WelcomeUser Guide

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So over the past few days I have noticed and involved in a bit of drama with people using the downvote button as and I don't like you button or an I disagree button. This really saddens me. I don't like seeing it. I think the downvote button should be for spam or things that are irrelevant. Thats what I think we should use it for. If you disagree make an argument. If you just hate a user why not ignore them or even block them. Please don't try to censor them. Everyone here deserves to have free speech. Even the people you don't like. Even the people you disagree with. Without free speech, what do we have? Without it we have fallen. I don't accept that we have fallen. I think we have ascended to a point where everyone has a voice. No matter what their opinion. The free market of ideas will show what are the best ideas. Don't let yourself fall into the habit of trying to censor ideas you don't like your arguments will do that better than any vote could.

So over the past few days I have noticed and involved in a bit of drama with people using the downvote button as and I don't like you button or an I disagree button. This really saddens me. I don't like seeing it. I think the downvote button should be for spam or things that are irrelevant. Thats what I think we should use it for. If you disagree make an argument. If you just hate a user why not ignore them or even block them. Please don't try to censor them. Everyone here deserves to have free speech. Even the people you don't like. Even the people you disagree with. Without free speech, what do we have? Without it we have fallen. I don't accept that we have fallen. I think we have ascended to a point where everyone has a voice. No matter what their opinion. The free market of ideas will show what are the best ideas. Don't let yourself fall into the habit of trying to censor ideas you don't like your arguments will do that better than any vote could.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

Things were going seemingly good for a while, but people get tired of being ignored and move on. Voat lost a lot of good people that way. I think perhaps our migration has spurred putt back into development. We'll see. All the development in the world cannot replace an admin who is on all the time though....