarctica. I think in the end everything going on around us will end up with some bullshit out of that place.

[–] -2 pt

> our planet

so you're a retard, thanks for clarifying

[–] 0 pt

you're a shill pushing more space & NASA fantasy. suppose you'll tell us something about Jesus next?

I'd like to think Poal has higher collective IQ to see through your disinfo

[–] 1 pt

Dude... Who knows. I think its fun to collect and read up on. Not like I could do anything with it anyway. I do think there is some fuckery going on down there though. What it is is anybodys guess.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

do you collect religious content too ?

99% of what you post is garbage.

99% of people wear masks when told.

99% of the news is lies.

do you see a trend?

maybe try collecting & posting about something that is based on reality instead of fantasy clown world things that is already regurgitated by the mainstream; try collecting from that 1% pile of things that are forbidden to be told (because they are much closer to 'truth' exactly the things they don't want us to know).

Maybe its not as fun to collect but its much easier process since you need only exercise common sense and ask the simple question of is this provable, is this scientifically repeatable, is this impirical evidence based material. Everything else is junk, like those anal hole photos of CG Saturn you posted.

[–] 1 pt

See you in Antarctica buddy. Anything of importance is happening down there.

[–] 0 pt

A couple of those links you posted have 404'd.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

You might be interested in looking into Birkeland currents due to how they interact with the poles of stellar objects (e.g. the Earth):




You might also consider checking out at least a couple of the recent videos on the Thunderbolts Project jewtube channel as they've done many (but several recently) on Birkeland currents:




And more information here as well as at the above thunderbolts.info site:


(To preempt any potential comments regarding Wal Thornhill's site name in relation to other 'holo-' names like the holohoax and the holocough, that is essentially why it is that name - they're very red-pilled. Holoscience is essentially in reference to 'modern', 'mainstream' and 'settled' science that is pushed as reality while it is all about as true to reality as the holocaust lie. The Electric Universe and plasma physics is grounded in verifiable and testable theories and models based in actual evidence and real science following the scientific method. Their predictions for discoveries are practically 100% (if not 100%) accurate time and time again and the new discoveries are not at all a surprise. Meanwhile the 'holoscientists' are always 'dumbfounded' and 'shocked' when 'impossible' things that 'should not exist' are discovered that don't fit with their holoscience narrative.) ___

I believe the Earth (and all stellar bodies) being hollow is quite compatible with the Electric Universe theory (that electricity is the dominant force in the universe and not gravity) and several of their videos discuss that and I recall it being stated that potentially all stellar bodies could be hollow. I do not know if the Earth is or if all objects of particular mass might be, or whether Expanding Earth could also be in play as well due to the issues with plate tectonics seeming to be utter bullshit, but they're worth looking into and considering the validity of the evidences for them.

Might also be interested in this channel that offers additional thoughts on EU/Expanding Earth-related topics:




Their latest video is also in relation to Birkeland currents (and they have many others on them), and they also discuss and outline theories relating to the hollow Earth and experiments in relation to verifying that theory.

[–] -1 pt (edited )

Good links here man. There is definitely something fishy about Antarctica. Hollow earth, or ice wall, or something. That satellite picture you posted is very interesting.

I know flat earthers get a bad rap but there are some really weird things in their evidence pile that I have to wonder about. Flight patterns always avoiding going across the southern hemisphere for one thing. They say that Antarctica is really an ice ring around the whole thing....

If you took that picture and superimposed it on a 3d model of a globe, there would probably be a little hole on the bottom where the edges of the picture came together. I have no fuckin clue, just thinking aloud here.

One thing I've wondered about... I was up in the Arctic circle a couple years ago. I went in the summer and it was hot, like 85 degrees. Of course in the winter it gets way below freezing, but in the summer it actually gets up in the 80s and 90s. We were way way up in the Arctic circle and we were sunburned and sweating.

They say it's because in the summer, the north pole is really close to the sun so it gets warm and never gets dark (I can confirm that too, stayed daylight the whole time I was there). My question is... Why doesn't Antarctica thaw out in the summer the same way?? It stays frozen all year. Shouldn't it also have warm summers?

[–] 0 pt

Wind patters force cold air to stay collected down there. It wasn’t always a frozen sheet of ice. Iirc, sometime in 170(9?) there was an earth quake and a tsunami created a gap between South America and Antarctica.

The Artic circle is land, with open water in the middle, Antarctic circle is the opposite.