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Amiga Boot Sequence

  1. Clear all of the chips of old data.
  2. Disable DMA and interrupts during the test.
  3. Clear the screen.
  4. Check the Hardware to make sure the 68000 is working.
  5. Change the screen to Black, screen stays Black (or with red Stripes) if CPU fault.
  6. Do a checksum test on all the ROMS.
  7. Change screen to Red if ROMs are faulty, or change to Dark Gray if ROMs are OK.
  8. Begin the system startup.
  9. Check the Ram at $C0000, and move SYS_BASE there.
  10. Test all of the chip RAM.
  11. Change screen colour to Green if RAM is faulty, or change to Light Grey if RAM is OK.
  12. Check to see if the ROM software is coming in OK and being executed.
  13. Change colour to White if the software test is OK, stays Light Grey if faulty, or Blue if Custom Chip error.
  14. Set up the chip ram to receive data.
  15. Link the ROM libraries so the machine can identify connected devices and peripherals.
  16. Check for additional memory in these devices and link it to the computer. 16b. Chance screen colour to Yellow if there is an error with external cards/devices.
  17. Turn the DMA and Interrupts back on.
  18. Start a default task.
  19. Check to see if there are additional CPUs on the system, accelerators or a maths coprocessor.
  20. Check to see if there CPUs are OK. 21a. If there is an Exception (processor error), or issue reported, the system will reboot. 21b. The Kickstart Image is Displayed showing that the rom has been installed to memory, is running, and everything so far has reported OK. After this, the ROM GURU trap handler will display errors as codes on the screen.

Amiga Boot Colours

Black - The computer was able to reset. Dark Grey - The initial hardware tested OK. The 68000 is running and the ROM registers are readable. Light Grey - The RAM seems OK. If it stops at light grey it can mean a CIA error, or ROM corruption. White - The software is being executed and seems OK Kickstart - The initialization tests were all passed

Red - There is an error in the Kickstart ROM(s) Green - There is an error in the Chip RAM or general Ram error. Light Green - CIA problem. Blue - An error was found in the custom chips Denise, Paula or Agnus. Yellow - The computer found an error before the error trapping software (the guru) was running. Bad Capacitors, or a bad expansion card can often cause this, as can any other type of untrappable error. Cyan - Rev 0.x Kickstarts - Kickstart Error. Black - No CPU detected, or unspecified ROM error. Often means a CIA error if not booting. Black / Stripes - CPU or ROM error (try pressing down on the chips during power off) White - CPU failure or Denise/Lisa issue.

Amiga Boot Blinks on the Power LED

(A1000) - Fast steady power LED blink; dark screen. 74S51 (U9I) & 74F74 (U8I) damaged from expansion port.

(A2000) A Dim LED with no blinks can indicate a Buster issue.

(A1000) - 4 Blinks then a 5 second pause - This is normal and part of its boot sequence, but can also indicate a bad Kickstart disk. If there is no Kickstart image appearing after the blinks, check and replace the disk drive.

6 or 7 Blinks is usually broken tracks around the battery area after an acid leak, or battery issues with an expansion.

(A2000) - 9 Short Blinks + 1 long (with Red Screen) continuously means bad ram.

10 Blinks - System is waiting to connect to a remote debugger or terminal.

10 Short + 1 Long Blink (with Green Screen) - Faulty Agnus Chip (try clean and re-insert)

Constant Blink (with Yellow Screen) indicated either faulty capacitors on the main PCB, or a general issue with the +5V power or power supply.

Amiga Boot Blinks on the Keyboard Caps-Lock LED

1 Blink - Keyboard ROM checksum failure or ROM fault. 2 Blinks - Keyboard RAM test failed 3 Blinks - Keyboard Watchdog timer failed (IC 741s 123 or associated circuitry) 4 Blinks - A short exists between two row lines or one of the seven special keys (not implemented) No Flashes (but if keyboard still has errors) = Main PCB fault

When the Caps Lock key is repeatedly pressed approx. 10 times, the Caps Lock LED turning on and off each time indicates the CPU is correctly reading the CIAs. If the Caps Lock LED sticks on or off, the CPU is not servicing CIA interrupt requests.

If the Caps Lock key blinks with a fault, simply replace the keyboard.

Guru Meditation Error Codes:

General Error Codes

01 - Not enough memory 02 - Couldn't make library 03 - Can't open library 04 - Can't open device 05 - Can't open resource 06 - I/O error 07 - No signal 08 - Bad parameters 09 - Close library failed: usually too many closes 0A - Close device failed: or a mismatched close 0B - Process creation failed

Specific Alert Codes

EXEC Library 0001 - 68000 exception vector checksum (obs) 0002 - Execbase checksum bad (obs) 0003 - Library checksum failure 0005 - Corrupt memory list detected in FreeMem 0006 - No memory for interrupt servers 0007 - InitStruct() of an APTR source (obs) 0008 - A semaphore is in an illegal state of Rem Semaphore() 0009 - Freeing memory that is already free 000A - Illegal 68K exception taken (obs) 000B - Attempt to reuse active OIRequest 000C - Sanity check on memory list failed during AvailMem (MEMF_LARGEST) 000D - IO attempted on close IORequest 000E - Stack appears to extend out of range 000F - Memory header not located. Usually an invalid address passed to FreeMem 0010 - An attempt was made to use the old message semaphores 00FF - A quick interrupt has happened to an uninitialised vector

CPU Exceptions 0002 - Bus Error 0003 - Addressing error 0004 - Illegal instruction 0005 - Divide by zero 0006 - CHK instruction 0007 - TRAPV instruction 0008 - Privilege violation 0009 - Trace 000A - OpCode 1010 000B - OpCode 1111 000E - Stack frame format error 0018 - Spurious interrupt error 0019 to 001F - AutoVector Level 1 to 7 int error

Intuition Library 0001 - Unknown gadget type 0002 - Create port, no memory 0003 - Item plane alloc, no memory 0004 - Sub alloc, no memory 0005 - Plane alloc, no memory 0006 - Item box top <RelZero 0007 - Open screen, no memory 0008 - Open screen, raster alloc, no memory 0009 - Open sys screen, unknown type 000A - Add SW gadgets, no memory 000B - Open window, no memory 000C - Bad Stare Return entering Intuition 000D - Bad message received by IDCMP 000E - Weird echo causing incomprehension 000F - Couldn't open the Console Device 0010 - Intuition skipped obtaining a sem 0011 - Intuition obtained a sem in bad order

Graphics Library 0000 - Graphics out of memory 0001 - MonitorSpec alloc, no memory 0006 - Long frame, no memory 0007 - Short frame, no memory 0009 - Text, no memory for TmpRas 000A - BitBitMap, no memory 000B - regions, memory not available 0030 - Make V Por, no memory 000C - (GFX New Error) 000D - (GFX Free Error) 1234 - Emergency memory not available 0401 - Unsupported font description used

Workbench 0001 - No fonts 0001 - WB Bad Startup Msg1 0002 - WB Bad Startup Msg2 0003 - WB Bad IO Msg 0004 - WB Init Potion Alloc Drawer 0005 - WB Create WB Menus Create Menus1 0006 - WB Create WB Menus Create Menus2 0007 - WB Layout WB Menus Layout Menus 0008 - WB Add Tool Menu Item 000A - WB InitTimer 000B - WB Init Layer Demon 000C - WB Init WB Gels 000D - WB Init Screen and Windows1 000E - WB Init Screen and Windows2 000F - WB Init Screen and Windows3 0010 - WBMAlloc

Layers Library 0000 - Layers out of memory

Expansion Library 0001 - Freed free memory

Trackdisk Device 0001 - Calibrate: seek error 0002 - Delay: error on timer wait

Disk Resource 0001 - Get unit: already has a disk 0002 - Interrupt: no active unit

RamLib Library 0001 - Overlays are illegal for library segments

Console Device 0001 - Console can't open initial window

Timer Device 0001 - Bad request 0002 - Power supply: no 50/60 Hz ticks

Bootstrap 0001 - Boot code returned an error

Dos Library 0001 - No memory at startup 0002 - EndTask didn't 0003 - Qpkt failure 0004 - Unexpected packet received 0005 - Freevec failed 0006 - Disk block sequence error 0007 - Bitmap corrupt 0008 - Key already free 0009 - Invalid checksum 000A - Disk error 000B - Key out of range 000C - Bad overlay 000D - Invalid init packet for CLI/SHELL

Alert Objects 8001 - ExecLib 8002 - GraphicsLib 8003 - LayersLib 8004 - Intuition 8005 - MathLib 8007 - DOSLib 8008 - RAMLib 8009 - IconLib 800A - ExpansionLib 800B - DiskfontLib 800C - UtilityLib 800D - KeyMapLib 8010 - AudioDev 8011 - ConsoleDev 8012 - GamePortDev 8013 - KeyboardDev 8014 - TrackDiskDev 8015 - TimerDev 8020 - CIARsrc 8021 - DiskRsrc 8022 - MiscRsrc 8030 - BootStrap 8031 - Workbench 8032 - Diskcopy 8033 - GadTools 8035 - Unknown

AmigaDos Error Codes Displayed in CLI or Shell

103 - No free store 105 - Task table full 114 - Bad temlate 115 - Bad number 116 - Required arg missing 117 - Key needs arg 118 - Too many args 119 - Unmatched quotes 120 - Line too long 121 - File no object 122 - Invalid resident library 201 - No default dir 202 - Object in use 203 - Object exists 204 - Dir not found 205 - Object not found 206 - Bad stream name 207 - Object too large 209 - Action not known 210 - Invalid component name 211 - Invalid lock 212 - Object wrong type 213 - Disk not validated 214 - Disk write protected 215 - Rename across devices 216 - Directory not empty 217 - Too many levels 218 - Device not mounted 219 - Seek error 220 - Comment too big 221 - Disk full 222 - Delete protected 223 - Write protected 224 - Read protected 225 - Not a DOS disk 226 - No disk 233 - Is soft linked 234 - Object linked 235 - Bad hunk 236 - Not implemented 240 - Record no locked 241 - Lock collision 242 - Lock timeout 243 - Unlock error 303 - Buffer overflow 304 - ***Break 305 - File not executable

Amiga Boot Sequence 1. Clear all of the chips of old data. 2. Disable DMA and interrupts during the test. 3. Clear the screen. 4. Check the Hardware to make sure the 68000 is working. 5. Change the screen to Black, screen stays Black (or with red Stripes) if CPU fault. 6. Do a checksum test on all the ROMS. 7. Change screen to Red if ROMs are faulty, or change to Dark Gray if ROMs are OK. 8. Begin the system startup. 9. Check the Ram at $C0000, and move SYS_BASE there. 10. Test all of the chip RAM. 11. Change screen colour to Green if RAM is faulty, or change to Light Grey if RAM is OK. 12. Check to see if the ROM software is coming in OK and being executed. 13. Change colour to White if the software test is OK, stays Light Grey if faulty, or Blue if Custom Chip error. 14. Set up the chip ram to receive data. 15. Link the ROM libraries so the machine can identify connected devices and peripherals. 16. Check for additional memory in these devices and link it to the computer. 16b. Chance screen colour to Yellow if there is an error with external cards/devices. 17. Turn the DMA and Interrupts back on. 18. Start a default task. 19. Check to see if there are additional CPUs on the system, accelerators or a maths coprocessor. 20. Check to see if there CPUs are OK. 21a. If there is an Exception (processor error), or issue reported, the system will reboot. 21b. The Kickstart Image is Displayed showing that the rom has been installed to memory, is running, and everything so far has reported OK. After this, the ROM GURU trap handler will display errors as codes on the screen. Amiga Boot Colours Black - The computer was able to reset. Dark Grey - The initial hardware tested OK. The 68000 is running and the ROM registers are readable. Light Grey - The RAM seems OK. If it stops at light grey it can mean a CIA error, or ROM corruption. White - The software is being executed and seems OK Kickstart - The initialization tests were all passed Red - There is an error in the Kickstart ROM(s) Green - There is an error in the Chip RAM or general Ram error. Light Green - CIA problem. Blue - An error was found in the custom chips Denise, Paula or Agnus. Yellow - The computer found an error before the error trapping software (the guru) was running. Bad Capacitors, or a bad expansion card can often cause this, as can any other type of untrappable error. Cyan - Rev 0.x Kickstarts - Kickstart Error. Black - No CPU detected, or unspecified ROM error. Often means a CIA error if not booting. Black / Stripes - CPU or ROM error (try pressing down on the chips during power off) White - CPU failure or Denise/Lisa issue. Amiga Boot Blinks on the Power LED (A1000) - Fast steady power LED blink; dark screen. 74S51 (U9I) & 74F74 (U8I) damaged from expansion port. (A2000) A Dim LED with no blinks can indicate a Buster issue. (A1000) - 4 Blinks then a 5 second pause - This is normal and part of its boot sequence, but can also indicate a bad Kickstart disk. If there is no Kickstart image appearing after the blinks, check and replace the disk drive. 6 or 7 Blinks is usually broken tracks around the battery area after an acid leak, or battery issues with an expansion. (A2000) - 9 Short Blinks + 1 long (with Red Screen) continuously means bad ram. 10 Blinks - System is waiting to connect to a remote debugger or terminal. 10 Short + 1 Long Blink (with Green Screen) - Faulty Agnus Chip (try clean and re-insert) Constant Blink (with Yellow Screen) indicated either faulty capacitors on the main PCB, or a general issue with the +5V power or power supply. Amiga Boot Blinks on the Keyboard Caps-Lock LED 1 Blink - Keyboard ROM checksum failure or ROM fault. 2 Blinks - Keyboard RAM test failed 3 Blinks - Keyboard Watchdog timer failed (IC 741s 123 or associated circuitry) 4 Blinks - A short exists between two row lines or one of the seven special keys (not implemented) No Flashes (but if keyboard still has errors) = Main PCB fault When the Caps Lock key is repeatedly pressed approx. 10 times, the Caps Lock LED turning on and off each time indicates the CPU is correctly reading the CIAs. If the Caps Lock LED sticks on or off, the CPU is not servicing CIA interrupt requests. If the Caps Lock key blinks with a fault, simply replace the keyboard. Guru Meditation Error Codes: General Error Codes 01 - Not enough memory 02 - Couldn't make library 03 - Can't open library 04 - Can't open device 05 - Can't open resource 06 - I/O error 07 - No signal 08 - Bad parameters 09 - Close library failed: usually too many closes 0A - Close device failed: or a mismatched close 0B - Process creation failed Specific Alert Codes EXEC Library 0001 - 68000 exception vector checksum (obs) 0002 - Execbase checksum bad (obs) 0003 - Library checksum failure 0005 - Corrupt memory list detected in FreeMem 0006 - No memory for interrupt servers 0007 - InitStruct() of an APTR source (obs) 0008 - A semaphore is in an illegal state of Rem Semaphore() 0009 - Freeing memory that is already free 000A - Illegal 68K exception taken (obs) 000B - Attempt to reuse active OIRequest 000C - Sanity check on memory list failed during AvailMem (MEMF_LARGEST) 000D - IO attempted on close IORequest 000E - Stack appears to extend out of range 000F - Memory header not located. Usually an invalid address passed to FreeMem 0010 - An attempt was made to use the old message semaphores 00FF - A quick interrupt has happened to an uninitialised vector CPU Exceptions 0002 - Bus Error 0003 - Addressing error 0004 - Illegal instruction 0005 - Divide by zero 0006 - CHK instruction 0007 - TRAPV instruction 0008 - Privilege violation 0009 - Trace 000A - OpCode 1010 000B - OpCode 1111 000E - Stack frame format error 0018 - Spurious interrupt error 0019 to 001F - AutoVector Level 1 to 7 int error Intuition Library 0001 - Unknown gadget type 0002 - Create port, no memory 0003 - Item plane alloc, no memory 0004 - Sub alloc, no memory 0005 - Plane alloc, no memory 0006 - Item box top <RelZero 0007 - Open screen, no memory 0008 - Open screen, raster alloc, no memory 0009 - Open sys screen, unknown type 000A - Add SW gadgets, no memory 000B - Open window, no memory 000C - Bad Stare Return entering Intuition 000D - Bad message received by IDCMP 000E - Weird echo causing incomprehension 000F - Couldn't open the Console Device 0010 - Intuition skipped obtaining a sem 0011 - Intuition obtained a sem in bad order Graphics Library 0000 - Graphics out of memory 0001 - MonitorSpec alloc, no memory 0006 - Long frame, no memory 0007 - Short frame, no memory 0009 - Text, no memory for TmpRas 000A - BitBitMap, no memory 000B - regions, memory not available 0030 - Make V Por, no memory 000C - (GFX New Error) 000D - (GFX Free Error) 1234 - Emergency memory not available 0401 - Unsupported font description used Workbench 0001 - No fonts 0001 - WB Bad Startup Msg1 0002 - WB Bad Startup Msg2 0003 - WB Bad IO Msg 0004 - WB Init Potion Alloc Drawer 0005 - WB Create WB Menus Create Menus1 0006 - WB Create WB Menus Create Menus2 0007 - WB Layout WB Menus Layout Menus 0008 - WB Add Tool Menu Item 000A - WB InitTimer 000B - WB Init Layer Demon 000C - WB Init WB Gels 000D - WB Init Screen and Windows1 000E - WB Init Screen and Windows2 000F - WB Init Screen and Windows3 0010 - WBMAlloc Layers Library 0000 - Layers out of memory Expansion Library 0001 - Freed free memory Trackdisk Device 0001 - Calibrate: seek error 0002 - Delay: error on timer wait Disk Resource 0001 - Get unit: already has a disk 0002 - Interrupt: no active unit RamLib Library 0001 - Overlays are illegal for library segments Console Device 0001 - Console can't open initial window Timer Device 0001 - Bad request 0002 - Power supply: no 50/60 Hz ticks Bootstrap 0001 - Boot code returned an error Dos Library 0001 - No memory at startup 0002 - EndTask didn't 0003 - Qpkt failure 0004 - Unexpected packet received 0005 - Freevec failed 0006 - Disk block sequence error 0007 - Bitmap corrupt 0008 - Key already free 0009 - Invalid checksum 000A - Disk error 000B - Key out of range 000C - Bad overlay 000D - Invalid init packet for CLI/SHELL Alert Objects 8001 - ExecLib 8002 - GraphicsLib 8003 - LayersLib 8004 - Intuition 8005 - MathLib 8007 - DOSLib 8008 - RAMLib 8009 - IconLib 800A - ExpansionLib 800B - DiskfontLib 800C - UtilityLib 800D - KeyMapLib 8010 - AudioDev 8011 - ConsoleDev 8012 - GamePortDev 8013 - KeyboardDev 8014 - TrackDiskDev 8015 - TimerDev 8020 - CIARsrc 8021 - DiskRsrc 8022 - MiscRsrc 8030 - BootStrap 8031 - Workbench 8032 - Diskcopy 8033 - GadTools 8035 - Unknown AmigaDos Error Codes Displayed in CLI or Shell 103 - No free store 105 - Task table full 114 - Bad temlate 115 - Bad number 116 - Required arg missing 117 - Key needs arg 118 - Too many args 119 - Unmatched quotes 120 - Line too long 121 - File no object 122 - Invalid resident library 201 - No default dir 202 - Object in use 203 - Object exists 204 - Dir not found 205 - Object not found 206 - Bad stream name 207 - Object too large 209 - Action not known 210 - Invalid component name 211 - Invalid lock 212 - Object wrong type 213 - Disk not validated 214 - Disk write protected 215 - Rename across devices 216 - Directory not empty 217 - Too many levels 218 - Device not mounted 219 - Seek error 220 - Comment too big 221 - Disk full 222 - Delete protected 223 - Write protected 224 - Read protected 225 - Not a DOS disk 226 - No disk 233 - Is soft linked 234 - Object linked 235 - Bad hunk 236 - Not implemented 240 - Record no locked 241 - Lock collision 242 - Lock timeout 243 - Unlock error 303 - Buffer overflow 304 - ***Break 305 - File not executable

(post is archived)