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Imagine if pro-Whites had a coordinated campaign to withdraw as much of their input to the economy as legally possible? This is the concept of a White Strike, a general strike of White people, where we intentionally collapse the economies of our countries by removing as much of our input as the law permits us to.

It would be co-organized with a network being set up to support fellow participants, who would be wounding themselves to kill the parasites, this should be a major priority and new ways to support the strikers should be constantly brainstormed and put into practice, then reviewed for effectiveness.

Think of how you can withdraw your contributions from the government, even if it is just a little bit, it's going to go a long way when combined with the contributions of so many others, think of how you can without survive outside the system, and how you could help others to do so as well.

Imagine if pro-Whites had a coordinated campaign to withdraw as much of their input to the economy as legally possible? This is the concept of a White Strike, a general strike of White people, where we intentionally collapse the economies of our countries by removing as much of our input as the law permits us to. It would be co-organized with a network being set up to support fellow participants, who would be wounding themselves to kill the parasites, this should be a major priority and new ways to support the strikers should be constantly brainstormed and put into practice, then reviewed for effectiveness. Think of how you can withdraw your contributions from the government, even if it is just a little bit, it's going to go a long way when combined with the contributions of so many others, think of how you can without survive outside the system, and how you could help others to do so as well.

(post is archived)

Blacks are lemmings too, dem need day services. Services come from white taxes.

Cut the taxes off, the government needs to find ways to pay for those things.

Sure, printer goes "brrr" but the excess money in the economy takes away its value, leading to economic collapse, prices rise, corporations are hit very hard by this, a lot of them will have to make major changes that leave them vulnerableamd ineffective.

Services will get cut, and democrats will be the ones seen to be cutting them, taxes on those still paying (libshits and cuckservatives) will get raised, and some of them will be vulnerable to the calls for them to also opt out of carrying the burdens of everyone else.

Things get bad all around, and most importantly, loyalties to the government begin to wane, the establishment loses the legitimacy that keeps it alive in a significant part of the population.

If it keeps going on, absolute collapse follows, the shitskins aren't getting any benefit from sticking with a government that can't pay them what they feel is entitled to them, so they go rogue, feral, and lots of institutions that keep them in line ideologically will collapse since they rely on tax dollars and donations, both of which will be hard up.

The idea is to bring hard times upon us all, amd in hard times, hard men win out, blacks are pussies.

Whites will live well In those times compared to blacks, sure jews do as well, but there's few of them, and now they are a lot more unguarded, and able to be evicted from the country, or from existence, depending on how angry the people are.

One possibility is the government enslaving people, forcing them to work to support a welfare state. We can use that to our advantage ans well.