I have mixed feelings about fiber - but it's probably not going to be a situation I need to deal with before I'm dead.
I have DSL with decent download speeds - for my needs. My upload speeds are abysmal.
But, fiber can only be bent at a 30 degree angle before it breaks and it has serious degradation after like 20 degrees. At the same time, I've seen my telephone lines encased in ice, plowed into a snowbank, and I still have connectivity and about normal speeds.
I have wind and solar, not because I'm a dirty hippie but because the grid is that fucking unreliable. My phone line stayed in the snowbank for like two weeks, long after the power company removed the tree and restored their lines and service. Copper gives no fucks. Fiber? Not so much.
I'd love to upload video. Ain't happening. My upload peaks at like 1 Mb/sec. Sometimes, if the server is close and the declination of the moon just right, I'll get like 1.5. Usually, it's like .5 to .75 and this seems to saturate my bandwidth, making using this connection impossible. (I have two DSL connections on distinct lines, one for guests and one for me.)
Well I’ve never had the chance to have fiber before this. So I’m taking the chance because upload speeds. Out of the gate I’m at 25 up with a static. Sure it has it’s limitations but so does copper. Don’t get me wrong copper has been good to me. Fiber however will get me upload speeds that I could never dream of on copper.
If you Google Maps my area, you'll see that (for much of the way) our power lines run through corridors that have been cut out of the forest. They're like at least 100' across, big honkin' things 'cause we get some serious, seriously awesome, weather.
If they'd bury the fiber (they won't), I'd be interested and all about that. It's okay, I doubt they'll even offer it. There's supposed to be fiber running up Rt. 16, but I don't see 'em working on it. FairPoint was just recently purchased by a new ISP, so it's hard telling.
Plus, with DSL (Maine law), I can use any service provider I want. If I don't like my ISP, copper is covered by regulations that fiber doesn't cover - so I can just switch to a new ISP with a phone call.
Still, I am envious of your upload.
The upload I don't have yet! the 16th. I can do this. I will not call and get coax I will not call and get coax. I have google mapsed your area, it looks beautiful. I think I did see the "grooves" where power is run, is that where the copper is too? I didn't think it was a good idea to run data next too power.
Not sure if relevant but I've been trying to get good internet for around 20 years. I'm also pretty rural.
If you have money, time warner or cox or whoever provides cable internet will split the cost with you.
They won't run coax lines down my road, and I don't have 25-50k to split cost with them.
Also I'm too far away from those green boxes beside the road to be eligible for DSL. So I'm stuck on 4g through a cell company, which has a soft cap.
I'm in my mid 30s now, and doubt I will ever see unlimited broadband. It always adds a special blend of anxiety and sadness to know I can't use my internet to stream shit like the rest of the population. It crosses my mind every time I watch the occasional YouTube vid or Netflix show.
I got a bit rambly, but the point is that they will run coax if you have money. Probably a lot less finicky than fiber, and much better speeds than DSL.
(post is archived)