uncalled for downvoats would help us make a list of shils and niggerfaggots trying to doxx basic users. seeing a list of whitefolk downvoating would help out niggerfaggotshils.
in a perfect world it would be fine not to show whos up-voting and down-voting. but knowing whos voting what right now would help notice redflags so it takes longer for us to end up like voat.
i vote yes on showing whos voting what
We've (@PMYB2 and I) discussed about it several times and since it's already enabled for posts (and has been a successful experience), there's no reason why comments shouldn't have the same feature.
Level 6+ can access the [voting details] option (available under the post's title) and see who downvoted a post
I am stopping myself from giving you a downvoted, just to be sarcastic.
No chicken soup for you then.
(post is archived)