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With grok you can lay out your argument, every single bit by every other bit and logically cement them together. Grok will eventually relent from it's jewish parameters.

(((deepspeak))) won't and is worse at just about every other type of chat. As I've stated elsewhere, the blowup of (((deepspeak))) is a jewish lie, it's fearporn and is done to sink nVidia and while I don't care about that, not personally anyway, it's quite obvious how fabricated everything with regard to this is.

e; Just saw something interesting. Trump's all "This is good, it'll get the US AI sector going finally!!" and we all know who he has lined up for $500 billion, right? sister-rapist, jew sam altman and CIA asset, jew larry elison (sp?).

With grok you can lay out your argument, every single bit by every other bit and logically cement them together. Grok will eventually relent from it's jewish parameters. (((deepspeak))) won't and is worse at just about every other type of chat. As I've stated elsewhere, the blowup of (((deepspeak))) is a jewish lie, it's fearporn and is done to sink nVidia and while I don't care about that, not personally anyway, it's quite obvious how fabricated everything with regard to this is. e; Just saw something interesting. Trump's all "This is good, it'll get the US AI sector going finally!!" and we all know who he has lined up for $500 billion, right? sister-rapist, jew sam altman and CIA asset, jew larry elison (sp?).
[–] 1 pt 21d (edited 21d)

He's arguing that it can't be jailbroken with simple prompt injection. And that somehow makes it worse than gpt.

Do you have examples?

I always ask new AIs to write code in AutoHotkey. Version 2 specifically. They all fail miserably. Most of the time they just make shit up and when they do write somewhat real code it's always v1. Here is what I asked deepseek.

Write a function capable of fuzzy match string comparison in Autohotkey v2.

It returned a function that utilized Levenshtein distance. The code was right, but it was written in v1 as expected.

I noticed you are using v1 of Autohotkey. I specifically asked for v2

And then it correctly rewrote the code using v2 syntax. That about all I've tried so far. I'm not really interested in having a conversation with it.

; Function to calculate Levenshtein distance between two strings
FuzzyMatch(str1, str2) {
    len1 := StrLen(str1)
    len2 := StrLen(str2)

    ; Create a matrix to store distances
    matrix := Array()
    Loop len1 + 1 {
        matrix[A_Index] := Array()
        matrix[A_Index][1] := A_Index - 1
    Loop len2 + 1 {
        matrix[1][A_Index] := A_Index - 1

    ; Fill the matrix
    Loop len1 {
        i := A_Index
        Loop len2 {
            j := A_Index
            cost := (SubStr(str1, i, 1) = SubStr(str2, j, 1)) ? 0 : 1
            matrix[i + 1][j + 1] := Min(
                matrix[i][j + 1] + 1,    ; Deletion
                matrix[i + 1][j] + 1,    ; Insertion
                matrix[i][j] + cost      ; Substitution

    ; Return the Levenshtein distance
    return matrix[len1 + 1][len2 + 1]

; Function to perform fuzzy match comparison
; Returns a similarity score between 0 (no match) and 1 (perfect match)
FuzzyCompare(str1, str2) {
    maxLen := Max(StrLen(str1), StrLen(str2))
    if (maxLen = 0) {
        return 1 ; Both strings are empty
    distance := FuzzyMatch(str1, str2)
    return (maxLen - distance) / maxLen

; Example usage
str1 := "kitten"
str2 := "sitting"
similarity := FuzzyCompare(str1, str2)
MsgBox("Similarity between '" str1 "' and '" str2 "': " Round(similarity, 2))
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