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Needed a Windows 10 install to use my Creality Ferret 3D-scanner. I had only used it on the Windows machine at work before. Also the Einstar Vega, which I want to get, doesn't seem to have any Linux support.

In fact I couldn't find any popular models with any Linux software.

Instead of soiling my internal SSD I wanted to boot from an external one over USB 3. After a lot of searching and some failed attempts I landed on WinToUSB and it just worked with a 22H2 ISO under the Win 7 VM that I already had. Key seems to be baked into my machine which had Windows on it when it was new.

Supposedly Rufus can also create a WinToGo installation, but the latest version wanted Win10 or newer, which I didn't have access to at the time.

There's something to be said for a tool that just works and doesn't give you any grief. Don't regret the few bucks I paid for the Pro version.

Needed a Windows 10 install to use my Creality Ferret 3D-scanner. I had only used it on the Windows machine at work before. Also the Einstar Vega, which I want to get, doesn't seem to have any Linux support. In fact I couldn't find any popular models with any Linux software. Instead of soiling my internal SSD I wanted to boot from an external one over USB 3. After a lot of searching and some failed attempts I landed on WinToUSB and it just worked with a 22H2 ISO under the Win 7 VM that I already had. Key seems to be baked into my machine which had Windows on it when it was new. Supposedly Rufus can also create a WinToGo installation, but the latest version wanted Win10 or newer, which I didn't have access to at the time. There's something to be said for a tool that just works and doesn't give you any grief. Don't regret the few bucks I paid for the Pro version.

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts

Without 3rd Party Tools:


  1. USB
  2. Windows ISO
  3. Powershell (Admin)


  1. Format USB to NTFS (can be done in explorer or using diskpart)

    • diskpart
    • list disk
    • select disk <USB disk #>
    • clean
    • create partition primary
    • select partition 1
    • active
    • format fs=ntfs label="WIN_BOOT" quick override
    • assign letter=f
    • exit
  2. Mount ISO

    • Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath "D:\path\to\windows.iso" | Out-Null
  3. Get drive letter ISO is mounted to

    • Get-CimInstance Win32_LogicalDisk | Format-Table DeviceId, VolumeName, @{n="Size";e={[math]::Round($_.Size/1GB,2)}}
  4. Copy contents to USB drive

    • Copy-Item <ISO Drive Letter>:\* -Destination F:\ -Recurse -Force -PassThru
  5. Unmount ISO

    • DisMount-DiskImage -ImagePath "D:\path\to\windows.iso"
  6. USB is ready to go.