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[–] 0 pt

It's impossible for Communism to function without taking other peoples' stuff. Thou shalt not steal. QED Communism is evil. A four year old can put that logic together, so "young and mislead" is clearly a cover story for wilfull, malicious evil.

[–] 0 pt

I think that's a very black and White way of looking at it. The oligarchs steal, the petrochemical companies steal, amazon steals, nearly everyone in congress steal, police steal legally. If you take something from me, and I take it back is it stealing? They don't see it as taking from mike the plumber who built up his business over 20 years of 6 day weeks, they see it as redistributing wealth that has been taken immorally.

Attributing evil, or maliciousness to all of one's intellectual enemies doesn't help you to see them for who/what they really are. Just my 2 cents, take it as you will.

[–] 0 pt

How is Amazon stealing from me? If I want to purchase their goods or services we agree upon a mutually acceptable price and make a voluntary exchange. If I dont want their goods or services, they dont kick down my door and take my wallet.

[–] 1 pt

Before we go further it's important to clarify that I'm 100% for free market capitalism. The ability to understand the way your enemy thinks does not equal thinking that way yourself. However, I'm certain you'd agree that Amazon is hardly capatalistic, they are crony-capitalism. Do they not petition the government to intercede on their behalf? Do they not collude to restrict competition? Are they not the beneficiaries of tax structures, rebates, kickbacks and other huge rents collected from the state?

Are they not supporting continued "lockdowns" because it has enriched them? The mega-corps are happy as can be that so much of their competition has gone belly under. Competition = lower prices and better quality, and is the bedrock of free enterprise.