This is marketing. Your host kicked you. Spin it anyway you want. If this new host is so great why did you wait until the previous host banned you? How do you know the new shiney great host won't kick us in a few months and we'll be praising new hosts?
This is marketing. Your host kicked you. Spin it anyway you want. If this new host is so great why did you wait until the previous host banned you? How do you know the new shiney great host won't kick us in a few months and we'll be praising new hosts?
Alright. Let's begin the hosting provider stress testing.
Nigger. Faggot. Kike. Spic. Tranny. Etc. Etc.
Alright. Let's begin the hosting provider stress testing.
Nigger. Faggot. Kike. Spic. Tranny. Etc. Etc.
Nothing about hate speech in any of their documentation.
Nothing about hate speech in any of their documentation.
What country is the new host in? What local laws are we now operating under.
Are you using any kind of cloudflare DDOS protection or are your preventive measures within your code?
What country is the new host in? What local laws are we now operating under.
Are you using any kind of cloudflare DDOS protection or are your preventive measures within your code?
Cool. I can delete my account now.
Cool. I can delete my account now.
Sounds like nothing but good news to me. Poal, 2.0.
Sounds like nothing but good news to me. Poal, 2.0.
You're 6 months late :P
You're 6 months late :P
I still can't block the trolls of the JEW CIA
I still can't block the trolls of the JEW CIA
One problem at a time.
One problem at a time.
(post is archived)