voron is about half built with the 3d printed parts. Started building it on an ASA kit then found the aluminum kit here. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804592779401.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.21ef1802QH6EuO&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa&_randl_shipto=US
Ive done all the software work of setting up the pi with the right drivers for the canbus 2 hat and loaded the klipper firmware on the octopus pro and toolboards and verified communication just wired up on my test bench. Hopefully the aluminum parts show up from china in the next couple weeks.
Here is the partially built voron https://files.catbox.moe/8vd37q.jpg
Hiwin rails all around and i reloaded the slides with ceramic ball bearings.
Didn't even know they had those kits now. Nice. If you don't mind, keep posting updates as you progress. Always fun to follow along.
Yeah i should probably start a build thread when i get the rest of the stuff in. I just ordered a cnc conversion kit for my pm-932m vertical mill as well maybe ill make one for that also in the machining subverse.
That sounds great. My brother has been wanting to do a CNC conversion on his mill. I don't remember what he has. But ya, a thread on your stuff would be enjoyable for at least several of us here.
Thanks for sharing.
(post is archived)