Do we know the helicopter had a crew on board? The reports suggest there were, but maybe the helicopter was used as a weapon. Just sayin'.
Do we know the helicopter had a crew on board? The reports suggest there were, but maybe the helicopter was used as a weapon. Just sayin'.
This. Who was onboard, who did they really work for (not their skating championships cover bullshit) and how much of a threat were they to the CIA? When those questions are answered (not likely, to be public, ever,) then we'll know the truth.
This. Who was onboard, who did they really work for (not their skating championships cover bullshit) and how much of a threat were they to the CIA? When those questions are answered (not likely, to be public, ever,) then we'll know the truth.
A couple of days ago Trump said there were some important Russians on board.
A couple of days ago Trump said there were some important Russians on board.