So my guns don't have value?
Go back and re-read what I said. You're saying if you can't touch it, it has no value. I'm saying that's naive, there are plenty of intangible things that we are happy to trade for.
cryptocurrency as an idea, is jewish.
It is not. in fact the decentralized nature of a global scale, PoW block-chain based currency is about as anti-jewish as you can get, as far as I'm concerned. PoS block-chains, however, I DO believe was jewish retaliation to attack Bitcoin.
Anybody who thinks "money" held in a digital state that can be turned on and off with the flip of a bit is subzero IQ.
With PoS block-chains this is plausible. With PoW block-chains it is only a concern at its early stage. With Bitcoin specifically this is not plausible _any more_. The jews had their chance at stopping it but they failed, now all they can do is make a PoS currency more attractive and hope people will move their money to that instead of Bitcoing, and so far they're STILL FAILING at that (Bitcoin remains the #1 most valued crypto currency to date).
With Bitcoin the "bit" you're talking about is replicated millions of times around the world and almost as many computers agree that it is accurate. You can flip that "bit" on one machine but then all the other machines refuse to believe what that one machine has to say about that "money". You'd have to flip that "bit" on at least half of all those machines to convince the other machines what the new truth is about that money. It's just so impractical to try to do that now, that not even the roth family has the resources to take control.