Dunno. I had only bad experiences with matrix. Updating the XMPP protocol into something more modern and more binary could be a good thing, but it's still too experimental to be used.
No packages in stable distributions, no AppArmor/SELinux profiles, the developers say that they don't trust the runtime security of their server-code, no support by oldfashioned multiprotocol messengers, and the JS client I've tried has led to constant 100% CPU usage while using tor. Having a simple RPC-based webchat is also possible with XMPP.
Maybe I'm too conservative for only using oldfashioned tech...
Dunno. I had only bad experiences with matrix. Updating the XMPP protocol into something more modern and more binary could be a good thing, but it's still too experimental to be used.
No packages in stable distributions, no AppArmor/SELinux profiles, the developers say that they don't trust the runtime security of their server-code, no support by oldfashioned multiprotocol messengers, and the JS client I've tried has led to constant 100% CPU usage while using tor. Having a simple RPC-based webchat is also possible with XMPP.
Maybe I'm too conservative for only using oldfashioned tech...
To each their own is what I always say. I might look for another chat platform who knows matrix has kind of gone down hill if you ask me.
To each their own is what I always say. I might look for another chat platform who knows matrix has kind of gone down hill if you ask me.
(post is archived)