However Its only available to accounts that have acheived red barron status.
How did you know I was going to report this post?
However Its only available to accounts that have acheived red barron status.
How did you know I was going to report this post?
I'm kidding. You redfags better do your job. lol.
I like the level limitation
Edit: SHIT WAIT FUCK. That means I can't mass report people!!!
Patience, my son. All good things come to those who wait, and post sensibly.
Yeah well you know what I like my ISP not fucking with me.
I don't want gayniggers like you being able to report things so I think it works out.
Oh shit
What are we supposed to report?
CP, spam, that sort of thing
What about suspected communist sympathies?
I thought that was obvious.
Just commenting to check my color....
I get a feeling this will eventually be abused. Good for now though.
I'm curious on how it will be abused.
User wants to silence act normal until red and then abuse as wanted
The reports are not automatic and admins have to review them to confirm something was really spam or breaking the ToS.
Repeat abuse from users will end up with report button disabled for their accounts.
Takes a lot of work/time to get to red.
But, yes, everything is abused eventually.
See thats why the settings are coming. However I can see what you mean.
Sounds gay
That'll be a while, I'm level 18 and I need 30 for this option. I'll get there soon or later.
Seems to me some Voat refugees are angry.. as well s some still active members.. lol Weather the storm.
(post is archived)