WelcomeUser Guide

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Each one being an FYI/FAQ dedicated to laying out everything people need to know on a specific subject, just facts only, these will be opinion-free, they will be apolitical and secular, and will focus on science and history, and will be written in simple english with as inoffensive language as possible, and every claim will be heavily sourced with sources that the normies can't just dismiss as being fringe or invalid, you should also include in each of them a rebuttal to the common strawman misrepresentations of what we are and are not saying in these (often taking our position to some irrational absolute that cannot be defended, and thus is easily attacked or dismissed).

One on jews and arabs.

One on all the other races.

One on Males and females.

One on lesbians and gays.

One on ftm trannies and mtf trannies.

One on abortion and euthanasia.

One on coronavirus and the covid-vaccines.

One on government and it's involvement with anti-government activity, especially recently, from undermining occupy wall street to defrauding the 2020 election.

One on the influence of marxists and leftists on various sectors of power, with special mention being given to the involvement of people who belong to institutions intended to advance jewish power, to show how utterly dominated every authoritative or influential institution is, from academia to the media, from the political system to the justice system, from corporate power to the banks and financial institutions, how they got the way they did, who is involved, and what their plan is.

One on the "big plan" for White enslavement/extinction, all the people and agencies involved, how they had been promoting this stuff for a long time, why they are doing the things they are doing now as opposed to at an earlier time, where you can hear the whole agenda being laid out, etc. why it's all just the descendants of old feudal lords and upstart tyrants trying to make serfs of everyone else once again (and how a lot of them are jewish supremacists that hate non-jews, especially white gentiles).

One which is a history special to kill White guilt and to provide ammunition for pulling the UNO "reverse card" and finding reasons for non-whites to feel guilty for the sins of THEIR ancestors, filing people in on the full, uncensored and unabridged historical context around the events people all know about, correcting the fabrications, filling in the half-truths, telling people what happened before the infamous events that led to them occurring, and letting people know what other races were up to when Whites were doing the things they get so much shit for, just to make it clear that other races weren't ever any better than us, in most cases, they were even worse and we were being.

One on psychology, how and why people believe what they do, the science and history behind the techniques out society uses to manufacture conformity with a cultural/political narrative, and the psychological quirks of the human brain that allow people to delude themselves into conformity, into perceiving a false reality as being real, or at least into them outwardly claiming to. End with a sympathetic and compassionate approach that helps people to understand the reasons one would want to deny reality, especially in today's day and age, the emotions, misconceptions, and circumstances that come into play when one chooses to remain in the cave rather than coming to the surface, treat the story of becoming redpilled like those videos the "new atheists" made on de-conversion from religion, how they worried about their own identity, morality, relationships, and lifestyle, all those pillars that were holding up the outward pretense of pretending to believe in something that they almost knew inside themselves to not be true.

a special subsection of the above will be dealing with cults, highlighting all the characteristics of a cult, all the misconceptions around cults, and why the modern left and right both fit into the classification as having all the defining traits of a cult, focus will be given on the techniques used by cults, and how each of these are represented in everything left of the "far-right", from lovebombing and control of access to information to shunning/ostracism.

One on logic and science, explaining the methodology of science, and how to distinguish it from the pseudoscience that our society now pretends is the real deal, explaining the maths of critical thinking, explaining logical fallacies and how they are often used by people to either argue in good faith, or shut down skepticism before it could lead to a critical examination of a specific claim (use "creeping sharia" as an example of something people shut down discussion of with an old trap of "which is obviously a false conspiracy theory intended to justify xenophobic attitudes towards muslims, which is rejected by everyone who knows anything on the subject", then talk about how this mind-killing termination of even entertaining the claim as possibly being true had lead to very real and harmful effects on the people living in europe and america, end with the quote "reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, does not go away, you can ignore the truth, but not the effects of ignoring the truth").

One "right-wing ACAB" special on police, and how whites are in fact the ones most disproportionately subjected to miscarriage of justice by officers, go into detail on how law enforcement has carried out abuses of power and straight up criminal activity towards Whites and other groups of people that our culture falsely assumes are given favorable treatment, be sure to cover Whites that were murdered by cops who got off scott-free for their murders, the actual comparison of White advocacy groups to other causes in terms of terroristic activities (and how pro-White causes get blown way out of proportion), the police misconduct at various right-wing events, such as Berkely and Charlottesville, the events of WACO and Ruby Ridge, etc.

One on economics, corporations, and banking, focusing on business and finance, it should also cover immigration, government services, political corruption (such as the people making economic policy also being beneficiaries of the decisions they make) and it's effects on democracy and population genetics (also an overview on how all political policies produce eugenic and dysgenic effects on the populations they are applied to).

One on the military and trade, foreign wars/relations, operations of intelligence agencies, and regime changes, especially in how it relates to state banking. Also covering the reasons we went to war with countries like afghanistan and iraq, how the reasons we were given were falsified, and what the true purpose of the attacks were.

One on the jewish involvement with the world trade centers, and government involvement with that event as well, how the theory of controlled demolitions can act as a distraction from how the CIA had intentionally refused to prevent the attacks from happening, which is all they needed, really. Another sections should be devoted to how the theory of second shooters on the grassy knoll was a distraction from the true reasons Harvey Lee Oswald may have assassinated JFK, and the connections of the assassination to the US government. How the idea that the moon landing was staged could be a distraction from how the moon landing was achieved and all the illegal fuckery that was going on behind the scenes. this should also explain the philosophy of conspiracy theories in general, how they assume that any position of power is going to be acquired by the exact worst people, who would abuse their station in the exact worst ways, and work towards the exact worst agenda, a conspiracy theorist therefore looks at any institution and tries to find out how they could possibly be being abused, which is a vital role as where there is the opportunity for tyranny, one must be vigilant of tyranny being present.

and other topics that come to mind.

Not only are these to act as information to redpill normies, but also to be used as a handy reference for any of /ourguys/ who find themselves in a conversation on one of these topics, taken together, they are a handy-dandy guide to everything you could possibly learn from /pol/.

The key is approaching anyone who could possibly pick up the material and read it as if you know them (even if they are from one of those groups which your material is criticizing), and understand them, in order to start from where they are, and move them towards where we are, show them that you know what it's like to be them, as this will help in building a bridge, and it will counter the fear and hatred being directed towards our positions.

Each one being an FYI/FAQ dedicated to laying out everything people need to know on a specific subject, just facts only, these will be opinion-free, they will be apolitical and secular, and will focus on science and history, and will be written in simple english with as inoffensive language as possible, and every claim will be heavily sourced with sources that the normies can't just dismiss as being fringe or invalid, you should also include in each of them a rebuttal to the common strawman misrepresentations of what we are and are not saying in these (often taking our position to some irrational absolute that cannot be defended, and thus is easily attacked or dismissed). One on jews and arabs. One on all the other races. One on Males and females. One on lesbians and gays. One on ftm trannies and mtf trannies. One on abortion and euthanasia. One on coronavirus and the covid-vaccines. One on government and it's involvement with anti-government activity, especially recently, from undermining occupy wall street to defrauding the 2020 election. One on the influence of marxists and leftists on various sectors of power, with special mention being given to the involvement of people who belong to institutions intended to advance jewish power, to show how utterly dominated every authoritative or influential institution is, from academia to the media, from the political system to the justice system, from corporate power to the banks and financial institutions, how they got the way they did, who is involved, and what their plan is. One on the "big plan" for White enslavement/extinction, all the people and agencies involved, how they had been promoting this stuff for a long time, why they are doing the things they are doing now as opposed to at an earlier time, where you can hear the whole agenda being laid out, etc. why it's all just the descendants of old feudal lords and upstart tyrants trying to make serfs of everyone else once again (and how a lot of them are jewish supremacists that hate non-jews, especially white gentiles). One which is a history special to kill White guilt and to provide ammunition for pulling the UNO "reverse card" and finding reasons for non-whites to feel guilty for the sins of THEIR ancestors, filing people in on the full, uncensored and unabridged historical context around the events people all know about, correcting the fabrications, filling in the half-truths, telling people what happened before the infamous events that led to them occurring, and letting people know what other races were up to when Whites were doing the things they get so much shit for, just to make it clear that other races weren't ever any better than us, in most cases, they were even worse and we were being. One on psychology, how and why people believe what they do, the science and history behind the techniques out society uses to manufacture conformity with a cultural/political narrative, and the psychological quirks of the human brain that allow people to delude themselves into conformity, into perceiving a false reality as being real, or at least into them outwardly claiming to. End with a sympathetic and compassionate approach that helps people to understand the reasons one would want to deny reality, especially in today's day and age, the emotions, misconceptions, and circumstances that come into play when one chooses to remain in the cave rather than coming to the surface, treat the story of becoming redpilled like those videos the "new atheists" made on de-conversion from religion, how they worried about their own identity, morality, relationships, and lifestyle, all those pillars that were holding up the outward pretense of pretending to believe in something that they almost knew inside themselves to not be true. a special subsection of the above will be dealing with cults, highlighting all the characteristics of a cult, all the misconceptions around cults, and why the modern left and right both fit into the classification as having all the defining traits of a cult, focus will be given on the techniques used by cults, and how each of these are represented in everything left of the "far-right", from lovebombing and control of access to information to shunning/ostracism. One on logic and science, explaining the methodology of science, and how to distinguish it from the pseudoscience that our society now pretends is the real deal, explaining the maths of critical thinking, explaining logical fallacies and how they are often used by people to either argue in good faith, or shut down skepticism before it could lead to a critical examination of a specific claim (use "creeping sharia" as an example of something people shut down discussion of with an old trap of "which is obviously a false conspiracy theory intended to justify xenophobic attitudes towards muslims, which is rejected by everyone who knows anything on the subject", then talk about how this mind-killing termination of even entertaining the claim as possibly being true had lead to very real and harmful effects on the people living in europe and america, end with the quote "reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, does not go away, you can ignore the truth, but not the effects of ignoring the truth"). One "right-wing ACAB" special on police, and how whites are in fact the ones most disproportionately subjected to miscarriage of justice by officers, go into detail on how law enforcement has carried out abuses of power and straight up criminal activity towards Whites and other groups of people that our culture falsely assumes are given favorable treatment, be sure to cover Whites that were murdered by cops who got off scott-free for their murders, the actual comparison of White advocacy groups to other causes in terms of terroristic activities (and how pro-White causes get blown way out of proportion), the police misconduct at various right-wing events, such as Berkely and Charlottesville, the events of WACO and Ruby Ridge, etc. One on economics, corporations, and banking, focusing on business and finance, it should also cover immigration, government services, political corruption (such as the people making economic policy also being beneficiaries of the decisions they make) and it's effects on democracy and population genetics (also an overview on how all political policies produce eugenic and dysgenic effects on the populations they are applied to). One on the military and trade, foreign wars/relations, operations of intelligence agencies, and regime changes, especially in how it relates to state banking. Also covering the reasons we went to war with countries like afghanistan and iraq, how the reasons we were given were falsified, and what the true purpose of the attacks were. One on the jewish involvement with the world trade centers, and government involvement with that event as well, how the theory of controlled demolitions can act as a distraction from how the CIA had intentionally refused to prevent the attacks from happening, which is all they needed, really. Another sections should be devoted to how the theory of second shooters on the grassy knoll was a distraction from the true reasons Harvey Lee Oswald may have assassinated JFK, and the connections of the assassination to the US government. How the idea that the moon landing was staged could be a distraction from how the moon landing was achieved and all the illegal fuckery that was going on behind the scenes. this should also explain the philosophy of conspiracy theories in general, how they assume that any position of power is going to be acquired by the exact worst people, who would abuse their station in the exact worst ways, and work towards the exact worst agenda, a conspiracy theorist therefore looks at any institution and tries to find out how they could possibly be being abused, which is a vital role as where there is the opportunity for tyranny, one must be vigilant of tyranny being present. and other topics that come to mind. Not only are these to act as information to redpill normies, but also to be used as a handy reference for any of /ourguys/ who find themselves in a conversation on one of these topics, taken together, they are a handy-dandy guide to everything you could possibly learn from /pol/. The key is approaching anyone who could possibly pick up the material and read it as if you know them (even if they are from one of those groups which your material is criticizing), and understand them, in order to start from where they are, and move them towards where we are, show them that you know what it's like to be them, as this will help in building a bridge, and it will counter the fear and hatred being directed towards our positions.

(post is archived)