"Fellow White People, also known as (((dear white people))) or "Fellow Whites", is a meme used to mock Jews who participated in this strange phenomenon where Jews pretend to be white to serve their political purposes." - from link
(((their))) race war kick starter / fire starter...
how to start race wars or a MASSIVE RACE WAR in America... (((they've))) been doing this the last 10-20 years or so alone at least as a start...
I just let (((them))) or the jews start MASSIVE RACE WARS alone. I'm just a "stupid white male" or too stupid as a white male (White Christian / White Catholic male) to stop that or even figure that one out... just let it happen then at that point.
they'd just blame me for being white and/or a white male anyways if I tried to stop just that alone. (((them)))
(post is archived)