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My friend is a black out alcoholic. Every day. She drinks and drives places and goes to sleep in her vehicle. A few times she's gotten arrested. So we put one of the devices on the vehicle so we can find her...man.

She doesn't see that she's wrong and says she's not hurting anyone. We almost talked her into rehab but she won't go. She even went to jail for a few days and saw that as a positive life event.

No shit.

I almost died, that's what got me sober. I know nothing a person says will make a difference.

What did you do, what did you see or hear that made you decide to get sober?

My friend is a black out alcoholic. Every day. She drinks and drives places and goes to sleep in her vehicle. A few times she's gotten arrested. So we put one of the devices on the vehicle so we can find her...man. She doesn't see that she's wrong and says she's not hurting anyone. We almost talked her into rehab but she won't go. She even went to jail for a few days and saw that as a positive life event. No shit. I almost died, that's what got me sober. I know nothing a person says will make a difference. What did you do, what did you see or hear that made you decide to get sober?

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts

Lost a cousin to hypothermia two weeks ago. He was found in his truck. He wasn't sober. As for myself, I was in my fifth go-round of treatment and the first faith-based program. I remember, literally, saying to God in prayer, if you are real I need you to show me the way out of this. 35 years of trying to figure out the right way to do wrong stopped then as best as I can tell. 5 years of sobriety last November.

[–] 1 pt

Congratulations on the sobriety brother. o/

My drunken friend's mom yelled at me for "enabling and rescuing" my drunk friend; no way am I leaving someone outside.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts (edited )

I'm not sober, but I feel both sides of this story. I've driven an hour roundtrip that I don't remember at 70 mph without incident so that my drunk friend wouldn't have to.

As for your query, someone else will have to suffice because I don't have the answer. I am, however, on track to cut my consumption in half between January and July. Not that you faggots care or should.

[–] 2 pts

Quit. Cur down and keep cutting down. Good luck

Not going to quit but I'm on track to cut a lot out.

[–] 0 pt

What's holding you back? What's keeping you from being sober? What would it take to make you decide to stop drinking or drugging?

[–] 3 pts

Dude, if she is really doing this every day or even a few times a week it is only a matter of time before she kills someone. So next time you go "find" her, don't pick her up. Just locate her, call the cops and have them pick her up. Do it every damn time, EVERY TIME.

[–] 3 pts

Sounds like she's trying to kill herself, without 'pulling the trigger.' She's just stuck on the 'tying the knot' part. You can keep chasing after her and cleaning up after her or you can sit on the sidelines. Damn, tough call. Hope you can get through to her.

[–] 1 pt

She said she didn't care if she died but, that's not it. She's drowning her sorrows and lost marriage, etc.

Thanks, hope she survives this as well.

[–] 1 pt

Not me but a family member, woke up in the lock up and recognized the graffiti on the walls, and instantly knew which lockup he was in, in a city with hundreds of lock ups.

That’s when he knew he was too far gone and needed to sober up, drugs and alcohol.

[–] 1 pt

Find a sympathetic judge and a good cop. Take the cop out to where she is so he cam arrest her and get her in front of the judge who will order her into rehab or else it is prison.

[–] 0 pt

It's basically come to that. Thanks, I'll recommend this even though it'll be a social blow to the family.

[–] 1 pt

A social blow is temporary, and will be a good thing if she gets the help she needs. If she kills herself or someone else, that is permanent.

[–] 1 pt

I'm sorry.

My friend got drunk and went nuts and ran into the darkness when it was like 12 degrees a few years ago.

I drove to the neighborhood she was last seen in and spent hours looking in every drainage ditch and creek for her.

Luckily one the locals found her collapsed in the snow and brought her inside.

The cops dropped her off at her sister's the next day.

She became hyper religious and mostly quit drinking after that.

I hope your friend pulls through this. It's fucking scary. It was so damn cold while I was searching that after a while it dawned on me that if I did find my friend she'd already be dead.

[–] 1 pt

Few things as unpleasant and tragic as an alcoholic woman.