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[–] 5 pts

Just opens it up for a national police force.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Or privately owned zones where private security enforces codes of conduct that aren't constrained by the constitution.

[–] 1 pt

That could work.

In practice it would be sending PMC after anyone they remotely view as a threat to their power structure and seizing their property or outright killing them, as well as complete electronic surveillance of everything.

I just realized I am describing the status quo.

[–] 1 pt

Remember boys and girls... the police are your friends. (If you're related to them). (and not always then).

"Police" are the government's response to the 2nd Amendment. All 3 branches of government have their armed militias. The fucking Post Office has a federal SWAT team.

This is not a free country anymore. I have this nightmare about taking a porker home from the bar at 2am and having my door kicked in by armed agents of the Bureau of Weights and Measures...

[–] 1 pt

Don't drink the poison, then. Going home with at 2 with a 10 is not worth waking up at 10 with a 2, a hangover, and now you have to chew your arm off because she's so damn wolf ugly.

[–] 0 pt

Also if the Police go then the military will probably take their place and that in itself can be a 2 edged sword.

[–] 0 pt

Invincible is great

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Anarchocapitalists don't understand power.

If police departments disappear, what do you think will happen? Freedom will be protected by individuals with guns, and no other powerful entity (government or otherwise) will step into the massive power vacuum?

First of all, as has been pointed out, a federal police force would be coming quickly. When it arrived, instead of being overseen by locals who care about your community, the mandates of the state will be enforced by imported forces who report to bureaucrats in DC who've never seen your neighborhood.

But let's say that you could prevent a federal police force. Let's say it's total anarchy, with nobody to enforce the law... what's to stop communities from being taken over by violent gangs, privately funded security forces, or even fucking Walmart? Do you think nobody with the resources to raise armed patrols is going to start taking over anywhere? Do you think that they will respect your rights?

The world was originally anarchocapitalist. There was a time when no human had a state government. There are now no inhabited places on earth that do not have some form of state. How do you think that happened?

You do not become more free by having no government force; that just provides an opportunity for someone else to apply their force and become government. You protect your rights by gaining power and using it to apply pressure on the government for your interests. Worst case scenario, you have a revolution... but then you still have to install a new government with the power to enforce laws.

[–] 0 pt

What is this show?

[–] 1 pt

Didn't know, found it myself here


[–] 0 pt

Some people want the police between the white family that owns no guns and the violent criminal nigger