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[–] 2 pts

brb, gotta go shoot their dogs.

[–] 2 pts

If piercing your dick for compliance were in one of the cop rule-books, 97% of them would dutifully pierce your dick each time you didn't immediately do whatever they asked.

[–] 1 pt

Yeah if the cops stopped enforcing draconian fascistic orders/acts/statutes upon everyone, they'd deserve it....but they haven't stopped..

[–] 0 pt

Even just speeding tickets. There is something disrespectful in believing I'm in capable of driving 50 mph safely while they drive way faster on the same road with or without a need to. If they actually respected us they wouldn't spend their day stuck in a speed trap just to make everyone's day worse.

[–] 0 pt

Agreed. Simplistically, they treat the tax payer population - whom they get paid and allegedly serve - like retarded children; when they themselves (most) aren't aware of the universal rights of a living man or woman. It's a joke

This is how they treat us here: https://youtu.be/zlH7kfdDGcs

[–] 1 pt

bro... STOP using that link. Fucking no one wants to sign into jutube.


What is that you got there? Some kind of mirror link creator? Or is it a copy of youtube? I'm down for either.

[–] 0 pt

That picture is the precise moment I lost my innocence. I've hated the state ever since. Trump was the only time I put that hate on pause.

[–] 2 pts

The state remains largely unaffected by whatever caretaker manager the populace choose to try in vain to control them. More Americans should really watch Yes, Minister - pretty old but absolutely brilliant British comedy about the interactions between a government minister and his senior civil service staff, or permanent government.

[–] 0 pt

If those "christians" actually READ the Bible, they would KNOW David Koresh is NOT the second coming of Jesus, who is CLEARLY described as coming on a white horse with a sword and appearing IN jerusalem. NO sympathy for FAKES.

ALL you need is the Bible. NOT false teaching prophets (ALSO detailed in the Bible). You SHOULD know the difference. OH and if "jesus" (imposter) wants to HAVE SEX you or your family, he is NOT Jesus, in fact, he MIGHT be Satan, because Satan CLAIMS he IS Christ, and arrive PEACEFULLY (not born) and PROSPEROUSLY.

I wonder if Jesus and God ever have arguments about the NO SEX thinking? They must NOT like (trust) women a LOT.

[–] 4 pts

Doesn't mean we condone him being killed by the feds and children being burnt alive by the ATF you fucking cunt

[–] 0 pt (edited )

CONSEQUNCE (comeuppance) of BEING a FALSE prophet and/or ONE of the SUCKERS. explicit reasoning OR not. I HAVE no sympathy for the lost. They CHOSE (or their parents). No the apple DOES NOT fall far from the tree.

God OBVIOUSLY wants to speak to them personally, because they aren't GETTING the big picture. Besides a CHILD dying YOUNG is more of a BLESSING (not RESPONSIBLE for THEIR sins yet). SHORT sentence. Those kids far more happy NOW than they EVERY were with their DOLT parents.

You stupid nigger (like) retard.

[–] 0 pt

Real schizo posting hours

[–] 0 pt

You are a jew worshipping faggot

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Yep. It sure seems so (NOT a fag). Doesn't make me Jewish (I don't think, but don't KNOW as a matter of fact). I don't KNOW who my maternal grandfather was (date rape of grandmother produced my mom). he WAS wealthy (heir wise) and died soon after. Also, my TV preacher (shepherds chapel) says the 10 northern (captives of assyria) tribes, after their release, crossed the caucasus mountains and somehow founded Europe (instead of RUSSIA?). So I'm could be among the lost tribes I suppose, but MY family is christian (former catholics). I FOLLOW that because I RESPECT and HONOR (rather than demean and rebuke in YOUR case possibly) MY ancestors. I think MY way will make ALL The difference in establishing a HOME (in eternity) where there are NO beings like YOU AT ALL. You would be in "hell" (of your OWN creation).

Tell me, do you EVER have ANYTHING intelligent to say, instead of the literal metaphor (posting online) of flinging your poop from your cage at some spectator at your zoo/home like a monkey? I mean, WHAT pleasure does someone like you get out of posting what you posted here? Do you think it makes you LOOK good? Or estute or intelligent? Do you think it's entertaining to OTHERS? Do you even care? WHY are you HERE at poal?

[–] 0 pt

Your ancestors were murdered and tortured by jews and people following jew orders. Why is it ok to arbitrarily decide where to draw the line in history if its so important to you?

"My family is Christian and I want to honor the traditions of my family, but only the ones that started less than 100, or 300, or 700 years ago. Before the random number that makes me feel good is irelevant."

Thats how stupid you sound. Are you a catholic? If not you aren't honoring your religious traditions. And if tradition and history doesn't matter why decide to continue following their jew propaganda machine when you know what it is?

Because it makes you feel good to not have to think about it and give all the responsibility to big jew skydaddy.

[–] 0 pt

If Satan can claim to be Christ how do you know the Christ of the Bible wasn’t Satan?

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Because Christ was BORN in the flesh as a means for God (the father) to show he (God the son) undestands (sort of) what MORTAL life is like and living perfectly (we Are not) IS possible. Satan was NOT an NEVER WILL BE born IN THE FLESH.

Second arrival BOTH are supernatural DESENTS from the heavens. ONE (satan) we will be ALIVE. the other (Christ) FIRST thing he DOES is kill us ALL (transformed in the twinkle of an eye into our SPIRIT bodies (what happens when you DIE)).

I suppose you wondering how do I know the Bible isn't absolutely and entirely lies? I DO NOT. BUT, the principles of goodness and truth described therein, ring SOLID with me, so I have FAITH.

WHY trick me while offering NO opposing (PLAUSABLE) perspective in the FIRST place? Garbage in, garbage out.