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[–] [deleted] 13 pts

It took four generations of women voting to get us to where we are now. No one in the spotlight realizes the damages of women's rights on Whites.

[–] 5 pts

The arabs.. the sandnigger jews the Muslim sand nigger arbs understood perfectly.

Why do you think Islam has their women locked down. If white males really wanted to get the ball rolling we would en masses convert to Islam. Create a new sect and keep the good shit. Like women have no rights but fix the bad shit.

[–] [deleted] 9 pts

> convert to Islam

Why rely on Abrahamic methods? Traditional European religion controlled degenerate fornication and arranged monogamous marriages for women. In the White system, women knew their place supporting the lives of their men. (sourcebooks.fordham.edu)

We need to go back, and burn the (((bridge))) that let things get so bad.

[–] 0 pt

Convert to Creativity, then.

It's a religion due for revival/rebranding.

[–] 1 pt

Sandniggers were always right about women and faggots

[–] 2 pts

You spelled "4 generations of importing non-Whites" wrong. It's not women voting that caused this issue. It's the 90 million non-Whites, 40 million niggers and 12 million jews that caused it.

Women voting didn't give us the 1965 Immigration Act, kikes existing in our country did.

[–] 4 pts

The coffin has more than one nail, fren

[–] 0 pt

It's like saying someone died of a mosquito bite after they get their head blown off by a .50 BMG round. One of these things has a vastly outsized influence on the degradation of the West, and it's not women voting, it's jews and other non-Whites.

Careful, he blocked me for saying that using more words, an hour ago.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

You vastly misunderstand the tools of jewish subversion. It's not even debatable.

Look up the start date of women's suffrage in Germany. Look up the start date of Weimar. Post results. Try to make a connection.

Again, you're not seeing the *process *of subversion, or at least you're refusing to acknowledge it.

The jews always want to subvert White society. That goes without question. So then, why didn't they bring on the mass immigration of shitskins in the 1800s? Why didn't they legalize gay marriage in 1965? Why wasn't abortion legal in 1907? Why is pedo fuckery still illegal despite them wanting it? Why not push for equal numbers of men and women in the workforce in 1890? Why do they push for senators who want more diversity for America, in states like Vermont without diversity?

The frog slowly boils. Benchmarks like women's suffrage and mass shitskin immigration are pivotal in the slow boil. Learn this or perish.

[–] 0 pt

Without jews and non-Whites, even if women were still voting, 99% of the problems in the West wouldn't exist.

Again, women voting didn't create the 1965 Immigration Act which brought in 90 million shitskins that commit 99% of all crime, shit in the street and are a $2trn/year welfare drain on society, jews did.

Non-Whites are THE problem. Even if all you did was expel every jew and other non-White in the West, 99% of every problem would evaporate overnight, even with women voting.

You fell for a jewish trick by blaming every problem on women rather than the ((('people'))) responsible.