Are we to believe it's all just gonna go back into the shadows?
Oh, its going back to the shadows but we have to put light on it to make sure it is dead.
Never assume that the enemy has given up.
Are we to believe it's all just gonna go back into the shadows?
Oh, its going back to the shadows but we have to put light on it to make sure it is dead.
Never assume that the enemy has given up.
No no no. The real question to ask is what words/phrases were picked to replace them with.
These people don't really mean it though. If Trump hadn't won, they would have been doubling down on the woke agenda. Now, they are backpedaling and expecting a fucking round of applause for it. They are spineless psychopathic traitors and should be dealt with as such. They do not actually believe in freedom. It's unclear whether they believe in anything really, just whatever will get them more power by any means. These people aren't the "leaders" of the globalist agenda though, just high level henchmen. Psychopaths are perfect for that, they can be guided to do whatever their masters want just by the promise of unimaginable power and riches. The satanic jews behind it all remain in the shadows as they ever have.
It will be back as soon as figures it’s ok.
None of these fork tongued jews are worth a second of a White man's time. Fuck this jew scum