done. thank you, I ended up using one I got from chips but I still really appreciate it. Also the twitter account is already locked! LMAO they think they can keep me out. Thats cute.
done. thank you, I ended up using one I got from chips but I still really appreciate it. Also the twitter account is already locked! LMAO they think they can keep me out. Thats cute.
Is this Poal's Gab account?
Is this Poal's Gab account?
It is, I just made it minutes ago.
It is, I just made it minutes ago.
Alright, perfect. Just followed it with the Sandia Mesa account and my personal account.
Alright, perfect. Just followed it with the Sandia Mesa account and my personal account.
LOL - Tell them your a Donald Trump alt.
LOL - Tell them your a Donald Trump alt.
Holy shit... that was fast...
Holy shit... that was fast...
Shit we are on the deep state radar
Shit we are on the deep state radar
(post is archived)