On this glorious Forth of July morning, I took time to deal with a very annoying clicking sound that was originating from my dash. This noise lasts for about 30 seconds to a minute after ignition.
The source is a bad actuator. Luckily this was easily accessed by pulling the glove box down. I disconnect and remove the actuator. What does it say on the white part sticker? Oh you probably already guessed it!
No wonder the cheap crap broke!
Thanks Chevy!
On this glorious Forth of July morning, I took time to deal with a very annoying clicking sound that was originating from my dash. This noise lasts for about 30 seconds to a minute after ignition.
The source is a bad actuator. Luckily this was easily accessed by pulling the glove box down. I disconnect and remove the actuator. What does it say on the white part sticker? Oh you probably already guessed it!
No wonder the cheap crap broke!
Thanks Chevy!
(post is archived)