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The vast majority of the people in today's pro-White movement are not supremacists. They really couldn't care less if Whites are superior or not. They do not want to rule over, or even oppress, non Whites. They just see the anti-White agenda for what it is. A coordinated effort by the world's most powerful forces to rob us of our homelands even unto the point of the extinction of our peoples.

No we are not supremacists. We are survivalists. #14Words

The vast majority of the people in today's pro-White movement are not supremacists. They really couldn't care less if Whites are superior or not. They do not want to rule over, or even oppress, non Whites. They just see the anti-White agenda for what it is. A coordinated effort by the world's most powerful forces to rob us of our homelands even unto the point of the extinction of our peoples. No we are not supremacists. We are survivalists. #14Words

(post is archived)

[–] 20 pts

And therein lies the root of the problem. When white people realize and embrace the fact that they are supreme then we can get to work fixing the problems.

[–] 17 pts (edited )

When white people realize and embrace the fact that they are supreme

We're so supreme we got our country robbed from us by a bunch of so called subhumans in about what? 3 or 5 decades? So supreme we thought immigration and religion were negligible parameters, mere sideshows.

The day we'll stop pretending we're invincible, the day we'll stop underestimating the adversary and the threat, the day we'll start to acknowledge that we're actually losing, BADLY, maybe there will be room for improvement

Meanwhile keep playing pretend to feel secure

[–] 5 pts

Don't really got anything productive to add other than saying you are fucking spot on.

[–] 2 pts

A supreme being over thousands of years of rot will not resemble his Natural State. The current state does not change the natural space. You'll have to do a lot more than acknowledgment and most won't survive the transformation.

[–] 4 pts

Let's get shit straight here

"We" are as supreme as mike tyson is the 2020 heavy weight world champion right now

[–] 1 pt

You get it the guy above is the skinny or fat skin head or white trash moron who looks down on others because they were born white and thinking thats enough. While a real white man just takes care of business and makes his life and his communities better through hard work

More than hard work. Zoroaster nailed it regarding the good life: "Good Thoughts. Good Words. Good Deeds."

[–] 1 pt

Being supreme in most areas doesn't mean you are immune to your weaknesses. Also I have no idea what decades you are speaking of, (((Cuckistanity))) is older than 2 millennia.

[–] 0 pt

Without charles martel, who was christian, you wouldn't even exist

Or maybe your name would be mohamed lol

[–] 0 pt

Aren’t you missing your night prayer, moishe?

[–] 0 pt

Know your place you piece of shit, you're just anyone's bitch here, nothing more

Now shut the fuck up, bitch

[–] 6 pts

At the very least recognize the fact that brown people can't function in a modern society. We may not feel the need to rule them, but we can not pretend they are equals.

[–] 9 pts

I don't believe your average person understands the concept of an outlier. Most of us have met a based nog or two but realizing they are the exception and not the rule is a big hurdle for most. Understanding that even based nog's factory setting is nigger is an even higher hurdle to overcome.

[–] 3 pts

They understand it, they just want to think the best of people. So they'll apply the outlier to the group especially when they only deal with outliers who made it to the burbs. Have them work with nogs in their natural setting and they lose all that wishful thinking.

[–] 5 pts

But muh mexican wife is very based, bro!

[–] 2 pts

No, the problem is that they are functioning in modern society, despite adding little to no value to it.

We are tacitly complicit in enabling them to function, and allowing them to thrive, when, if they were on their own, they'd be living in fucking mud huts and incapable of building something as simple as a fucking boat.

[–] 0 pt

They may not need to be in a modern society. The jungle worked for them for 100k years or whatever, and I'm convinced they're happier in it.

[–] 1 pt

These gibs-folk know that anyone who engages in this argument with them is a cuck to be bullied.

The only thing these types understand is a heaping dose of their own medicine.

If these fully-grown children aren’t smart enough to figure out that they’re being played, I’m going to save myself the brain damage of trying to “reach” them.

When they bottom out and have no choice but to step back into reality, then maybe they’ll start being a part of the solution.

My existence is better when I DON’T engage with these pukes.

They bring nothing positive to the table, have so many issues they need their own rack, and it’s always on their time table.

The quickest path to mediocrity is to continue to flex to the weakest among us.

[–] 1 pt

triumph of the will. We have been demoralized away from being supreme, we have been made to feel guilt for all the good we have done, we have been denied the rewards of our hard labor.