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Pedophilia is not acceptable in any form and Poal has a zero tolerance regarding it.

In the past months, several cubicle glownigger accounts have been banned for trying to normalize that degeneracy, by pushing memes, jokes, innuendoes, and discussions regarding the age of consent...

So if you want to help poal, feel free to report them.

Thanks to all of you poalrs who already and actively did.

Poal's ToS

## Pedophilia is not acceptable in any form and Poal has a **zero tolerance** regarding it. In the past months, several cubicle glownigger accounts have been banned for trying to normalize that degeneracy, by pushing memes, jokes, innuendoes, and discussions regarding the age of consent... So if you want to help poal, feel free to report them. Thanks to all of you poalrs who already and actively did. [Poal's ToS](https://poal.co/tos)

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts

I think BLM is probably afraid to riot again because randoms are starting to hate niggers. Go ask a random normie what they think of blacks and BLM in confidence.

They probably have to go on cooldown for a couple years unless they want mass lynchings of niggers everywhere. Nigger fatigue is real.

[–] 1 pt

I think BLM is probably afraid to riot again

I think they are just waiting to get paid. The riots will start when the money comes.

[–] 0 pt

Actually let me amend my statement a bit, I don't think the average retard inbred nigger is worried about this or aware of it, but the (((owners))) of BLM certainly are and are leaving them on cooldown until they need to fuck up an election or something.